• 普纳Pune印度第八城市YOO环球设计品牌莫斯科迈阿密波士顿首尔悉尼普吉岛之后的又一住宅项目所在地,邀请了菲利普斯达克设计他们这个位于印度西部项目,受菲利普斯塔克的启发,YOO希望住宅项目中体现奢华的品味。

    Located in the West, Pune is the eighth largest metropolis in India. There are yoo residences around the world, including Moscow, Miami, Boston, New York, Seoul, Sydney and Phuket.


  • 史默伍德博士说:“人们认为心不在焉是件坏事,但是如果我们在做无聊工作的时候不能出神一下 那生活将会太可怕了。” 明尼苏达大学心理学家、领域先驱者之一埃里克 科林格认为:“想象一下 如果精神不能交通阻塞中解脱出来,你会这受困汽车大军中苦思冥想,智力锻炼没有幻想海滩来得那么愉快,也没有思考驶离公路后干什么来得有用

    You’d be stuck contemplating the mass of idling cars, a mental exercise that is much less pleasant than dreaming about a beach and much less useful than mulling what to do once you get off the road.


  • 风暴死亡大多数可能都死在地点佛罗里达海外铁路大陆救助受困居民工人列撤离火车上

    Most of the deaths from the storm can be attributed to one location: the Florida Overseas Railroad, an evacuation train that was sent down from the mainland to rescue stranded residents and workers.


  • 一位来自佛罗里达女士来信说,这本书之前一直穷人颇有微词,因为她看来,他们肥胖症就是自作自受。

    A Florida woman wrote to tell me that, before reading it, she'd always been annoyed at the poor for what she saw as their self-inflicted obesity.


  • 佛罗里达大学科学家研究了基因感染诱发阿尔茨海默病伴有记忆问题的实验鼠。

    Scientists at the University of South Florida studied mice that are genetically predisposed to develop Alzheimer's and its accompanying memory problems.


  • 2006年,世组织启动了一项规划以便富尔加强服务冲突影响民众提供确保免费初级二级卫生保健

    In 2006, WHO initiated a programme to strengthen service delivery and ensure free primary and secondary health care for people affected by the conflict in Darfur.


  • 讲义上有这些经典作者的经典诗作,弥尔顿的《利西达斯》受这些诗作的启发写成的。

    You can see on the handout those poems by those classical authors that Milton's Lycidas is most indebted to.


  • 3%的受访乞丐收入达100至500卢比

    About 3% said they earned 100 to 500 rupees a day.


  • 来自明尼苏达的商人,美国排球队教练的岳父托德。巴却曼刺杀62岁的妻子尚未公布姓名导游受重伤

    Todd Bachman, a Minnesota businessman whose son-in-law coaches the men's volleyball team, was killed. His wife, Barbara, 62, was critically wounded, as was the guide, whose name has not been released.


  • 弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫,《阿》、《佩宁》、《微暗的引人犯罪的超级畅销书《莉塔》的广受赞誉作者他的富于想像力的写作技巧持续折磨着又一代的读者。

    Vladimir Nabokov, the acclaimed author of Ada, Pnin, Pale Fire and that transgressive bestseller Lolita, is a writer whose imaginative mastery continues to torment successive generations.


  • 澳大利亚北部凯恩斯附近兰达蝙蝠救援康复中心只受袭击,正在康复中的白化蝙蝠紧贴着看护者拇指

    An albino bat nestles on the thumb of its carer while recovering from a cat attack at the Batreach bat Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre at Kuranda, near Cairns in northern Australia.


  • 调查发现77%受访女性想要等离子电视,而不是钻石项链;56%的女性青睐一台新等离子电视,而不愿周末去佛罗里达度假

    The study found 77 percent of women surveyed would prefer a new plasma television to a diamond solitaire(9) necklace and 56 percent would opt for a new plasma TV over a weekend vacation in Florida.


