• 是什么使一个软件测试基础结构维护成本增长超出控制?

    What can make the maintenance costs of a software test infrastructure grow out of control?


  • 维护软件开发成本包括软件测试基础结构开发,一点每个人都忘了记住

    Maintenance: that's the cost of software development, including software test infrastructure development that everyone forgets to remember.


  • 软件测试除了具备软件测试基础知识外,还要有思想分析问题能力编程语言方面的技能

    Testing requires in depth knowledge of SDLF, out of box thinking, analytical skill and some programming language skill apart from software testing basics.


  • 这种类型测试软件质量基础

    This sort of testing is the cornerstone of software quality.


  • 环境用作版本相关软件最初测试基础

    This environment is used as an initial test bed for new releases of dependant software.


  • 软件测试团队基线b11主要分组)的基础开始工作

    The software test team starts working based on baseline bl1 (main branch).


  • 继承配备了完善测试稳定Linux内核软件,和红帽企业Linux基础相同

    It comes with the same set of well-tested and stable Linux kernel and software packages that form the basis of its parent, Red hat Enterprise Linux.


  • 使用模型编程状态间隔探测思想对于以软件黑盒测试技术基础有限状态一种自然扩充

    The idea of using of model programs and state space exploration is a natural extension of finite state machine based techniques that fits well with black-box testing of software.


  • ASDI没有基础设施或者资源维护软件系统本身因此我们我们公司保留开发测试环境

    ASDI didn't have the infrastructure or resources to maintain the software themselves, so we kept the development and test environment set up at our company's office.


  • 如果自始至终的使用它,手工测试脚本同样形成测试应用软件帮助或者教程基础

    If done thoroughly, manual test scripts can also form the basis for help or tutorial files for the application under test.


  • 软件公司beta测试人员关系通常建立以物易物的基础之上。

    The relationship between the software company and the beta testers is usually based on barter.


  • 测试工件软件模型包含信息可能生成基础测试工件(例如利用JUnit)。

    Test artifacts: it is possible to generate basic test harnesses (for example, using JUnit) from the information contained in software models.


  • 3tera公司在寻找其他基础架构软件销售商,以便AppSotre的2009Q3测试及时提供软件订阅。

    3tera is also seeking additional infrastructure and software vendors to round out AppStore offerings in time for its beta release in Q3 2009.


  • 分析软件测试模型软件测试流程基础总结测试管理原则将其应用工程实践中。

    On the basis of analyzing the software testing model and software testing flow, this paper summarizes the principle of software testing manage, and applies it in the project.


  • 适合装备远程测试诊断硬件平台基础上,介绍了面向服务的远程测试诊断软件工作原理

    On the base of the hardware platform fitting for equipment remote test and diagnosis, it introduces the principle of service-based remote test and diagnosis software.


  • 该文以POCERM软件测试过程模型基础,结合实际测试项目阐述有效软件测试工程化方法

    Based on the software testing process model POCERM, an effective engineering software testing method is presented in the paper and also is applied to a practical testing project.


  • 分析usb通用串行总线工作原理基础讨论了USB测试系统有关的硬件软件开发技术

    Based on the analysis of principle of Universal Serial Bus, this paper discusses the developing technology of hardware and software about USB testing system.


  • 对于现有构建自由允许CI服务器用来作为发布系统基础有助于帮助软件测试环境移动生产环境中去。

    The freedom to act on existing builds allows the CI server to be used as the basis for a release management system that helps move the software out of the testing environments and into production.


  • 文章推荐的应用软件电厂测试数据基础上,经过反复迭代,求出在某些控制点上的优化燃烧过程从而可显著提高电厂效率。

    From test data generated in power stations a strategy can be developed to optimise the combustion process in iterative steps at individual control points.


  • 阐述系统基本原理基础上讨论了系统的组成系统包括测试平台测试电路测试软件

    Firstly, based on description of the fundamentals, the composition of the system is given, including the testing platform, testing circuit and testing software.


  • 本文在基于测试覆盖NHPP模型基础讨论一种能反映软件错误修复过程齐次马尔可夫模型。

    In this paper, we firstly review the Non homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP) model based on test coverage, and then discuss a Non homogeneous Markov model with fault repair.


  • 严格区分软件防危性可靠性基础提出种基于加速剖面软件防危性验证测试方法

    A software safety demonstration test method based on the accelerating profile is developed on the basis of strictly distinguishing software safety and software reliability.


  • 分析传统软件测试方法软件移植过程可能出现问题,在此基础提出了软件移植过程中软件测试的过程与框架

    This paper analysizes the shortcomings of the traditional software testing in the process of software migration, then summarizes the systematic testing frame in the process of software port.


  • 分析了白盒黑盒两种软件测试方法,介绍了软件测试软件评测内容下一步分析嵌入式软件测试提供理论基础

    It also introduces the contents of software testing and software assessment, lays a theoretical foundation for the further analysis of embedded software testing.


  • 嵌入式系统组成特性嵌入式软件测试抽象分析基础上,提出了一种基于故障注入嵌入式软件仿真测试方法

    Based on abstract analysis of the composing of embedded system and testing of embedded software, a method of embedded software simulation testing based on fault injection is presented.


  • 文章总结测控系统软件开发经验基础,针对测控软件的特点,讨论了测控软件静态动态测试

    Based on summarizing the experience on developing the software of testing and controlling system, software static and dynamic test technology are discussed in this paper.


  • 介绍杆钻具试验台硬件框架基础上,着重阐述了基于计算机性能测试数据采集系统的实现方法软件设计

    After a brief introduction of the hardware frame for downhole motors test table, the design method of performance test data acquisition system is described.


  • 本文自行设计测试装置的基础上,开发基于组王技术的瞬态热流测试软件系统

    A test software system for determining thermal diffusivity based on Kingview and transient heat flow method was devel - oped.


  • 本文分析常用测试方法优缺点基础上,介绍了硬件辅助软件测试工具在线分析测试方法的原理

    Then based on analyzing the defect and excellence of testing method, The principle of analyse and test online about software testing tool which hardware assists software is introduced.


  • 本文分析常用测试方法优缺点基础上,介绍了硬件辅助软件测试工具在线分析测试方法的原理

    Then based on analyzing the defect and excellence of testing method, The principle of analyse and test online about software testing tool which hardware assists software is introduced.


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