• 进入类公司自然承担较高风险更大的提升空间。

    They are naturally higher risk, but are also higher growth and upside potential.


  • 这些基金收益倾向那些较高风险策略承诺适中些。

    The gains posted by these funds tend to be more modest than those promised by higher-risk strategies.


  • 所以即便存在证据表明患有先兆偏头痛病人较高风险患有P

    So, while the evidence is mounting that if you have migraine with aura, you are at increased risk of having a P.


  • 投资者周二抛售美国国债,反映出较高风险资产的信心略有回升。

    Investors moved out of Treasury bonds Tuesday, reflecting slightly more comfort with riskier assets.


  • 但是除非那些病情严重需要住院或者较高风险人群,其他给开这种

    But no one is getting this medicine unless they're really sick and in need of admission to the hospital or those more at risk.


  • 通过修正虽然我国外贸依存度其他国家之间差距变小,但仍然存在较高风险

    In accordance with amendment, there are still some higher risks in our country although the difference of degree of dependence upon foreign trade between China and other countries is declining.


  • 建议包括以下所有儿童,理由这个年龄组的儿童面临着罹患更为严重病症较高风险

    This recommendation includes all children under the age of five years, as this age group is at increased risk of more severe illness.


  • 多数健康儿童通过自身天然防御功能抵御感染,但免疫系统受损的儿童形成肺炎较高风险

    While most healthy children can fight the infection with their natural defences, children whose immune systems are compromised are at higher risk of developing pneumonia.


  • 对罹患严重性流感伴有并发症流感具有较高风险病人尽快奥司他或扎那米韦进行治疗

    Patients who are at higher risk of severe or complicated influenza should be treated with oseltamivir or zanamivir as soon as possible.


  • FD系列烟雾探测器能监测具有较高风险工业设备排放出的普通烟雾,包括石油、汽油石化气体。

    FD Series flame detectors monitor common flame emissions in high-risk industrial applications, including oil, gas, and petrochemical sites.


  • 《国际肝病》:由于缺乏好的生物学标志物胎蛋白检出那些具有肝癌较高风险患者方面有效用吗?

    Hepatology Digest: Due to the lack of good biomarkers does alpha-fetoprotein have any utility in terms of detecting those who have higher risk of liver cancer?


  • 尽管发生病例减少,但流行期间确认具有严重致命疾病较高风险的人群,仍然具有高风险

    Groups identified during the pandemic as at higher risk of severe or fatal illness will probably remain at heightened risk, though the number of such cases could diminish.


  • 研究表明飞机火车公共汽车汽车乘客4小时以上旅程保持坐姿,面临罹患静脉血栓栓塞的较高风险

    The study showed that plane, train, bus or automobile passengers are at higher risk of VTE when they remain seated and immobile on journeys of more than four hours.


  • 较为年轻身体健康的员工逃避购买保险留下那些有较高风险加入有队伍因此会导致购买保险的费用增加。

    Younger workers in good health avoid buying coverage, leaving higher-risk people in the insurance pool, thus driving up premiums.


  • 所以,即便存在证据表明患有先兆偏头痛病人有较高风险患有P.F.O.反之亦然),没有确定的证据能够说明两者存在因果关系

    So, while the evidence is mounting that if you have migraine with aura, you are at increased risk of having a P.F.O. (and vice versa), there is no firm evidence that this association is causal.


  • 男性中(他们吸烟率较高已经具有慢性呼吸系统疾病更高风险),接触室内烟雾几乎可使面临的这种风险倍。

    Among men (who already have a heightened risk of chronic respiratory disease due to their higher rates of smoking), exposure to indoor smoke nearly doubles that risk.


  • 对于公司来讲,可能由于费用,欠缺流动性风险(一些小公司可能破产),则那些较高回报可能会被抵消

    For small companies, higher returns may be negated by higher costs, reduced liquidity and higher risk (smaller firms are more likely to go bust).


  • 对于关节置换术脊柱手术感染很多风险患者人群以及相关的危险因素使患者具有较高感染风险的情况,以往的文献中都有论述

    Numerous high-risk patient populations and risk factors that place patients at high risk for infection after total joint replacement or spine surgery have been described in the literature.


  • 抑郁症孤立感风险行为较高发生率艾滋病毒歧视所带来的严重后果

    There are serious consequences associated with HIV stigma, including higher rates of depression, feelings of isolation and high-risk behaviour.


  • 马拉松赛强度长距离竞技运动也是风险的竞技项目,参赛者身体条件较高要求

    Marathon is an athletic sport of high load and great intensity over long distances. It is also a high-risk athletic sport which has higher physical demands on participants.


  • 农民工普遍从事建筑矿山化工风险作业事故职业病发生率均较高

    Generally migrant workers engage in construction, mining, chemical and other types of hard, dirty, tired of high-risk operations, have a higher incidence of accidents and occupational diseases.


  • 由于风险资本需求较高业务中撤出,公司前景黯淡。是不是这样顺一些?探讨一下。

    That business now promises less, thanks to a retreat from risk-taking and higher capital requirements.


  • 由于风险资本需求较高业务中撤出,公司前景黯淡。是不是这样顺一些?探讨一下。

    That business now promises less, thanks to a retreat from risk-taking and higher capital requirements.


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