• 这个转会问题俱乐部拥有最后决定权

    The club will have the last word on this issue.


  • 今天下午经纪人会到米兰,根据报道,经纪人米兰还有罗马球员的转会问题

    Niklas Brendtner's agent Nikola Juric has landed this afternoon in Milan and will then, as previously announced by Sportitalia, talk with Roma and AC Milan execuitives.


  • 利物浦今天坚称球队没有就阿隆索转会问题与包括皇马在内的任何俱乐部达成一致。

    Liverpool have insisted their has been no deal agreed for the transfer of Xabi Alonso to Real Madrid or any other club.


  • 自从名球员萌生去意,可能将自己拉夫德合同之后,转会问题上就谣传不断

    There have been rumours since that the player is unsettled and could buy himself out of his contract at Old Trafford.


  • 西班牙媒体推测今天米兰代表人已经到达巴塞罗纳新科欧洲冠军联系这两位球员转会问题

    Speculation in Spain today suggests Milan representatives have travelled to Barcelona to sound out the European champs about both players' availability.


  • 荷兰足协已经表示,将在齐沃转会问题上与阿贾克斯采取合作的态度。显然意大利足协罗马俱乐部相同承诺

    The Royal Dutch Football Association KNVB has promised Ajax to cooperate with Chivu's transfer. Apparently the Italian FA has made the same promise to as Roma.


  • 迪亚拉托雷斯准备夏天转会曼联球员转会问题似乎变得困难他们俱乐部他们准备卖他们的球星

    Mahamadou Diarra and Fernando Torres, two players tipped to make summer transfer move to Old Trafford, are seemingly off limits after their clubs said they would not be selling their star assets.


  • 安德森将伤二月曼联中场问题进一步加重。费格逊爵士坚持不会一月的冬季转会窗上恐慌性买人

    Manchester United's midfield problems have deepened after Anderson was ruled out until February, but Sir Alex Ferguson insisted he will not panic buy in the January transfer window.


  • JVM实现人员提出一个问题如果持有很短时间那么有效率;如果锁持有很时间,那么暂挂会更有效率。

    This presents a problem for JVM implementers: if locks are only held for a short time, then spinning is more efficient; if locks are held for a long time, then suspension is more efficient.


  • 期待有人乔布斯关于勒布朗·詹姆斯转会问题

    I'm waiting for someone to ask Steve what he thought of the LeBron James decision.


  • 布里奇本来可以解决这个位置上的问题但是这位可以左后卫边锋南安普顿队员现在已经转会曼城了。

    Wayne Bridge could have solved the problem but the former Southampton man, who can play at full-back or left wing, has moved to Manchester City.


  • 基耶里转会曼城只是一个时间问题

    Giorgio Chiellini's move to Manchester City is now just a matter of time.


  • 还有一些细节需要敲定剩下唯一问题俱乐部转会还没达成一致”。

    "There are a few details left, the only problem was tied to the agreement between the two clubs on the value of the transfer," he said.


  • 这次谈判仍然被拖着,周一转会截止期已经临近因为格罗索开始考虑自己问题了。

    The talks are still dragging on with Monday's transfer deadline fast approaching, so it's reported Grosso is taking matters into his own hands.


  • 庞贝军团依旧在紧盯利物浦克劳奇纳永转会费依旧是个问题

    Pompey are also chasing Liverpool duo Peter Crouch and Yossi Benayoun, but Redknapp again acknowledged money is a factor.


  • 消息称温格今年夏天着眼引进门将赛前新闻发布会上关于转会意向的一系列问题温格并没有作答。

    Wenger has been linked with a move for a new keeper this summer, but he batted away questions about his transfer intentions at his pre-match press conference.


  • 自然很多问题因为俱乐部转会市场策略突然之间转变提出尽管,真正的问题正好并没有涉及

    Naturally, many questions have been raised by this sudden change in the club's transfer policy; however the right ones just haven't been asked yet.


  • 这位法国人迄今为止否认所有转会传闻周二下午面对媒体提出这个问题时,依然对于打算语焉不详。

    The Frenchman has rejected every transfer rumour so far and continued to play down his intentions when he faced the media on Tuesday afternoon.


  • 门将布冯当前不想考虑合同问题同时暗示赛季结束认真考虑是否转会

    Goalkeeper Buffon is reluctant to discuss new terms at the present time and has hinted he will seriously consider leaving Juve at the end of this season.


  • 转会市场总是会遇到形形色色问题可以理解球迷的不耐心

    It's all kinds of things you meet during the transfer market. But I can understand the impatience of people.


  • 更为重要的是辛辛苦苦培养飞行员竞争对手挖走后,自己却面临飞行员紧缺问题不是一点转会就能解决

    More importantly, when its hard-trained pilots have been poached by its competitors, an airline will be embarrassed by the problem of pilot shortage, which is more than a slim sum of transfer fee.


  • 研究表明,下一个十年世界转会越来越依赖机器人劳力。研究员警告说,伴随着一些突发社会问题

    The next decade will see the world become increasingly reliant on robotic Labour, according to researchers, who warn that there could also be some unintended social consequences.


  • 两种常用表达了关切问题甚至合法性问题特别是最新转会活动培养华文知识分子文化精英

    There have been two commonly expressed concerns that question the merits or even the legitimacy of the campaign and especially the latest move to cultivate a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite.


  • 马武巴的经纪人昨天出现都灵可能转会问题尤文进行商谈。

    Mavuba and his agent were reportedly seen in Turin yesterday which fuelled suggestions of a possible meeting with Juventus.


  • 马武巴的经纪人昨天出现都灵可能转会问题尤文进行商谈。

    Mavuba and his agent were reportedly seen in Turin yesterday which fuelled suggestions of a possible meeting with Juventus.


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