• 这个水上渔村居民属于家人一个曾经分布华南各地古老民族。疍家人沿海水道上谋生,在社会边缘生存下来。

    The residents of this floating village are members of the Tanka group, an ancient people scattered across southern China who have survived on coastal waterways, and on the margins of society.


  • 新西兰这种植物传播地很快,它将沼泽地边缘变成了广阔的盐土草地并且使利用片沼泽(生存)的鸟类动物数量种类下降

    In New Zealand the plant has spread rapidly, changing mudflats with marshy fringes to extensive salt meadows and reducing the number and kinds of birds and animals that use the marsh.


  • 但是他们发现边缘还给他们留有生存的余地。

    Instead, they discovered that the margin has room even for them.


  • 对于处于生存边缘人们而言,“高尚野蛮人”的浪漫主义褪色,变得毫不相干。

    But where people on the very edge of survival are concerned, romanticism over the "noble savage" fades to irrelevance.


  • 对这些已经生活弱势中和生存边缘人来说,这些额外压力会给这些地区的妇女带来更大的困难。

    Climate change is adding an additional set of stresses in areas that are already fragile with marginal livelihoods and thin margins of survival.


  • 依赖森林生存土著人必需有权发表如何管理家园的看法,可是许多国家他们边缘人群。

    Indigenous people who rely on the forests need to have a say in how their homeland is managed but in many countries they are marginalised.


  • MRI扫描着凉脑部包括基本回报生存机制联系在一起边缘部分。

    The area of the brain that lit up during the MRI scan, included the limbic regions associated with basic reward and survival mechanisms.


  • 世界已经改变处在生存边缘大约10亿没有更好

    The world has changed, and not at all for the better in the roughly one billion people who live on the margins of survival.


  • 这个男的过了保护栏杆,距离海岸边缘英尺追求这种最终叫醒他的方式并且庆幸能够生存下来因为片区域已经吞没了

    The man had climbed over protective bars several feet further back from the edge in his pursuit of the ultimate wake-up call and was fortunate to survive as the area was engulfed by water.


  • 欧元区边缘国家持续恶化债务危机使人们开始再次担心16个经济情况各异主权国家组成的货币联盟是否还能继续生存下去。

    The worsening debt crisis on the euro zone's periphery has reawakened concerns about the viability of a currency union that encompasses 16 sovereign nations with disparate economies.


  • 乌鲁奇帕亚人生活盐土荒漠边缘地带著称。 盐土荒漠生存条件残酷可怕即使印加人也望而却步,但鲁奇帕亚人却依靠河水灌溉土地生存

    The tribe is renowned for surviving on the fringe of a salt desert, a harsh and eerie landscape which even the Incas avoided, by flushing the soil with river water.


  • 随着偷猎农垦其他生存压力的接踵而至,导致某些物种已经被濒临灭绝边缘时,研究者们才发现了它

    Researchers sometimes discover new species just as hunting, farming and other pressures are pushing them to extinction.


  • 若你害怕错误,整日游走边缘只为规避犯错的风险,这于生存无益

    Dreading them, or walking on eggshells all day to avoid them is no way to live.


  • 近年来,过度狩猎栖息地丧失一系列问题对野生动物生存构成巨大威胁它们一步步推向濒危边缘

    In recent years, a series of problems, such as over-hunting and loss of the habitat, have posed a serious threat to the survival of wild animals, which puts them on the edge of danger.


  • DV纪录片往往关注社会普通老百姓,特别是一些处于中心以外的边缘群体展现他们生存环境生活状态

    Very often, DV documentary concerns about the most ordinary people in the society, especially marginal group away from the center, and displays their surviving environment and living condition.


  • 该片真诚关注边缘文化群落生存状态自然既依存又冲突关系中展现了不同文化顽强生命力

    The film focuses on the living condition of the marginal-culture groups, depicting their strong life of different cultures in clashes with each other.


  • 所以我们面对困境生存边缘时,这可以我们力量。

    So here, coming to us from the extreme edge of survival, are words that can give us strength.


  • 科学家发现证明17世纪佛吉尼亚州詹姆·斯顿濒临饿死边缘殖民者为了生存下来而吃人肉。

    Scientists have found evidence that starving 17th century colonists in Jamestown, Virginia, turned to cannibalism to survive.


  • 同时人力车夫生存状况这一特殊视角审视近代城乡关系以及城市下层民众的边缘特性。

    At the same time, it studies on the life of rickshaw pullers by investigating the relationship between the city and rural area and marginality of the lower class in cities.


  • 灾难边缘着升高生存机会

    But he has pulled back from the brink of disaster, and significantly upped his chances of survival.


  • 结果形成一个系统总是处在为了生存而改变自己边缘

    The result will be a system that is always on the edge of changing itself out of existence.


  • 森林动植物生存空间受到严重侵扰一些珍贵的稀少的森林动植物数量不断减少甚至面临灭绝的边缘

    The living spaces for some valuable and rare animals and plants are being disturbed by the tourists and their number decreases very quickly. some even are deracinating.


  • 第3集挪威生存边缘挪威测试自己技术帮助下,在潮湿气候条件下,监测应对技巧传感器复制苛刻的条件。

    3: Norway: Edge of Survival: Bear tests himself in Norway with the help of technology to replicate harsh conditions along with sensors to monitor his coping skills in the wet climate.


  • 东西小说创作体现出一种边缘叙事姿态,故事荒诞化的背后实际上人类生存困境存在本质的关注。

    A marginal narrative style is embodied in the creation of eastern and western novels and at back of incredible plot is the essence of the difficult position of human existence.


  • 随着生存保障范围日益扩张以及建构日益完善社会法边缘日见扩充

    With the increasing expansion of the scope of survival right guarantee, the edge of social law also is expanding increasingly, as well as the perfection of matter of statute's construction.


  • 《贵人》文本关于生存叙述通过讲述一个女孩生存故事,揭示了当代“都市边缘”的生存危机。

    The Blue Blood is a novel of living. According to the living story of a girl named Su, it exposes the living crisis of the modern man on city verge.


  • 农民工边缘生存状态引起国家重视、社会关注

    The marginalization of peasant workers'living state caused the governments'attention and the concern of the community.


  • 农民工边缘生存状态引起国家重视、社会关注

    The marginalization of peasant workers'living state caused the governments'attention and the concern of the community.


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