• 输入进行过滤效率比较低,因为通过除了HTTP 以外其它方法也可以动态内容输入网站数据库中

    Filtering on the input side is less effective because dynamic content can be entered into a Web site database via methods other than HTTP.


  • 试验中他们构建了一个DNA版本或”逻辑输入个有输入时,产生输出输入端都有或都没有输入时,不会产生输出。

    In tests, they modeled a DNA version of an XOR logic gate that generates an output when one of two inputs is present, but not when both or neither is present.


  • 如果输入输入消息然后点击发送消息按钮,该消息会出现消费者命令行上。

    If you put a message in the input box and click Send message, the message appears in the command-line consumer.


  • 有些程序把它们自己当作输入运行可能永远不会停下来,既然这样——那么我们DOES-HALT编写代码,用测试一个程序把它自己作为输入参数时会发生什么好了。

    Some programs might never halt when run on themselves, though -- so let's use DOES-HALT to write pseudo-code for a program that checks to see what happens when a program is given itself as input.


  • 信息输入计算机基于输入数据作出决定。

    Information goes in one end and, based on the data, the computer makes a decision.


  • 整个系统输入只需网络每一直接创建相关输入文件

    At the input end of the overall system, you simply need to create the relevant input files for the first layer of the network directly.


  • 如果输入短路具有热电动势,这种方法就可以验证输入噪声零点时间漂移

    If the short circuit has a very low thermoelectric EMF, this can be used to verify input noise and zero drift with time.


  • 如果所有措施都不能避免RF干扰进入测试输入,那么就可能需要设备输入通路上进行外部滤波如图3 - 7所示。

    If all else fails to prevent rf interference from being introduced into the input, external filtering of the device input paths may be required, as shown in Figure 3-7.


  • 读数偏置可能输入放大器过载输入端直流整流效应所引起

    A reading offset may be caused by input amplifier overload or DC rectification at the input.


  • 仪器内部电路内部偏移电压仪器的输入引起输入电流

    The input bias current flows at the instrument input due to internal instrument circuitry and the internal bias voltage.


  • 根据输入的不同,过载条件下输入端可能达到若干伏。

    In an overload condition, the voltage burden can reach many volts, depending on the input value.


  • 如果两个控制器信号输入端并联输入输出矩阵方式连接扩展成256

    If two signal importations of controller carry to merge the importation, its exportation will expand after carry use the matrix method conjunction 256 roads.


  • 开关的输入可以多种输入连接方式例如连接或者差分连接。

    The multiplexer can be carried out in a variety of ways such as "single-end" and "differential" connection.


  • 创建数组函数输入自动匹配元素数组输入取决连接的对象。

    The Build array function input will automatically adapt to an element or an array input, depending on what you wire to it.


  • 没有反馈电阻仪表放大器提供精确增益,无论增益多大,放大器的同向反向输入提供输入阻抗

    An instrumentation amplifier offers precise gain without feedback resistors, and, at any value of gain, it provides high input impedances at its noninverting and inverting inputs.


  • 2 - 7说明分流电容典型输入阻抗电压表输入端的影响

    Figure 2-7 demonstrates the effects of shunt capacitance loading on the input of a typical high impedance voltmeter.


  • 所谓负反馈输出信号一部分送回输入输入信号相减从而削弱有效输入信号。

    Negative feedback occurs when a portion of the output signal of an amplifier is fed back and subtracted from the input signal, causing a reduction in the effective input signal.


  • 再者所用放大器要考虑在加到输入整个共模电压(范围内)输入偏置电流转换保持平滑。

    Again, consider using AMPLIFIERs that exhibit a smooth input bias current transition throughout the applied input common-mode voltage.


  • 其多通道输入多个输入时就产生输出信号

    An output signal occurs whenever there are one or more inputs on a multichannel input.


  • 考虑输入寄生的前提下,射频输入端阻抗匹配噪声性能进行了优化;

    The noise performance and impedance matching are optimized with RF input parasitic capacitance in consideration.


  • 此处采用光壁圆锥喇叭内加载一个外形渐变金属柱体来改变天线输入阻抗,调节金属柱体的尺寸包括的口径长度可以要求的频段得到理想输入阻抗。

    By modeling the parameters of metal cylinder such as the diameters of both ports and the length of the metal cylinder, the demand input impedance of the conic horn can be obtained.


  • 输入失调电流个差动输入基极输入电流两个输入端阻抗相等时,引起仪表放大器的失调误差

    Input offset current is the difference between the two input bias currents and this leads to offset errors in in-amps when source resistances in the two input terminals are unequal.


  • 转换器支持电容输入分式电容输入同时在片内集成温度传感器可以用于代替系统中的温度传感器。

    This converter supports single-ended capacitive input and differential capacitive input, and integrates a temperature sensor which can instead of temperature sensor in system.


  • 模型输入输入作为动力,在输出施加各种模拟载荷,仿真后得到实验基本一致动力响应曲线。

    Torque acted at the input side as driving power, and the simulated load was put at the output side, and dynamics splines, which were almost equivalent to the results of experiments, were got.


  • 数据选择多个输入数据选择地输入数据送到输出组合逻辑电路

    Multiplexer is a kind of combinational logic circuit, which can be selected an in-put datum among several data and sent it to out-put port.


  • 手机语音短信输入可以免去人们手工输入短信不便有着实际应用需求但是尚未得到很好的解决

    Voice short message input in mobile phone can give people great convenience. It has practical application, but has not yet been well developed.


  • 屏蔽静电计输入LO,其输入HI应当连到未知电容最高阻抗

    The shield is connected to the LO input terminal of the electrometer. The hi input terminal should be connected to the highest impedance terminal of the unknown capacitance.


  • 输入加入滤波网络输入保护电路加入实用输出保护电路

    A filtering net and a protective circuit of input are added in the front of input net, and a practical protective circ uit of output is also added.


  • 分析了交错控制输入串联输出并联组合式管正变换器输入端不均现象及其起因

    Novel control for an input-series and output - parallel dual two-transistor forward converter (ISOP-DTTFC) is proposed, based on the analysis and result on the voltage unbalance.


  • 差动输入具有分别接收第一输入信号第二输入信号的第一输入和第二输入端以及具有第一输出

    The differential input stage has a first input terminal and a second input terminal receiving a first input signal and a second input signal respectively, and a first output terminal.


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