  • 探索可能是受丹•布朗畅销书《达•芬奇密码》启示,书蒙娜丽莎》画作中隐藏关于圣杯线索

    The revelation could have come straight from the pages of Dan Brown's best-seller the Da Vinci Code, in which the Mona Lisa is said to contain hidden clues about the Holy Grail.


  • 中国四川盆地酸雨危害森林面积占林地总面积的三分之一

    China's sichuan basin by acid rain forest area of the harm of forestland one-third of the total.


  • 今天,格拉纳大学研究成果转化办公室,正在推广仪器仪器已受专利保护

    Today, the Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI), from the University of Granada, promotes this device which is protected by patent.


  • 泡沫流动阻力泡沫剂浓度温度饱和度渗透率以及相和气相达西流速的影响。

    The flow resistance of foam is affected by those parameters such as surfactant concentration, oil saturation, temperature, permeability, water and gas phase velocity, etc.


  • 纳达依继续说道,“我们不是自愿成为难民的,我们只是受现实迫。”

    "What I can say is that we didn't want to become refugees, but that's what happened," Nadai continued.


  • 美国在线报道,2004年开始,受女性内衣启发雕刻家劳拉雅各布斯就开始旧金山佛罗里达棕榈工作室创作伤风败俗”的艺术作品

    Since 2004, sculptor Laura Ann Jacobs has been creating risque fine art inspired by women's lingerie from her studios in San Francisco and Palm Beach, Fla, AOL News reported.


  • 目的探讨用达利珠单抗诱导治疗预防受者移植急性排斥反应有效性安全性

    Objective To explore the validity and security of Simulect (basiliximab) induction immunosuppressive therapy in terms of prevention of acute allograft rejection in sensitive recipients.


  • 之前受困洗衣机佛罗里达男孩正在康复中。

    A seven-year-old Florida boy is recovering after getting trapped inside a washing machine.


  • 索达,尽管最近中国进口海味、轮胎以及其他商品频受质疑毫不担心能令美国消费者确信中国制造汽车安全性

    LaSorda said he had "no concerns at all" about convincing U. S. consumers that Chinese-made cars are safe at a time of warnings about seafood, tires and other goods imported from China.


  • 森林为生境稀有濒危植物占66.93% ; 因生境丧失而受威胁的植物达71 .65 % 。

    Of all the plants, 66.93% existed in forests and 71.65% were threatened with damage of habitats.


  • 掷飞长久以来都是广新斯科舍省伐木工人欢迎的消遣娱乐活动。 达伦•哈德森谢尔一家锯木厂的第五代经营者,他决定飞斧运动推广大众

    Axe-throwing has long been a popular pastime among lumberjacks in Nova Scotia, and Darren Hudson, a fifth-generation sawmill operator from Shelburne County, decided to bring it to the masses.


  • 此外艾滋孤老供养政策落实率达到100%,受艾滋病影响儿童免费入学率达99.9%。

    In addition, the HIV Gulao to support the implementation of the policy rate to 100% of AIDS-affected children for free admission rate of 99.9 percent.


  • 目前,喜达屋已经开始广中国人欢迎,酒店提供拖鞋房间内茶壶以及普通话服务。

    Already, Starwood offers slippers and in-room tea makers, as well as Mandarin speakers in hotels popular with the Chinese.


  • 艾达姆设计的服装曾服务过莎拉·布朗、萨曼莎·卡梅隆以及广受大众好评的贾尔斯·肯。其本人就是那些颇具商业意识设计师新潮一族中的员。

    Erdem, whose clothes have been worn by Sarah Brown and Samantha Cameron, and the critically acclaimed Giles Deacon are among a new wave of business-savvy designers.


  • 戈文达拉扬同事发现CNT1很可能微小的RNA分子称为微rna的。

    Govindarajan and his colleagues also found that CNT1 was likely regulated by tiny RNA molecules called micro-RNAs.


  • 戈文达拉扬同事发现CNT1很可能微小的RNA分子称为微rna的。

    Govindarajan and his colleagues also found that CNT1 was likely regulated by tiny RNA molecules called micro-RNAs.


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