• 通行原子标志直白几个极细轨道环绕一个黑点

    The popular symbol of the Atom is stark: a black dot encircled by the hairline orbits of several other dots.


  • 只是星际空间岩体,受火星引力作用而被吸引,并沿着轨道环绕火星运动。

    It is a space rock captured and now held in orbit by the gravity force of Mars.


  • 因为卫星头衔而且沿椭圆形轨道环绕地球运行,月亮似乎每天平均51分钟返回天空同一地点

    Due to the moon's titled and elliptical orbit around Earth, the moon seems to return to the same place in the sky 51 minutes later each day, on average.


  • 如果地球天王星轨道环绕太阳无法附近区域彻底清空,那资格被看作行星了。Stern

    If Earth circled the sun in Uranus' orbit, it wouldn't be able to clean out its neighborhood and would thus not qualify as a planet, Stern said.


  • Lorenz同事利用轨道环绕飞船Cassini号上收集雷达数据计算了泰坦液态含量

    Lorenz and colleagues calculated the amount of liquid hydrocarbons on Titan using radar data gathered from the orbiting Cassini spacecraft.


  • 秋分一天地球赤道正是黄道相交——或者地球平面轨道环绕太阳,造成我们看到太阳在正西方落下现象。

    And on the day of the equinox, the plane of Earth's equator is intersecting the ecliptic - or plane of Earth's orbit around the sun. So the sun sets due west for all of us.


  • 细小原子核内含不带电荷中子正电荷质子,而带负电荷的电子则沿轨道环绕原子核运行,情况就好像行星环绕太阳运行一样。

    The nucleus consists of uncharged neutrons and positively charged protons. negatively charged electrons travel around the nucleus in their orbits, similar to the way planets moving around the sun.


  • 新的人造卫星送上环绕地球轨道

    A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth.


  • 卫星射入环绕月球轨道

    The satellite was launched into the orbit around the moon.


  • 这些卫星位于一个十分特殊轨道以便它们24小时环绕地球一周。

    The satellites sit in a very special orbit that allows them to circle the Earth once in 24 hours.


  • 是因为月球环绕地球轨道卵形或者椭圆形的。

    This is because of the Moon's orbit around Earth which is oval or elliptical in shape.


  • 这个状物开始合并成为一组原行星时,它们引力拉动着盘状物周围气体凝聚的硬块,一起环绕恒星轨道运行。

    When the disk begins to coalesce into protoplanets, the gravity of those protoplanets pulls clumps of gas around the disk with them as they orbit the star.


  • 小行星较小行星,它们中的大部分火星木星轨道小行星环绕太阳运行。

    Asteroids are minor planets, most of which circle the sun in a region known as the asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.


  • 意味着那些星球我们家园有着近似的大小,并且一条距离合适轨道环绕运行,而这个距离要使得能够液态的、能孕育生命的形式存在

    That meant they'd have to be about the same size as our home world, orbiting their parent star at about the right distance for water to exist in liquid, life-nurturing form.


  • 除了这个,还得到半径大小,速度以及周期假设地球上这些恒星环绕轨道同处一个平面

    And out of this information you get the radius, the velocity and the period, assuming that you are on Earth in the plane of the orbit of the stars.


  • 国际空间站轨道离地354公里(220英里),每隔92分钟环绕地球一周。

    The International Space Station orbits 354 kilometers (220 miles) above the Earth, completing one trip around the globe every 92 minutes.


  • 如果放到我们太阳系中,参宿四的直径几乎可以环绕木星轨道一周。

    If found in our own solar system its diameter would almost encompass the orbit of Jupiter.


  • 径向速度观察颗行星环绕恒星轨道引起的恒星相对地球来往的速度变化

    The radial velocity method, which looks for changes in a star's velocity toward or away from Earth triggered by a planet's orbit around that star.


  • 月球轨道椭圆的,因此,就意味着不是的方式环绕地球公转,而是椭圆

    The Moon's orbit is elliptical, meaning it does not follow a circular but rather an oval path.


  • 4.7环绕恒星一周,轨道一个适度椭圆平均距离0.04个天文单位(为水星太阳的十分之一)。

    It orbits its star every 4.7 days, in a moderately elliptical orbit at a mean distance of only 0.04 AU (one tenth of Mercury's distance from the sun).


  • 美国空军X-37B太空船当时正在环绕地球某个官方未公开轨道执行秘密任务天空观察者发现了

    The US Air Force's X-37B space plane is circling Earth and, although it is on a classified mission with an officially unpublished orbit, sky watchers have spotted it.


  • 美国航天局重力恢复内部实验室计划,称“圣杯”号月球探测器首先环绕月球轨道飞行,然后在月球表面着陆

    NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, or GRAIL, mission spacecraft will orbit the moon before landing on the lunar surface.


  • 地球环绕太阳公转轨道偏心的,这是因为地球公转轨道稍微呈椭圆形所以这个轨道实际上就有中心(这两个中心太阳的中心重合)。

    The orbit of the earth around the sun is eccentric because the orbit is slightly elliptical and so has effectively has two centres (neither of them the centre of the sun).


  • 1971年11月13日美国宇宙飞船水手顺利进入火星的计划轨道飞行,成为环绕另一颗行星飞行的宇宙飞船。

    November 13,1971, The American space probe, Mariner 9, has become the first spacecraft to orbit another planet, swinging into its planned trajectory around Mars without a hitch.


  • 这个方法证明取得了巨大的成功使得3NASA空间探测器进入环绕火星轨道3个到达火星表面(探险者,精神号,机遇号)。

    The approach has proved a brilliant success, putting three NASA spacecraft into orbit around Mars and three rovers on the planet's surface (Pathfinder, Spirit and Opportunity).


  • 进入火星木星之间小行星环绕一个天体轨道而进行第一探索

    It is the first probe to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.


  • 进入火星木星之间小行星环绕一个天体轨道而进行第一探索

    It is the first probe to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.


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