• 他们发现那些使用网络过度超过基准线的补试者跟那些程度使用网络的人相比,患上抑郁症的机率会高两倍

    They found that those who were "excessively" using the Internet at baseline were twice as vulnerable to depression than more moderate Internet users.


  • 并且在饮酒所致癌症患者超过18%的男性4%的女性过度饮酒有关。

    More than 18% of alcohol-related cancers in men and about 4% in women were linked to excessive drinking.


  • 第一折痕表面温度必须超过材料向玻璃过度温度材料开始变柔软的温度点。

    First, the surface temperature of the hinge must exceed the glass transition temperature of the material, which is the point at which the material begins to soften.


  • 每个美国人身上花费超过3美金的小数目,告诉他们的最佳选择,这个开支似乎很难说过度的。

    Spending a shade over $3 per American to tell them about their presidential choices hardly seems excessive.


  • 11月1日10年期债券收益率为6.21%,这个额度(过度利率)超过德国国债的利差,达到欧元区创建以来最高水平。

    On November 1st, ten-year bonds were yielding 6.21% and the spread (or excess interest rate) over German government bonds was the highest since the euro area was created.


  • 去年超过4000儿童这个求助热线倾诉他们非常担心他们父母过度饮酒问题。

    More than 4,000 children rang the helpline last year to say they were worried about their parents' excessive drinking.


  • 那些每天上网时间超过小时视为过度上网者”,那些上网时间介于“每周“每天两小时”的人则被视为“正常上网者”。

    Those who were online more than two hours per day were considered "heavy" Internet users, while those online anywhere from several times per week to two hours per day were considered "regular" users.


  • 绝大多数使用过度造成伤痛可以避免或者至少可以 避免因为反复使用造成的伤痛超过一半跑步伤痛实际上老伤)。

    Most overuse injuries can be prevented or at least prevented from returning. (More than half of running injuries are actually reinjuries.)


  • 超过世界三分之一人口遭受缺水压力过度使用地下水重要后果出现使用大部分地下水的农业领域

    While over a third of the world's population suffers from water stress, the most important consequences of overusing groundwater will be in agriculture, where most groundwater is used.


  • 尽管联想过去的增长超过其它所有主要个人电脑公司,但公司过度依赖中国本土市场及其商用个人电脑市场的优势

    Although Lenovo has outgrown all other leading PC companies in the past two years, the company has been over-reliant on China, its home market, and its strength in the commercial PC market.


  • 批评者表示,银行高额奖金文化鼓励短期目标,将金融机构拖入过度借贷的泥潭之中,甘冒超过自身承受能力的风险

    Critics claim that Banks' high-paying bonus culture encouraged a short-term vision that pushed institutions into over-lending and taking more risks than they could afford.


  • 适合保持清醒根据英国医学期刊显示,这天由于酒精过度住院的人数日常平均值超过几乎70%。

    Best for staying sober: There are almost 70 per cent more admissions to hospital on this day due to alcohol abuse compared to the daily average, according to the British Medical Journal.


  • 虽然这些医生将与病人关系作为实践满意方面超过四分之三的人认为他们“满负荷”过度劳累”。

    While these doctors rated patient relationships as the most satisfying aspect of practice, over three-quarters felt they were at "full capacity" or "overextended and overworked.


  • 试着每周减重超过1公斤过度有害最终会引起反弹

    Try not to lose more than 1 kg per week. Excessive weight loss can be damaging, and you end up gaining more eventually.


  • 子女超过法定数目家庭给予税收惩罚抑制人口过度增长

    Tax penalties for those who have families with more than a designated number of children to discourage excess population growth.


  • 过度投机带来超过市场需求钢铁定价产生不利影响

    The speculative excess brings in more steel than the market demands, and has a detrimental effect on pricing.


  • 无论是欧元还是英镑,去个月跌幅超过5%,已经在某种程度上遭到过度抛售,所以如果它们现阶段出现短期恢复不会令人感到惊讶。

    Both the EUR and GBP have fallen by more than 5% over the past two months and have become somewhat oversold. It would not surprise us if they stage a short-term recovery.


  • 任何超过这个限度的都工作过度加班时间工人应该得到更多的工资。

    Anything over these time limits is overtime, and the worker should receive more money per hour for work done during overtime.


  • 只要超过2可能会产生灵敏过度结果

    Any number higher than 2 will probably give too sensitive results.


  • 日本平均工作时间累计超过2000个小时,是全世界过度工作最严重的国家之一

    Clocking up an average of just over 2,000 working hours a year, the Japanese are one of the world's most overworked nations.


  • 这个解决方案中,运行时间超过CPU时间的过度

    During this solution, the elapsed time exceeded the CPU time by an excessive margin.


  • 那些每天上网时间超过小时视为过度上网者那些上网时间介于每周每天两小时的人则被视为正常上网者。

    Those who were online more than two hours per day were considered heavy Internet users, while those online anywhere from several times per week to two hours per day were considered regular users.


  • 浓度超过1.5%时,二氧化碳可以造成换气过度头痛视力紊乱颤抖失去知觉死亡

    At concentrations in excess of 1.5%, carbon dioxide may produce hyperventilation, headaches, visual disturbances, tremor, loss of consciousness, and death.


  • 统计学令人吃惊而且健康危险真正的超过 60% 的美国籍的人口过度重量影响

    The statistics are startling and the health risks are real: Over 60% of the U. S. population is affected by excess weight.


  • 过度哭泣定义过去一周内哭泣时间超过小时且超过三天的。

    Excessive crying was defined as crying for more than three hours a day on more than three days in the past week.


  • 教育过度主要是指教育供给超过了教育的需求

    Over-education means the supply of education exceeds the demand of it's.


  • 不要自己加上过度压力获得超过预期的成绩;把注意力牢牢地掌握主要工作职责,和同事建立好的关系以及发现潜在导师上。

    Rather than putting undue pressure on yourself to overachieve, focus on getting a firm handle on your primary responsibilities, building rapport with colleagues, and identifying potential mentors.


  • 不要自己加上过度压力获得超过预期的成绩;把注意力牢牢地掌握主要工作职责,和同事建立好的关系以及发现潜在导师上。

    Rather than putting undue pressure on yourself to overachieve, focus on getting a firm handle on your primary responsibilities, building rapport with colleagues, and identifying potential mentors.


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