• 方法可以作为电涡流速器设计辅助验证手段,可有效节约设计时间费用提高设计水平

    This method can provide an important test for the design and manufacture of the eddy current retarder, reducing the time and cost, and improving design level.


  • 这些辅助数据比较有助于验证测试正确地执行了

    These assisted data comparisons help verify that the test was performed accurately.


  • 它们希望提供有用的辅助功能例如文档验证

    They tend to provide useful ancillary functions as well, such as document validation.


  • 对于这类应用程序,XML不仅仅辅助作用,而应用程序本身,基本验证常常不够了。

    For these applications -- where XML isn't so much ancillary as much as it is the application -- basic validation is often not enough.


  • WTPXML编辑以及 CXDTK提供内容辅助编辑验证

    The WTP XML editor, along with the CXDTK, provided content-assisted editing and validation.


  • ManualTester只是一个编写工具通过辅助数据输入验证特性改善了人工测试执行生产率

    Manual Tester is more than just an authoring tool; it also improves productivity of manual test execution with assisted data entry and verification features.


  • XMLBuddy免费插件,它为Eclipse增添了XML编辑能力其中包括对用户可配置语法着色DTD驱动代码辅助验证以及同步提纲视图

    XMLBuddy is a freeware plug-in that enriches Eclipse with XML editing capabilities that include user-configurable syntax coloring, DTD-driven code assist, and validation and synchronized outline view.


  • 新的命名空间<task:* /><jdbc:* />已经集成到了STS中,就Spring其他命名空间一样,新的命名空间也具备内容辅助链接验证特性

    The new <task:* /> and <jdbc:* /> are both now available and are integrated into STS as the other Spring namespaces with content assist, hyperlinking and validation.


  • 机器验证工具没有人类辅助情况下搜集观察结果并且使用规则验证过程

    Machine checking is a checking process wherein tools collect the observations and apply the rules without the mediation of humans.


  • 人工验证人类没有工具辅助情况下搜集观察结果并且使用规则验证过程

    Human checking is an attempted checking process wherein humans collect the observations and apply the rules without the mediation of tools.


  • 验证本文研究塔式起重机计算机辅助设计平台正确性某厂生产的5012塔机的塔身进行了再设计。

    For verifying accuracy of the investigative platform, we designed the tower crane mast again about the type of 5012.


  • 公理计算机生成辅助证明验证一学科计算机科学王国中占有很小的份额。

    Computer generated and assisted proofs and verification occupy a small niche in the realm of Computer Science.


  • 文档进行辅助功能验证请参见测试站点

    To validate your document for accessibility, see Testing your site.


  • 目的验证手术胰腺癌辅助化疗安全性

    Purpose: To test the safety of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for resectable pancreatic cancer.


  • 武器系统仿真模型可信性验证合理地科学地运用武器系统仿真模型进行系统分析预测以及辅助决策关键环节

    Credibility estimation of weapon system simulation model is the key procedure of system analysis, forecast and aided decision reasonably and scientifically by using weapon system simulation model.


  • RTLFPGA主要用于验证高级语言模型,各种辅助工具可以用于工作负载分析和优化。

    RTL and FPGA are used to validate high-level models while software tools are used for tasks such as workload analysis.


  • 实验计算验证表明,这种测量方法有效的,可以用于机器人校准、机器人辅助测量以及机器人辅助手术等领域

    The proposed methods are verified through experiments and real data computation, which can be used for robot calibration, robot aided measurement and robot aided surgery etc.


  • 验证原本只为在地面起动发动机而设计某型燃气涡轮起动机空中辅助起动性能飞行试验台上,对其进行空中辅助起动试验。

    In order to validate auxiliary airstart performance of a gas turbine starter designed only for the ground engine, the test of auxiliary airstart was conducted on the flight test rig.


  • 食疗养生膳设计过程中如果运用配餐学原理进行辅助设计结果进行验证分析调整

    Regimen in therapeutic feeding design process if we can apply the principles for catering aided design and analysis of test results and adjust.


  • 结果表明系统全面覆盖了水电工程项目安全管理业务,对水电工程项目安全管理工作具有良好的辅助作用,初步验证系统可行性正确性

    The trial run result indicates that the system covers all safe business and plays assistant role in safety management, which verifies the the feasibility and correctness of the system.


  • 并且通过实验验证,以期得到指导辅助低频扬声器箱房间摆位方法

    Results of experiment validated the method, and a method for the better position of subwoofer in normal room is derived.


  • 方法应用BP神经网络模型分析32肝癌病例DSA影像资料数据建立计算机临床辅助诊断模型然后把100个随机抽样测试样本输入模型验证

    Methods: the 32 cases of DSA image data are analysed, the BP Neural Network is used to build diagnostic model, we input 100 cases of random samples to verify the model.


  • 9新鲜头上模拟进行内窥镜辅助眶上锁孔入路手术进一步验证可行性及优势

    Then endoscope-assisted supraorbital keyhole approach was performed in 9 fresh cadaveric head specimens to verify its feasibility.


  • 实验室进行胶带输送机液压储能制动辅助启动模拟试验研究,验证设计的基于节能思想的液压储能制动与辅助驱动系统可行且有效的。

    Hydraulic storage braking and auxiliary soft starting of down belt conveyor have been simulated in laboratory, at the same time, have testified that this energy saving hydraulic system is available.


  • 通过辅助子系统合理性检验参数敏感性分析以及历史数据吻合性检验、验证模型参数选择的合理性总体功能有效性

    The model is proved to be reasonable in parameter and effective in main function through test of auxiliary subsystem soundness, parameter sensitivity and history data consistency.


  • 系统实现了轻合金浇注系统工艺辅助设计,模拟验证以及实际生产提供佳的推荐方案。

    The system realized the automatic building of gating system, which provided a proximal optimum process for simulation validation and even practical production.


  • 验证利用这种方法对中小船舶进行计算机辅助放样可行性。

    This paper points out this can fit small and middle shipyard using computer in the tubing lofting.


  • 使用辅助数据连接验证单元测试复选单击列表中的某个数据库连接。

    Use a secondary data connection to validate unit tests check box, and click a database connection in the list if you want test execution to be validated against a different database connection.


  • 使用辅助数据连接验证单元测试复选单击列表中的某个数据库连接。

    Use a secondary data connection to validate unit tests check box, and click a database connection in the list if you want test execution to be validated against a different database connection.


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