• 神经网络:无论什么传感器都会作为探测输入输出同步按键,直接并且简单模型

    Neural-Networks: This would have been a very simple and straightforward model where the inputs are whatever sensors we give the probes, and the outputs are key-presses.


  • 这些传感器可以模拟眼睛本身图像采集细胞正常功能,即:转化电流形式输出

    The sensors therefore mimic the way the eye's own photoreceptor cells normally function, turning light into a pattern of electrical impulses.


  • 光线温度传感器输出可以设置邮件提醒甚至存入数据库Morey通过Twitter有趣

    The output from the light and temperature sensors could have well gone into a E-mail alert or even a database, says Morey, but tweeting is a lot more fun.


  • 产品将装备一千三百万像素摄像头内置3个CCD传感器输出RAW格式照片

    The camera is equipped with a 13-megapixel, 3 CCD sensor and can capture RAW images.


  • 这些传感器输出数据反馈台电脑里,其中专门程序简化了的方式模拟的思维过程,通过这些输出数据来得出周围的情况

    The output from the sensors was fed into a computer that had been programmed to try to work out what was going on in a simplified version of the way that a fish brain would.


  • 由于提供数字输出,数字传感器需要外部电路进行线性化数据转换

    By providing a digital output, digital sensors do not require external circuitry for linearization and data conversion.


  • 此外设计应用电位控制测量电路,实现了对传感器电位控制以及输出信号处理

    Moreover, the potential control circuit and signal measuring circuit are designed and applied in controlling potential and processing the output signal of the sensor.


  • 这种情况下传感器起来输出信号选择屏蔽的双线缆传送性能好一点

    In this case, the sensor covers up, choose the output signal transmission with shielded twisted pair cable, its performance will be better.


  • 电子控制系统基本上计算机电子控制组件发动机显示线束输入传感器输出执行器组成

    The electronic control system consists basically of the computer or electronic control module, engine wiring harness, input sensors, and output actuators.


  • 系统实现了应变计组成电桥测量线路以及传感器输出信号的处理,并实时传送显示仪表

    In this system, bridge measurement wiring is composed of foil gauges and signal outputted by sensors is transmitted to the display instrument.


  • 传感器安装位置尽量远离大功率设备因为本身的输出信号比较通常为毫伏级极易受到干扰

    Sensor is installed as far away from high-power devices, because its own output signal is relatively weak, typically millivolts, vulnerable to interference.


  • 本文提出了一种直接把红外前视传感器输出作为测量跟踪红外目标扩展型卡尔曼滤波跟踪算法

    This paper presents an extended kalman filtering algorithm for tracking infrared target, using the outputs from a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sensor as measuring value.


  • 这种传感器输出转换电压信号系统其它电路连接过程称为信号调理

    This process of converting the transducer output into a voltage signal which can be connected to the rest of the system is called signal conditioning.


  • 对多个同类传感器输出数据进行融合采用加权平均分配融合效果影响十分明显。

    When fusing several outputs of similar sensors, we often use the weighted mean method. The weight has great influence on the fusing result.


  • 设计传感器输入输出信号调理电路试验台架液压激振系统流变阻尼器控制器功率放大电路。

    Design the signal adjust circuit for sensor, and the power amplification circuit for the hydraulic pressure system of test platform and the controller of magnetorheological dampers.


  • 可以控制示范t 7900压力传感器输出使用键盘模拟控制信号

    You can control the output from the Model T7900 pressure transducer using the keypad or from an analog control signal.


  • 实验发现阻型压力传感器压力输出信号外加电压不是线性关系存在灵敏度电压非线性

    That the pressure signal is not linear with input voltage for pressure sensors found in experiments. The phenomenon is called electric nonlinearity for sensitivity.


  • 比赛过程中赛车可以需要输出当前传感器读数保存这些读数列表

    A car may produce its current sensor readout when requested and keep a list of readouts collected during a race.


  • 同时利用单片机计算机传感器输出信号进行实时动态处理使传感器系统具备了参数测试精度校准功能

    Meanwhile, using SMC and computer to dealing the real time dynamic to the out put signal makes this transducer system has parameter and the proofread function of measure the precision.


  • 本文充分利用CMAC神经网络非线性函数逼近功能,并结合电站数据采集监测系统提出一种校正电站传感器非线性输出特性方法

    This paper presents one new method of nonlinear calibration for temperature measurement sensors of power plant, which is based on CMAC neural network and data collecting and monitoring system.


  • 温度输出信号可以实现传感器压力输出时温度漂移精确补偿

    Temperature output can realize the precise compensation for the temperature offset of the pressure output of the sensor.


  • 传感器输出一个相应于石油含水率电压信号,由此测量出原油的含水率。

    It can provide a voltage output signal in accordance with the percentage of water in crude oil.


  • SHT11数字温湿度传感器款含有已校准数字信号输出温湿度复合传感器

    SHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor is a calibrated digital signal output of the temperature and humidity combined sensor.


  • 针对温度废气氧传感器输出影响,建立了带温度校正EGO传感器非线性回归模型

    For the influence of temperature to EGO sensor's output, its nonlinear regression models which include temperature's modifying term be achieved.


  • 一个成熟用于处理压力传感器输出模拟信号程序

    This is a mature to deal with the pressure sensor output analog signal process.


  • 黏合材料弹性黏塑性将会导致传感器输出滞后漂移误差

    The viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity of bonding material will result in hysteresis and drift errors to sensor output.


  • 传感器数学模型可用分析传感器输出决定未知材料性质

    The mathematical model can be used to analyze the sensor output and determine the thermal properties of an unknown object.


  • 传感器信号调理传感器直接输出信号进行调节,信号调理的原理以及硬件实现电路文中做了说明

    Sensor signal adjustment is used to adjust the direct output signal of sensors. The principle of signal adjustment and the hardware circuit implementation are both discussed in this paper.


  • 传感器信号调理传感器直接输出信号进行调节,信号调理的原理以及硬件实现电路文中做了说明

    Sensor signal adjustment is used to adjust the direct output signal of sensors. The principle of signal adjustment and the hardware circuit implementation are both discussed in this paper.


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