• 如果使用日记账,则历史汇率必须日记账编号级别输入

    If you use journals the historical rates have to be entered at journal number level.


  • 如果输出标准输出并且管道输送至另一个进程(命令级别),选定的成为进程输入

    If the output stream was stdout, and if it was piped to another process (at the command line level), the selected pages will become the input to that process.


  • 如果使用一个汇总级别输入历史汇率,则针对日记账匹配出错转换后计算错误

    If you use a more aggregated level to enter historical rates the matching against journals will go wrong and converted values will be miscalculated.


  • 事务级别可以跟踪消息何时输入中的队列离开,以及消息事务何时结束

    At transaction level you can track when the message is being dequeued from the input source and when the message transaction ends.


  • 进行手工设置的方法是文本输入跟踪字符串或者单击列表中的一个组件弹出中选择一个日志级别15

    You can do this manually by entering a trace string in the text box or by clicking a component in the list and selecting a log level from the pop-up box. See figure 15.


  • 映射就是指映射级别输入输出

    The mapping root is the top level input and output pair within the mapping.


  • 一旦输入可用将执行分析确定规划可用级别能否达到。

    Once the inputs are available, analysis is performed to determine if planned availability levels are achievable.


  • 有时引用一些次要UI元素例如按钮数据输入字段这种级别细节并不常见

    Use cases will sometimes refer to minor UI elements, such as buttons or data entry fields, although this level of detail is not as common.


  • 此外修改synaptics驱动程序源代码支持内核级别其他功能并重写应用程序更好地利用这些新的输入方法

    Alternatively, modify the Synaptics driver source code to support additional features at the kernel level and rewrite applications to take better advantage of these new input channels.


  • 创建好的连接工厂CustomPropertiesgatewayspec字段输入安全级别DE - Light网关规范

    In the connection factory that is created, navigate to Custom Properties and enter the security level and the DE-Light gateway specification in the gatewaySpec field.


  • 查看InfoSphereFederationServer级别,请通过DOS命令提示符输入命令db2licm—l,返回的结果如下所示。

    To check the level of InfoSphere Federation server, enter the command db2licm -l from a DOS prompt, which should return the following.


  • 可以通过实例命令提示输入runlevel 命令来测试运行级别

    You can test the run level by issuing the runlevel command at the command prompt of your instance.


  • 另外相机音频录制能力提升到了专业级别,用户可以手动调节音频输入等级,同时音频录制功能也从原来的44.1KHz提升到48khz。

    Audio capabilities have also been improved for professional use, with manual controls available for the input levels. Recording is now processed using a 48khz sampling frequency instead of 44.1khz.


  • 服务器启动后,输入命令oslevelsoslevel—r检查os级别现在是否为更新TL清单8

    Once the server has been rebooted, issue oslevel -s or oslevel -r and check if the OS level is now at the updated TL, as demonstrated in Listing 8.


  • 需要定义一个工作流级别文本类型变量存储用户输入

    You need to define a workflow-level variable of text type to store the user input.


  • 接下来,它会对输入字符串进行日志级别检查如果发现日志级别信息,那么对应的日志级别就会设置

    Next, the incoming string is checked for the log-level string; if found, the log level is set accordingly.


  • 当时Glibc V2.2还没有发布复合字符输入基于一些完全不同标准,这些标准深奥x级别上编码的。

    Glibc V2.2 had not been released, and composite character input was based on fairly difficult standards coded in the more esoteric reaches of X.


  • 如果建立并列同级别文件夹,则可以连续输入文件夹名称中间空格隔开

    If it is based in the same level folder can continuous input folder name, separated by half Angle space in the middle.


  • 服务器重启后,输入命令oslevelsoslevel—r然后检查os级别现在是否TL级别,如清单22

    Once the server has been rebooted, issue oslevel -s or oslevel -r and check if the OS level is now at the TL level that was applied as observed in Listing 22.


  • 任何级别贵宾的特殊要求代码输入至电脑的客户档案

    In all cases the amenity codes should be keyed into the guest profile in the Fidelio System.


  • 这些绑定不同输入绑定,因为它们表示命令处理绑定已知命令操作

    These differ from input bindings in that they represent the next level down of command processing - actions that are tied to known commands.


  • 预装903个难度级别题,更多难题可以网上下载,它允许输入自己的难题。

    It's preloaded with 90 puzzles in 3 difficulty levels, more puzzles can be downloaded from the web and it also allows you to enter your own puzzles.


  • 预装903个难度级别题,更多难题可以网上下载,它允许输入自己的难题。

    It's preloaded with 90 puzzles in 3 difficulty levels, more puzzles can be downloaded from the web and it also allows you to enter your own puzzles.


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