• 高能效小尺寸输出滤波输出纹波

    High efficiency, small output filter, low output ripple.


  • 滤波器拓扑可以广泛地应用于UPS逆变器-电机系统输出滤波

    This topology can be used widely in inverter motor drive system and UPS.


  • 该文研究了一种基于电流滞环控制降压式逆变器输出滤波设计方法

    In this paper a design method of half bridge dual buck inverters output filter based on hysteresis current control was presented.


  • 建立了一种具有最小电流峰值电容输出滤波高频高压并联谐振变流器分析设计方法

    A method of the high voltage and high frequency parallel resonant converter with capacitive output filter which has the minimal peak input current is introduced.


  • 多达六个阶段可以并联同步输出异相最大限度地降低输入输出滤波公司

    Up to six phases can be paralleled and clocked out-of-phase to minimise input and output filtering, says the company.


  • 拓扑具有所有功率开关均为开关输出二极管电压应力输入输出滤波的特点。

    There are soft switching conditions of all switches, low voltage stresses on the output diodes, and smaller input and output filters in this topology.


  • 提出一种新型三相逆变器输出滤波有效地减少输出电压电流中的开关谐波分量

    A new inverter output filter is presented. It can reduce efficiently the output voltage and current switching harmonic.


  • 混频器主要波导-微带过渡输入输出滤波以及匹配网络反向并联混频二极管对组成。

    The mixer mainly consists of a waveguide-to-microstrip transition, input and output filters, matching networks and an antiparallel diode pair.


  • 整个电源输入电路、功率因数校正器、逆变器输出滤波电路、辅助电源电路部分组成

    The system consists of the AC input stage, single phase PFC, main inverter, output low-pass filter, auxiliary power supply, and load current sharing circuit, etc.


  • 混频器主要波导微带过渡输入输出滤波以及匹配网络三组反向并联混频二极管对组成。

    The mixer mainly consists of a waveguide-to-microstrip transition, input and output filters, matching networks and an antiparallel Sckottky-barrier diode pair.


  • 输出滤波电感电流一个周期内不连续时,相全PWM变换器工作在电流断续模式DCM)。

    Phase-shifted full-bridge PWM converters work in discontinuous current mode (DCM), when the current of out-put filter inductor is discontinuous in one switching period.


  • 变频器采用单元串联多电平技术可以得到阶梯SPWM波形无需输出滤波直接驱动普通电动机

    The (frequency) converter (adopted) multilevel technology with cells series, which could obtain stepped SPWM waveforms, and could drive ordinary motor directly with no output filter.


  • 最终达到消除PWM信号中的开关信号电磁干扰信号,提高效率和保真度,减小输出滤波的体积和成本。

    Filter may serve the role to eliminate switching and EMI interfere in PWM signal. Thus to improve efficiency and fidelity, lower the filter cost and component sizes.


  • 提出一种全新的电压驱动同步整流器 ,同步整流管的驱动电压耦合输出滤波电感电压 ,具有创新性。

    This paper advances a novel voltage driven synchronous rectifier (SR) in which driving voltage is coupled from output filter voltage.


  • 理论分析结果表明控制开关功率放大器输出信号输入信号成线性变化关系控制性能输出滤波决定

    The theory research results of one cycle controlled switching power amplifier show that the output signal follow the input signal linearly, and the control performance is decided by output filter.


  • 适当增大逆变器输出滤波电感,合理选择串联变压器原副方变比,或采用电压前馈控制技术改善滤波效果三条有效措施

    Then, the filtering characteristic of the active power filter is analyzed. Three measures which can improve the filtering effect are gained: augmenting the filtering inductance properly;


  • 并且提出采用LCR输出滤波减小电压传递函数增益峰值,从而在串联电感较小时能够同时减小电网电流高频毛刺的含量。

    It is proposed that LCR output filter can decrease the peak value of the gain of voltage transfer function as well as the high frequency burr contained in the source current.


  • 采用空间滤波技术通过比较主、天线接收机输出信号幅度实现干扰信号抑制

    It adopts space filtering technique to achieve suppression of jamming signal by comparing the output amplitude from the receivers of the main and auxiliary antennas.


  • 根据飞行仿真模块输出通过坐标变换比例限制信号滤波等,形成运动平台驱动信号。

    On the basis of output of flight imitate system, the driving signal of flight simulation is formed by coordinates transforming, scale limiting, signal washout and filter.


  • 因此应用空间滤波所述输出像素中的一个更多输出像素生成该所像素位置处的像素。

    Therefore, a spatial filter is applied to generate, from one or more of the output pixels, a pixel at the required pixel position.


  • 另外,还对滤波结构参数输出直流电压脉动和发电机相电流波形影响相电流谐波进行了仿真分析

    In addition, the thesis analyzes the influence of the filter structure and parameters on the output DC voltage ripple and the shape of phase currents, as well as harmonics of phase currents.


  • 重要的一点注意函数作为滤波,作用输入激振上,这样得到某种输出响应

    The most important thing to note is that the frequency response function ACTS as a filter on the input force which results in some output response.


  • 模型直接GPS接收机输出定位结果入手,实时性好,滤波后定位精度得到提高

    This model from positioning results of the GPS receiver is simple and can make filtering accuracy higher.


  • 不像我们其他版本其中没有高通滤波输出

    Unlike our other versions, this one has no high pass filtering on the outputs.


  • 本文提出了一种直接把红外前视传感器输出作为测量跟踪红外目标扩展型卡尔曼滤波跟踪算法

    This paper presents an extended kalman filtering algorithm for tracking infrared target, using the outputs from a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sensor as measuring value.


  • 变流器输出一个滤波作为直流-直流变流器整体一部分

    In the output stage of the converter, a small filter is treated as an integral part of the dc-to-dc converter.


  • 阐述了光电速度传感器获取光电信号跟踪滤波输出随机窄带基波信号、波形预处理应用

    To obtain photoelectric signal of the photoelectric speed sensor, tracking to filtering narrow band random base-wave which is output, voltage wave beforehand transaction and application are expounded.


  • 整流输出电压电流脉动大需要增大滤波体积

    Secondly, the low duty cycle leads to the high voltage and current ripple, and enlarges the filter size.


  • 设计了改进FIR数字滤波,实现了原始输出信号实时滤波处理有效抑制噪声的干扰,为科氏质量流量计的高精度测量提供了保证

    The improved FIR filter is designed and used for filtering original signals, so the noise is restrained effectively and the measurement precision of the mass flowmeter is guaranteed.


  • 设计了改进FIR数字滤波,实现了原始输出信号实时滤波处理有效抑制噪声的干扰,为科氏质量流量计的高精度测量提供了保证

    The improved FIR filter is designed and used for filtering original signals, so the noise is restrained effectively and the measurement precision of the mass flowmeter is guaranteed.


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