• 约翰·丘萨克饰演的杰克逊·柯蒂斯豪华轿车司机他已经离异,定期去前妻那儿探视自己两个孩子(分别由廉姆·詹姆斯摩根·莉莉饰演),而的前妻(阿曼达·饰)则已经一个叫戈登汤姆·麦卡锡饰)的生活在一起。

    John Cusack plays Jackson Curtis, a limo driver and divorced father who sees his two kids (Liam James and Morgan Lily) regularly. His ex-wife (Amanda Peet) has settled down with Gordon (Tom McCarthy).


  • 茅斯塔克商学院教授科林布莱登规则可能会改变力量变化。

    Regulations could change these dynamics, says Colin Blaydon, a professor at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.


  • 《经济学人第九年度全日制MBA课程排名茅斯学院塔克商学院去年第二名跃升至第一

    DARTMOUTH COLLEGE's Tuck School of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes, up from second position last year.


  • 在唐纳德·斯罗克所著罗尔德·达尔传记里,描绘令人同情的达尔的画面,同时注意许多缺点

    A new biography by Donald Sturrock paints a sympathetic picture of the author that is also attentive to his many flaws.


  • 位于德国达姆施控制中心爆发热烈掌声探测器地面指挥所负责人奥克塔奥卡米诺说:“成功了!我们撞上了卓越湖区

    "That's it -- we are in the Lake of Excellence," said spacecraft operations chief Octavio Camino as applause broke out in mission control in Darmstadt, Germany.


  • 萨拉达·米阿克谢·卡所编的诗刊激起极大兴趣

    The compilations from the old poets by Sarada Mitter and Akshay Sarkar were also of great interest to me.


  • 茅斯学院塔克商业学校经济学人杂志的第九次年度全日制MBA课程中排名中名列第一新罕布什尔学校已去年第二位置上有所提升。

    DARTMOUTH COLLEGE's Tuck school of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes.The New Hampshire school has moved up from second position last year.


  • 美国至少11艘军舰驻扎在的黎波里附近包括艘潜艇——斯克兰顿号、佛罗里达罗维登斯号,以及2驱逐舰——巴里

    The United States has at least 11 warships stationed near Tripoli, including three submarinesthe Scranton, the Florida and the Providence — and the destroyers the Stout and the Barry.


  • 与此同时常务副总裁戴夫•多纳利、比尔•维迪达克获得了晋升,以后直接首席执行官李艾科汇报工作

    Meanwhile, EVPs Dave Donatelli, Bill Veghte, and Jan Zadak are all getting promoted and will report directly to CEO Leo Apotheker. (All Things D)


  • 2006年10月火箭队超级明星雷西·麦克格雷迪和克莉兰达·哈里丝结婚夫妻对公众大方便之门

    When Rockets star Tracy McGrady wed CleRenda Harris in October 2006, the couple embraced the publicity.


  • 但是根据最新报道威尔·史密斯贾达··史密斯夫妻俩不会离婚了。

    Butt according to a new report, will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith will NOT be getting a divorce.


  • 在经历了14婚姻后43岁威尔·史密斯40岁的贾达··史密斯似乎直奔离婚主题

    After 14 years of marriage, Will Smith, 43, and Jada Pinkett Smith, 40, seem to be heading straight for divorce.


  • 很多柏拉图时期早一千年古希腊传说发生克里文明代达罗斯古代科学家,按照推测是克诺索斯宫殿建筑师

    Many ancient Greek myths take their location from Minoan Crete more than ten centuries before Plato. Daedalus, the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at Knossos.


  • 很多柏拉图时期早一千年古希腊传说发生克里文明代达罗斯古代科学家,按照推测是克诺索斯宫殿建筑师

    Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato. Daedalus the ancient scientist was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos.


  • 达西了下窗外突然问道,“看看到底啊?”辆马车飞驰入院子,上面坐着伊丽莎白妹妹迪亚。班内维克汉姆。

    Suddenly, Darcy looks out the window cries out, "Who on earth is this?" A carriage hurries onto the grounds, carrying Lydia Bennet Wickham, Elizabeth's sister.


  • 演员威尔·史密斯妻子达•萍克·史密斯也宣布全家人都会待在家里

    Will Smith's wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, has also declared her family will be staying home.


  • 集中寻找格里多过程帮助帕帕诺依达男爵提列克舞女没有名字,不过在剧本演职员表称为蕾拉·巴雷

    The Twi 'lek dancer who AIDS Baron Papanoida in finding Greedo is unnamed in the episode, though she is identified as Trella Bare 'ah in the script and credits.


  • 贾达··史密斯声明拒绝参加观看2016奥斯卡颁奖礼

    Jada Pinkett Smith has announced that she will not be attending or watching the 2016 Academy Awards.


  • 乔治·克卢尼,布拉德·,马·达蒙·奇德尔再次携手罗伯茨,为观众带来了《十二罗汉》。

    George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Don Cheadle grace the same screen once again with Roberts.


  • 父亲阿尔平手里继承了(834 ?)达尔里阿达的苏格兰王国,据说他父亲匹克杀死的。

    He inherited (834?) the Scottish kingdom of Dalriada from his father, Alpin, who is thought to have been killed by the Picts.


  • 观看,这片立于德国达姆施兰尼希斯坦灰色时髦新颖的栋式住宅殊之处。

    DARMSTADT, GermanyFrom the outside, there is nothing unusual about the stylish new gray and orange row houses in the Kranichstein District.


  • 正是这种推理伟大犹太神秘主义者茨霍克··列维拉比阿奎达可赛马场上,连续五十二赌马赢翻倍到头来却救济生活。

    It was reasoning like this that led Rabbi Yitzhok Ben Levi, the great Jewish mystic, to hit the double at Aqueduct fifty-two days running and still wind up on relief.


  • 很多柏拉图时期早一千年古希腊传说发生克里文明。代达罗斯古代科学家,按照推测是克诺索斯宫殿建筑师

    Many ancient greek myths take their location from minoan crete more than ten centuries before plato. daedalus , the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at knossos.


  • 拉、达塞斯克、鬼怒甘、红宝石适宜作为促成栽培配套品种拉长半促成栽培草莓果实成熟期

    Todia, Darselect, Guinugan and Red Ruby were suitable for complementary system cultivars in semi forcing culture, which could prolong the date of maturing of strawberry fruits in semi forcing.


  • 杂志评选出了“12年度男人”,有杰米·福克斯?克·丹姆西,麦·达盟,贾斯汀丹尼尔·莱格。

    The magazine also names 12 "men of the year," including Pitt, Jamie Foxx, Patrick Dempsey, Matt Damon, Justin Timberlake and Daniel Craig.


  • 是以江铃陆风越野车、百路佳客车、格拉克变速箱、马恒达拖拉机为代表的汽车制造产业

    Second, Automobile Making Industry headed by Landwind Co. producing off-road vehicle, Bai Lujia Bus, Getrag Gear and Mahindra Tractor.


  • 得利斯勒·霍夫甘达克·利欧多尔·师《布列塔尼语言保存和语言消亡》语言社会学国际期刊1977年12期31 - 44页。

    Dressler, Wolfgang and Wodak-Leodolter, Ruth. 1977. Language preservation and language death in Brittany. International Journal of the Sociology of language, 12:31-44.


  • 得利斯勒·霍夫甘达克·利欧多尔·师《布列塔尼语言保存和语言消亡》语言社会学国际期刊1977年12期31 - 44页。

    Dressler, Wolfgang and Wodak-Leodolter, Ruth. 1977. Language preservation and language death in Brittany. International Journal of the Sociology of language, 12:31-44.


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