• 结果表明有关过去活动水平知识对于预测未来活动水平非常重要。

    Results show that knowledge about past activity levels is important in projecting future levels.


  • 最后归档阶段需要使用过去活动合计清单这些广告活动产生效益。

    Finally, in the archival stage, you may need to work with aggregate listings of previous campaigns or the assets that were generated by those campaigns.


  • 由于那些参与第三选择”计划(注1)他们过去活动的担忧,地球暗黑孪星也被天文名册中抹去

    The Earth's dead twin has been omitted from astronomy lists due to the unease those who were in involved in Alternative 3 have about their past actions.


  • 太阳耀斑活动我们过去看到糟糕。

    Solar flare activity is going to be much worse than what we've seen in the past.


  • 事实上过去气候变化模式表明即使没有人类活动影响地球的气候几乎肯定未来经历剧烈的变化

    In fact, the pattern of climate change in the past reveals that Earth's climate will almost certainly go through dramatic changes in the future even without the influence of human activity.


  • 过去三个夏天里卢卡水下活动加入了园艺

    For the past three summers, Luca has added gardening to his underwater activities.


  • 过去17年间差不多200万美元政治行动委员会资金业已注入的竞选活动之中

    Something like $2 million of PAC money has flowed into his campaigns for the last 17 years.


  • 然而过去实在了,脑子里除了咖啡价格宣传活动之外,其他任何事都无暇顾及。

    The last few weeks, however, he's been too busy to think about anything except coffee prices and his advertising campaign.


  • 过去年左右的时间里,美国青少年社交媒体使用偶尔的活动变成了日常活动

    Over a decade or so, American teens' social media use shifted from an occasional activity to a routine one.


  • 地区过去主要活动是钢铁造纸加工

    Well, the main activities in the region were historically steel and paper processing, I think.


  • 这个女孩过去害羞,现在小组活动逐渐活跃了起来。

    The girl used to be shy, but is gradually getting active in group work now.


  • 老年人折扣不再过去那样慈善活动而是令人敬畏经济特权,属于这个数百万需要该折扣的成员群体

    Far from a kind of charity they once were, senior citizen discounts have become a formidable economic privilege to a group with millions of members who don't need them.


  • 过去年里外滩灯光表演新年前夜庆祝活动成功举办今年的灯光表演取消了,现场的警察减少了。

    For the last three years, light shows on the Bund have been successfully held for New Year's Eve celebrations, but this year the light show was canceled and there were fewer police on hand.


  • 过去健身房,和自行车小组一起骑车,徒步旅行,上班时不坐电梯而是走楼梯来增加了自己的活动量。

    She increased her activities by going to the gym, riding with a biking group, hiking and taking the stairs instead of the lift at work.


  • 而且要能够对过去仓库处理活动任何历史加以恢复;备份文件应该包含档案中删除数据。

    And also that any past history of the warehouse processing activity can be recovered; backup files should contain the data that has been deleted from the archive table.


  • 过去边缘文化通过商业活动合法进入主流社会多数人那里挣得金钱注入自己部落

    Marginal cultures in the past have rightfully entered the mainstream through business, taking money from the majority and infusing it into their own tribes.


  • 此外过去货币紧缩举措住房交易活动放缓可能具有滞后效应

    Moreover, the effects of both past monetary tightening and the housing slowdown on activity are likely to operate with lags.


  • 分析过去得到答案更具普遍性过去活动规模化的,是我们可以考虑借鉴的,尽管我们也许喜欢那些通讯方式。

    The answers offered by an analysis of the past are more general; they relate to scale and they are actions that we can take on board, though we may not like their message.


  • 太阳活动过去发生减弱这正正符合上面实验条件,因为其减弱能大大改变影响地球的太阳辐射

    The extended collapse in solar activity these past two years may be precisely the right sort of test, in that it has significantly changed the amount of solar radiation bombarding our planet.


  • 或者任何有意思或是有意义活动直到冲动劲过去为止。

    Or do any other pleasurable or necessary activity until the urge to eat passes.


  • 奥玛惨案后,他们停止了活动过去几年里他们又开始进行更为频繁爆炸枪击年来造成士兵警员死亡

    After Omagh, they went quiet; in the past few years they have been bombing and shooting more frequently, but haven't managed to kill a soldier or police officer for over two years.


  • 一些发觉他们面对死亡(家人或朋友),不能集中精力学习睡觉或者吃东西其他人过去喜欢的业余活动失去了兴趣

    Some people find they have trouble concentrating, studying, sleeping, or eating when they're coping with a death. Others lose interest in activities they used to enjoy.


  • 干旱火灾过去人类活动可能造成干扰,:“恢复过程可能持续上百甚至上千年。”

    Droughts, fire and past human activity could be to blame, she said. "This recovery process is known as succession and takes hundreds or even thousands of years."


  • 过程帮助理解活动目的,而这些活动可能你过去做过,但只是因为你被要求做。

    It helps you understand the purposes of activities that you may have performed in the past, simply because you were told to.


  • 现在过去各种活动中能举出两个这样的例子将会面试加分不少。

    An example or two from your current or past activities would serve you well in an interview.


  • 但是候选人竞选活动里,从他们过去工作表现中,这种特质自然会流露出来。

    But this trait comes out on the campaign trail, and in the past job performances of the candidates.


  • 其他国家过去经历类似活动

    Others had suffered such campaigns in the past.


  • 应该每月回顾数据应该系统锁定任何过去 90天里活动用户 ——一个帮助保护用的帐户访问策略

    The data should be reviewed monthly, and any user who was not active in the past 90 days should be locked out of the system--a policy that helps prevent unused accounts from being accessible.


  • 电网安装数百万设备可能会导致数以千计集成活动这些集成活动过去电力公司中是完全不支持的。

    Installing millions of new devices on the grid causes thousands of new integration activities that utility companies never needed to support in the past.


  • 电网安装数百万设备可能会导致数以千计集成活动这些集成活动过去电力公司中是完全不支持的。

    Installing millions of new devices on the grid causes thousands of new integration activities that utility companies never needed to support in the past.


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