• ERRC美国唯一一家由联邦资助运营食品辐射研究机构

    ERRC is the only federally funded and operated food irradiation research facility in the United States.


  • 因此开展寒区沥青结合料低温性能辐射研究,显得十分重要

    Therefore, it is extremely important to study on low temperature performance and the ray aging of the bituminous binder.


  • 为此研究提供资金切尔诺贝利辐射研究影响重要但是应该解决一些关于电力未来问题

    Funding such research is vital for those affected by Chernobyl's radiation, but it should also answer some of the questions over the future of nuclear power.


  • 使用相对论性强激光电子束对撞中产生辐射研究非线性康普顿散射粒子物理激光物理两个领域交叉前沿课题

    Using the collision of relativistic laser and electron beam to study the nonlinear Compton scattering is the interdisciplinary frontier of particle physics and strong laser physics.


  • 这个价值6.17亿美元的人造卫星研究宇宙中活动剧烈恒星所发出的辐射

    The $617 million satellite will study energy radiation from the most violent stars in the universe.


  • 研究了赤潮异弯藻、亚历山大中肋骨条氧化酶活性UV-B辐射增强响应变化

    The change of antioxidant enzyme activity in Skeletonema costatum, Heterosigma akashiwo and Alexandrium tamarense under UV-B radiation enhancement were studied.


  • MRI研究26患者中,病变常见于辐射

    The lesions in the 26 patients with MRI studies were most commonly found in the optic radiations.


  • 尽管这些研究无法证明真正黑洞辐射蒸发行为他们为霍金博士论证提供有力支持

    Although such studies cannot prove that real black holes radiate and evaporate, they lend strong support to the ideas that went into Dr Hawking's line of reasoning.


  • 组织原则同意继续开展辐射健康影响方面研究,同时,这种研究受到企业的影响。

    WHO agrees in principle that research should continue on the health effects of radiation and the research should not be influenced by industry.


  • 我们实验室已经研究一些辐射DNA影响例如紫外线照射地球上没法比拟我们研究太空环境

    Our lab has studied some effects of radiation on DNA, such as UV exposure, but nothing on Earth compares to the environments we hope to study outside of the Earth's atmosphere.


  • 通常研究包括观察经受不同剂量辐射生物效应癌症测试实验性治疗等。

    Common studies included seeing the biological effects of radiation with various doses, and testing experimental treatments for cancer.


  • 进展多半来自爆炸“余辉”——也就是为人所熟知,名为“宇宙微波背景辐射”(CMB)辐射能——研究

    Much of the progress has come through studies of the afterglow of the big bang, radiation known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB).


  • 根据以往的研究研究人员推测手机辐射加速疾病进展因为其他类型辐射都会造成自由基损伤

    Based on previous research, the researchers hypothesized that radiation from phones would accelerate progression of the disease be-cause other types of radiation cause free radical damage.


  • 他说:“手机辐射是否有害健康还要再研究几年才能明确。”

    "It will take a few years until research (on the health effects of cell phone radiation) will be more conclusive," Friedlander said.


  • 最近试管研究(培养的细胞组织作研究),致力于高频辐射是否妨碍dna修复过程对DNA复制过程产生损害

    Recent in vitro studies - that is, studies on cultured cell tissue - have focused on whether radiofrequency radiation might interfere with the DNA repair process and cause damaged DNA to accumulate.


  • 研究发现当等离子辐射开来,轨迹是杂乱无章的。

    The researchers found that the trajectory of plasmons became increasingly disorganized as they strayed.


  • 研究人员认为,手机辐射可能会刺激大脑应激系统使警觉,精神更集中,放松入睡的能力因此减弱

    It is because cell phones affect the areas of the brain responsible for activating and co-coordinating the stress system, making it harder for people to fall asleep, researchers said.


  • 这份报告标题是树木受到电磁辐射影响”,该研究最初是荷兰西部小镇莱茵河畔阿尔芬(Alphen aandenRijn)委托而展开

    The report, entitled "Trees are effected by electromagnetic radiation," was first commissioned by the town of Alphen aan den Rijn in the western part of the Netherlands.


  • 一些,CoryDoctorow的“数字辐射微软研究报告”就廉价两块钱商品到处传播通过文字拉丁语视频等等。

    More recently, Cory Doctorow’s lecture on DRM for Microsoft Research – in text, Pig Latin and video versions – has been passed around like a cheap two-dollar…well, you know.


  • 课程介绍游离辐射基本特性,与其医学工业科学环境研究使用的介绍。

    This course is an introduction to basic properties of ionizing radiations and their uses in medicine, industry, science, and environmental studies.


  • 对于人们接触辐射等级研究表明会增加患癌症风险

    Studies of populations exposed to high levels of radiation have shown increased risk of cancer.


  • 这项研究中,研究人员老鼠的大脑施加辐射防止神经发生接着他们跑动起来

    In that study, the researchers radiated the brains of mice to prevent neurogenesis, and then let them run.


  • 研究人员通过此次碰撞来研究月球土壤如何遭受辐射物质微流星体侵袭

    Researchers will be studying the soil on the moon via the hit to examine how the soil is eroded by radiation and micrometeoroids.


  • 研究宇宙微波背景辐射-就是爆炸以后残留下来辐射-科学家说,他们已经发现一些发生在离这里二十几亿光年以外的奇怪的事情。

    Scientists studying the cosmic microwave background - that's the radiation leftover from the Big Bang - say they've detected something strange happening couple of billion light years from here.


  • 电磁辐射可以清楚地决定研究方向

    From the electromagnetic radiation, you can clearly determine direction.


  • 根据一则最新研究手机辐射之下脑部靠近手机的区域会释放更多能量

    Radiation from a mobile phone call can make brain regions near the device burn more energy, according to a new study.


  • 不过最近研究结果下调太阳辐射因素冰河期相对重要性

    However, recent studies have brought down the relative importance of this solar effect on the little ice age.


  • 不过最近研究结果下调太阳辐射因素冰河期相对重要性

    However, recent studies have brought down the relative importance of this solar effect on the little ice age.


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