• 呵欠,一开了烤炉一样的嘴。

    As he yawned, he opened a mouth as big as an oven.


  • 出尖的下家,一定不要如下家碰出3万7万。

    Every touch its destiny in zhang, card must not edge, the following is a 30000 or 70000.


  • 需要儿童

    I need a child's bed with high sides.


  • 妈妈坐在,拿着漂亮一支铅笔,看到东西写下来。

    Her mother asked her to sit by the window with a nice piece of paper and a pencil, and write something about what she could see.


  • 变压器工作台年轻JasonStenquist 似乎正在组装铜线两位来访者到来弄得很慌乱

    At a worktable inside the transformer plant, young Jason Stenquist looks flustered by the copper coils he's trying to assemble and the arrival of two visitors.


  • 石头被移到路的一后,他在石头下面发现了一袋钱和一纸条。

    After the stone was moved to one side of the road, he found a bag of money and a note under the stone.


  • 完美蛋糕照片其它东西很好的装饰

    This is perfect for cakes and other items that are well decorated on all sides.


  • 走过房间时候,母亲坐在又厚又软的椅子上,俯视公园

    Across the room his mother sat in one of the overstuffed chairs, facing out the window that overlooked the park.


  • 与其打电话洗好的衣服打扫厨房卫生,不如坐在舒服的椅子上集中所有注意力打电话

    Instead of talking on the phone while you fold laundry or clean the kitchen, sit down in a comfortable chair and turn your entire attention over to the conversation.


  • 可以通行证,让你跟着直接去观赛。

    You know, I could get you a pass to be down on the sidelines with me.


  • 德克萨斯州位药店营业员认为原因在于墨西哥黑人不同,他们可以坐在冷饮饮料,但是如果想要桌子,白人分开坐。

    One Texas drugstore clerk explained that Mexicans, unlike blacks, were allowed to drink at the soda fountain. But if they wanted a table they would be seated apart from whites.


  • 寻找倒影可以增加照片的空间感景深完美蛋糕照片其它东西很好的装饰

    Find reflections Utilizing reflections adds dimension and depth to your image. This is perfect for cakes and other items that are well decorated on all sides.


  • 两周之前号召布什国会帮助汽车业者奥巴马昨天在了国会的一,“我们不能汽车行业空白支票。”

    Obama, who a fortnight ago called on Bush and the Congress to help carmakers, sided yesterday with congressional leaders. "We cannot just write a blank cheque to the auto industry, " he said.


  • 注意到第一件事所有程序员都同在屋里经常是围坐在房屋中间桌子

    The first thing you’d notice is that all the programmers are in a room together, usually sitting around a large table in the middle of the room.


  • 老板阳光下放了椅子,一一杯鲜榨呼唤女儿鸡舍看看鸡是否下蛋

    The woman owner set a chair in the sun, poured me a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and shouted to her daughter to check the hen house for eggs.


  • 电视节目《观点》中,主持人围坐桌子嘉宾中间,营造了一种平等而稍有阴柔气氛

    On the View, for instance, the hosts sit grouped around the same table, with the guest at the center, signaling a more egalitarian (and feminine) atmosphere.


  • 游戏的规则:“如果卡片数字是偶数那么另外便是红色。”

    The rule to be tested is: “If a card shows an even number on one side, then it is red on the other.


  • 坐在咖啡桌旁,一大号巧克力制成的移动电话,一是一只巧克力制成的水壶,这里看起来寻常的巧克力并无不同。

    Sitting on a coffee table, between an outsized chocolate mobile phone and an electric kettle molded from chocolate, is what looks like an ordinary bar of chocolate.


  • 伦敦俄国使馆一位克格勃上校吞云吐雾,一着一手写的字条,这已是第三在读这字条了。

    Inside the Russian Embassy in London a KGB colonel puffed a cigarette as he read the handwritten note for the third time.


  • 茶几还有一扶手椅。

    An armchair was on the other side of the coffee table.


  • 田里个大姑娘锄草黄色广告,也许是什么杂技团巡回演出海报迎风飘动

    A young girl was weeding in a field, where a huge yellow poster, probably of some outside spectacle, such as a parish festival, was fluttering in the wind.


  • 桌子坐下,等待侍者拿来菜单

    He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order.


  • 视线未及窗台,放着一它一样高的写字桌,桌上散乱着蓝色笔书写稿件萨缪尔•马纳什正

    This was the first clue that out of sight, level with the window sill, was a writing desk, and that at this desk, on sheets of unruled paper in blue felt-tip pen, Samuel Menashe was writing poems.


  • 老人眼望去,是坐在花园长椅上一个中年妇女扔过来的。

    The old man looked up and saw a middle-aged woman sitting on a bench in the garden who threw the tissue.


  • 照片分为左右各一的照片中让肖像水平的做成对称的样式。

    The portraits were split into a left and a right section, then one side was horizontally flipped to create two symmetrical identities of the subject.


  • 深夜独自坐在渡轮用餐区的桌旁,咖啡看书酒吧区却有人打起架来。

    Late in the night, as I was sitting by myself at a table in the dining area reading a book and drinking coffee, a fight broke out at the bar.


  • 听上去有点恼火,一列出了一长长的清单,那是在这些竞争对手身上发现雷同之处——比如它们的版式、搜索功能基调

    Sounding annoyed, he ticks off a long list of similarities he perceives between his competitors - their layouts, search function and their tone.


  • 照片曝光8个小时后得到,由于曝光时间长,太阳从这头到那头,使得照片里的院子都同样明亮。

    This first photograph was captured during an eight hour exposure, taking so much time that the sun passed overhead and thus illuminating both sides of the courtyard.


  • 照片曝光8个小时后得到,由于曝光时间长,太阳从这头到那头,使得照片里的院子都同样明亮。

    This first photograph was captured during an eight hour exposure, taking so much time that the sun passed overhead and thus illuminating both sides of the courtyard.


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