• 花生过敏患上皮肤病或是眼泪。花生过敏儿童还会患上湿疹。

    People allergic to peanuts can develop skin conditions or watery eyes. Children with a peanut allergy can develop a skin condition called eczema.


  • 比加特·泰伦斯j。山羊牛奶过敏儿童营养服务Vitacare有限公司。

    Biggart Terrence J. Goat milk for the allergic child, nutrition services, Vitacare Limited.


  • 持续性牛奶过敏儿童针对顺序表位抗体按照纽约西奈山医学院安娜Nowak -Wegrzyn博士及其同事的观点。

    Children with persistent milk allergy have antibodies against specific sequential epitopes, according to Dr. Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, and her colleagues.


  • 食物过敏希尔斯自闭症儿童唯一普遍医学问题

    Food allergies, Sears said, are the single most common medical problem Shared by children with autism.


  • 过敏医学期刊报道四个儿童参加这项试验,他们个月中服下了少剂量花生

    Four children who took part in the trial, which is published in the Allergy medical journal, were fed minute doses of peanut flour over six months.


  • 2004年,美国过敏传染性疾病研究所835名儿童出生开始,1周岁期间进行医学跟踪。对任何发烧有关的事件都予以记录

    In 2004, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease followed the medical records of 835 children from birth to age one, documenting any fever-related episodes.


  • 不满一岁婴儿摄入抗生素是否会导致他们儿童时期患上哮喘或者过敏反应?

    Could giving infants antibiotics in their first year of life trigger asthma and allergies that develop later on in childhood?


  • 那些六个至一年期间仍采用母乳喂养补充道常见儿童传染疾病的概率会较同时过敏概率也较低。 (马库斯是个例外。)

    Those fed breast milk exclusively for six months to one year, he adds, have lower rates of common childhood infections, as well as lower rates of allergies (Markus’s experience notwithstanding).


  • 今天新闻发布会上,美国过敏传染病研究所(NIAID)所长Anthony Fauci预计再过两个星期儿童数据才能出来。

    Data on children are expected in another two weeks, said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in a press conference today.


  • 研究发现,他们跟踪这些儿童,到2009年140人对花生坚果过敏

    Of the children they tracked, 140 had developed a peanut or tree nut allergy by 2009.


  • 比如说,大龄哮喘病儿童患者通常过敏问题以下的儿童常常病毒性呼吸道感染疾病

    For example, allergies are usually a problem for older children with asthma, while kids 5 and younger more frequently have trouble with viral respiratory infections.


  • 67时,835儿童过半人都有各种各样的过敏症,常见过敏尘螨豚草猫等产生过敏

    At six to seven years old more than half of the children were evaluated for their sensitivity to common allergens such as dust mites, ragweed and cats.


  • 当今食物过敏治疗需要完全避免接触食物等待儿童免疫过度反应或者是当他们发生时候治疗变态反应。

    Currently, food allergy management involves complete avoidance of the trigger foods, waiting for the child to outgrow the allergy or treating allergic reactions if and when they occur.


  • 他们可以引发荨麻疹哮喘广义过敏反应具体不良反应儿童

    They can trigger hives, asthma, generalized allergic reactions and specific adverse reactions in children.


  • 一个专家团队已经同意从事儿童过敏美国儿科医生提供新的指导

    He says a team of experts have agreed on new guidance for U. s. pediatricians who specialize in children's allergies.


  • 良好空气质量所有人带来好处过敏哮喘儿童尤其是

    Good air quality benefits everyone, especially people with allergies and children with asthma.


  • 橄榄紫锥花被广泛用来帮助人体强化免疫系统,对抗冬季疾病平衡过敏免疫反应儿童

    The herbs olive leaf and echinacea are commonly used to help the body fortify immunity, fight winter ills and obtain balance in children with allergic immune responses.


  • 国家过敏认识到作为一个合格花粉霉菌计数儿童慈善医院

    The National Allergy Bureau recognizes Children's Mercy Hospital as a certified counting station for pollen and mold.


  • 医学在线新闻来自瑞典研究结果表明生命中前9月内儿童期内过敏鼻炎症状风险降低有关

    MedWire News: Eating fish in the first 9 months of life is associated with a reduced risk for allergic rhinitis symptoms in children, results from a Swedish study suggest.


  • 大约2%美国儿童花生过敏反应而且这一数字在增长

    About 2 percent of U. s. schoolchildren will have an allergic reaction to peanuts. And that number is growing.


  • 没有过敏家族过敏儿童可以任何年龄喂食花生。

    Children who have no allergies or family history of allergies can be given peanuts at any age.


  • 具有家族哮喘、家族过敏个体过敏体质儿童呼吸症状发生率较高。

    Children with family history of asthma or individual history of hypersensitivity were more likely to develop respiratory symptoms.


  • 具有过敏素质家族史儿童进行免疫时,小心

    Care should also be exercised in the immunization of children with a family history of an allergic diathesis.


  • 这些儿童父母完成关于过敏生活方式他们孩子6个月1和4.5喂养习惯问卷调查

    The children's parents completed questionnaires on allergies, lifestyle, and their children's feeding patterns at the age of 6 months, 1, and 4.5 years.


  • 有着麸质过敏儿童严格安排接受无饮食2年内跟踪观察

    The kids with celiac disease were put on a strict gluten-free diet and followed for 2 years.


  • 目的观察自拟配合中药治疗儿童过敏咳嗽临床疗效

    Objective: To observe the effect of bee needle and Chinese medicine in treating infantile anaphylactic cough .


  • 4.5岁时,5.5%儿童已经过去1年中遭受过敏鼻炎症状(流行性过敏性鼻炎),并且1.7%的儿童诊断这种疾病

    At the age of 4.5 years, 5.5% of children had suffered from allergic rhinitis symptoms in the past year (current allergic rhinitis), and 1.7 % had been diagnosed with the condition.


  • 对于是否充分部分水解配方奶预防儿童后期成年后的过敏是否有意,尚有待进一步的研究

    More study is needed to determine whether the benefits of these extensively or partially hydrolyzed formulas for allergic disease prevention extend into later childhood and adolescence.


  • 对于是否充分部分水解配方奶预防儿童后期成年后的过敏是否有意,尚有待进一步的研究

    More study is needed to determine whether the benefits of these extensively or partially hydrolyzed formulas for allergic disease prevention extend into later childhood and adolescence.


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