• 分别采用六种载荷边界条件三种位移边界条件曲轴应力变形进行了有限元分析;

    The stress and deformation of crankshaft are calculated by finite element method with six load boundary conditions and three displacement boundary conditions.


  • 基于剪切变形理论哈密顿原理,建立旋转合圆动力学运动方程和相应边界条件

    Based on the first order shear deformation theory and Hamiltonian principle, the governing equations and boundary conditions of rotating multi-layer annular plate were derived.


  • 采用合理平均试验验证了模型有效性进一步研究航空铝合金数控加工变形提供可靠边界条件

    The milling force model is validated according to cutting experiments and it can offer a reliable boundary condition for the further study of NC machining distortion of aviation aluminum-alloy.


  • 本文首先导出圆薄板非轴对称变形问题位移基本方程边界条件

    To begin with, in this paper, the displacement governing equations and the boundary conditions of nousymmetrical large deflection problem of circular thin plates are derived.


  • 单元变形符合几何边界条件模态函数来表示

    The deflection of the element is represented by a series of mode functions that satisfy the conditions at the boundaries.


  • 研究表明由于有限元考虑套圈变形以及边界条件影响,实验结果更为接近

    It is found that the results of finite element method are close to the experiment values because the ferrule deformation and boundary condition are considered.


  • 这个条件不仅材料力学性能有关,而且还处决于材料的具体的载荷边界条件变形

    The condition presented here is not only dependent on the mechanical properties of the material, out also on the loading boundary condition and deformation.


  • 以此温度边界条件,利用FEA软件计算了机体应力变形

    Then, the temperature field is loaded in FEA software to predict thermal stress and deformation.


  • 温度引起应力外力(边界条件)之和作为载荷施加物体求得变形

    Exert hot stress and external force (such as border terms) that temperature cause as the strength load the object and then, try to get total deformation amount.


  • 这里采用弹簧边界条件代替接触模拟工件夹具元件接触变形

    Here, contact is replaced by springs whose deformation is used to simulate contact deformation of workpiece and fixture element.


  • 计算对称截面不同边界条件固有频率讨论转动惯量剪切变形效应各阶固有频率的影响。

    The high natural frequencies of symmetrical section beam with different constraints are calculated in detail, and effects of rotary inertia and shearing deformation are given.


  • 活动盖应采用整体刚度较小边界条件敏感柔性结构,对安装误差结构变形具有较大适应能力;

    The movable roof favors the flexural structural system that is less sensitive to boundary conditions and can be adaptive to the large deformation and construction error.


  • 由于不论如何复杂边界条件,列变形谐调方程困难所以用荷载分配法可解各类支承条件类交叉梁系内力

    No matter how complex the edge conditions are, it is not difficult to set up the equations of compatibility of deformation, therefore the internal forces of oblique


  • 挠度表达式反映边界条件所能激发双向弯曲变形形态;

    This expression reflects the bending characteristics aroused by the boundary condition and satisfies the displacement condition at the sustained corner points.


  • 计算结果作为有限元分析的初始边界条件,在ABAQUS中进行静态强度分析,获得变形应力分布情况。

    Then the static analysis was carried out with ABAQUS to obtain the distortion and stress characteristics of V-type rod, and then the ADAMS simulating results were taken as the initial conditions.


  • 无需复杂的应力边界位移边界条件能够考虑岩体介质本构特征,实现长期两维变形预报

    The proposed method considering constitutive character of the rock mass can predict two-dimensional long-term deformation without stress and displacement boundary conditions.


  • 变形条件大规模冲击接触计算个涉及几何非线性材料非线性边界条件非线性的问题。

    With large deformation, the behavior of contact-impact computation presents geometric non-linearity, material non-linearity and boundary condition non-linearity.


  • 通过选择有关参数,处理工程边界以及进口边界条件,用二河道数学模型计算所得河床变形趋势实测情况基本一致

    The trend of river bed deformation calculated by a plane 2-D numerical model of total sediment transport is in good agreement with the real conditions.


  • 利用变形边界函数法与上下解方法,研究一类具非线性边界条件半线性时滞微分方程边值问题,得到了边值问题存在性的充分条件

    The asymptotic behavior for a class of higher-order delay partial differential equations be investigated in this paper, some asymptotic behavior be established, which expanded some references.


  • 利用变形边界函数法与上下解方法,研究一类具非线性边界条件半线性时滞微分方程边值问题,得到了边值问题存在性的充分条件

    The asymptotic behavior for a class of higher-order delay partial differential equations be investigated in this paper, some asymptotic behavior be established, which expanded some references.


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