• 我们所有人避而不谈过去

    She kept her past secret from us all.


  • 这样研究甚至可能我们所有人提供清晰重温过去方法

    And such research might even suggest ways for us all to relive our past with greater clarity.


  • 首先感谢你们所有人过去几个星期一直陪伴

    Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for hanging in there with me these past couples of weeks.


  • 过去三个里,亚马逊发布了1000多本关于幸福书籍包括快乐》、《所有人打造的幸福灵药》等,对于刚刚入门来说,还有《快乐初学者》。

    In the last three months alone, over 1,000 books on happiness were released on Amazon, including Happy Money, Happy-People-Pills For All, and, for those just starting out, Happiness for Beginners.


  • 首先感谢过去几个星期一直陪伴,让我坚强地走出悲痛所有人

    Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for hanging in there with me these past couple of weeks.


  • 我们一向清楚道路将困难我们所有来说,过去这个星期无疑艰难的。

    We always knew it would be difficult, but this past week has definitely been a hard one, for all of us.


  • 他说过去几年里,可能棕榈泉镇所有都在期待着这场婚礼。

    Anybody who has lived in Palm Springs for the past few years is probably expecting it.


  • 估计过去个月内已经帮助了200并非所有人无家可归缺乏基本物质条件的。

    She estimates that she has helped 200 people in the last six months, not all of them homeless or lacking basic needs.


  • 不会感染所有人相信那些过去二十一直保持对游戏热情将会震撼

    It won't appeal to everyone, but I'm confident that the people who have kept my games alive for the past two decades will be thrilled.


  • 过去五十年里,估计地球承受能力少于十亿多于一万亿,可能所有的估计都正确

    In the last half century, people have estimated human carrying capacities for the earth that have ranged from less than one billion to more than a trillion. They can't all be right.


  • 几乎所有人认为美国国债会缩水时,单单过去一个涨了3%。

    Just when almost everyone had concluded that Treasury bonds had to lose value, they gained 3% in the past month alone.


  • 这个国家过去一代时间里取得的成就值得我们所有尊敬

    What this country has accomplished in the last generation deserves all of our respect.


  • 要不过去,当着所有的面要他亲了——就片黑黑的树林子那样

    Else I would have run to him, and bid him kiss me now, before all the people; even as he did yonder among the dark old trees.


  • 过去四周时间里我们所有人来说如此地煎熬。

    The last four weeks have been hard for us all.


  • 假设我们所有人喜爱历史是因为本身我们了解过去因为发觉是那么地充满挑战或者令沮丧万分,抑或癫狂不已,也会有心旷神怡沉闷无奇

    All of us, I assume, love history for its own sake; we want to know about the past because we find it challenging, frustrating, exciting, exhilarating, and depressing.


  • 过去现在意识到愚蠢的尤其是我想到几乎当时在乎他们看法所有远离生活的时候。

    I realize now, ten years later, that this was a foolish way to live, especially when I consider that nearly all of these people whose opinions I cared so much about are no longer a part of my life.


  • 所有爱情已成为过去永恒

    The love of all man's days both past and forever.


  • 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia university)教授美联储官员弗雷德里克•米金(Frederic Mishkin)表示:“过去,经济数据实际恶化程度,超出所有预期。”

    The actual deterioration in the data in the last few weeks has been much more severe than anyone was expecting,” said Frederic Mishkin, a professor at Columbia university and former Fed governor.


  • 我们猜已经(过去几年几乎所有他们妈妈都)设计一台苹果平板电脑的模型。

    And guess you have-over the past few years everyone and their mom has mocked up an Apple Tablet. Here are our favorites from readers and industry insiders alike.


  • WilsonVega过去哥伦比亚境内Magdalena热带山谷Barrancabermeja开阔地附近经营小型农场正在谈判土地所有购买农场

    WILSON VEGA used to run a small farm near Barrancabermeja, in the broad, tropical valley of Colombia's Magdalena river. He was negotiating to buy the farm from its owner.


  • 过去员工一直专门在家工作但是想让所有人在一起便于团结合作

    His staff had been exclusively working from home, but he wanted everyone to be together, to bond and collaborate more easily.


  • 成为他们。所有穿着写有朱发东字样的服装,有点武装的感觉,过去那些家丁似的

    Zhu: Yes. I wanted to become a bodyguard. All people wore clothes which printed Zhu Fadong. It likes personal force and it seems family servants in the past.


  • T我们黑暗面她保留所有情感,以及过去创伤痛苦

    T is the dark side and holds on to all of our emotions and the difficulty of past trauma.


  • 过去执掌美国最大户外休闲活动公司之一现在负责我们所有人保护我们户外

    She used to run one of America's biggest outdoor recreation companies, and now she's charged with protecting the great outdoors for all of us.


  • 洛杉矶家庭的成员之间互相存在很深的隔阂,而戏剧化的坦白泄露所有人秘密他们的过去未来一点点地被揭开

    An L. A. family with serious boundary issues have their past and future unravel when a dramatic admission causes everyone's secrets to spill out.


  • 所有一个,都应该进行认真进行深刻的反思问问到底多少我们自己过去认为真的东西实际上是假

    Everyone, and I mean everyone, should be engaged in serious soul-searching, asking how much of what he or she thought was true actually isn't.


  • 所有一个,都应该进行认真进行深刻的反思问问到底多少我们自己过去认为真的东西实际上是假

    Everyone, and I mean everyone, should be engaged in serious soul-searching, asking how much of what he or she thought was true actually isn't.


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