• 一个样访问数据能力可以证明这个设备制造商而言是有用的。

    The ability to access data from a sample population of vehicles could prove itself useful to a vehicle manufacturer as well.


  • 虽然这个项目处在模拟阶段但是它已经显示出在沿路行驶有一必须扮演协调者的角色。

    Although the project is still at the simulator stage, it has already shown that one car in a group driving along a road will have to be nominated as co-ordinator.


  • 开始看到母亲父亲一边婴儿一边打电话

    I began to see a veritable army of mothers and one father pushing a stroller while talking on the cell phone.


  • 另外MIT研究者们最近开发了一种脉冲吸收器,它可以利用运行过程中的上下振动产生电能

    A group of students from MIT also recently announced the development of a shock absorber for vehicles that USES the up and down motion when driving to generate electricity.


  • 在院里还养着白鹅,鹅们白天,晚上就回的窝里面睡觉。打从杰克千里迢迢跑来这里倒卖佛罗里达的美梦那天起,一直闲置,再

    She had a flock of snow-white geese that roamed outside the house and nested in the garage that had not been used to park the car since the time Jack had come along selling futures in Florida.


  • 前往金边的路上我们在路边,准备吃剩意大利通心粉一下吃,有一孩子上来看我们

    When we stopped by the side of the road to heat up leftover spaghetti on our way to Phnom Penh, a group of children gathered and stared at us.


  • 堪萨斯州座小城里,一市民站在月台上等候着夜班到来已经晚点二十分钟了。

    A group of the townspeople stood on the station siding of a little Kansas town, awaiting the coming of the night train, which was already twenty minutes overdue.


  • 辆原军用装甲摩托载着20露点女星和几个男人驶过大街,围在街道旁边的男人纷纷举起手机摄像机拍照

    A mostly male crowd wielding camera phones and video cameras massed along the street as two armoured ex-military vehicles and motorbikes carrying 20 topless women and a few men drove by.


  • 个乌兹·别克摄影师一个镜头显示装甲穿过一激动吉尔吉斯好像是去对付乌兹·别克人的。

    An Uzbek cameraman has footage of an armoured personnel-carrier going through a crowd of agitated Kyrgyz men as it approaches some Uzbeks.


  • 最后暗影中传来的呼唤声终于让阿雷特扭过头,密密麻麻的后面走了出来。

    Finally, Arete turned when shouts came from the shadows. Out of the mass of parked cars, a group emerged.


  • 科迈罗周围混混怒气冲冲杰克

    Surrounding the Camaro, a group of pissed-off punks stared down at Jack.


  • 或许坏小子阴谋,又或许帮派组织看上了这个开漂亮女人杀害了

    Maybe it was a gang thing and one of the initiations is to find a really pretty blonde lady in a really high-powered car and take her out.


  • 赛格威生产电池拥有世界上最大客户,公司始终位于用锂离子电池开发的前列。

    Segway is one of the world’s largest customers of large format batteries, and was at the forefront of the development of Lithium Ion batteries for transportation.


  • 短短几分钟托运来了,透过透明塑料包装泰山仅能看到小小的运载装置陪伴它身边的动物园工作人员

    In minutes, the crate appeared, carried by a small forklift and accompanied by a large group of zoo staff members.


  • 为了控制疫情专家提醒快速销毁感染他们提醒,限制进入农场消毒因为他们来来去去

    To control outbreaks, experts advise quick destruction of infected flocks. They also advise limiting entry to farms and disinfecting vehicles as they come and go.


  • 购物空的请看产品目录

    Your inquiry cart is empty, see the product catalog.


  • 位推着婴儿母亲绕过了乌玛,接着是一冷眼旁观的女性箱子离开

    A mother with a pram manoeuvred around her, then a group of women pulling suitcases turned a blind eye.


  • 外面有咱们很困难招一辆对外租赁

    There was a big crowd and we had difficulty getting a taxi.


  • 街角仿佛回到三轮时代还有看见雨淋成了落汤鸡的,副狼狈样子人们

    In the corner, you seem to back in the era of tricycles, as well as to see groups of the rain into La Tangji, and a panic like people.


  • 可是,还完全停稳就围上来

    He had not done so wholly, however, before a crowd gathered about.


  • 商店橱窗那么,推着婴儿年轻妇女无法过去。

    There was such a crowd outside the shop window that the young woman with the pram couldn't get by.


  • 水沟之间足够的空间学生和乘的人从中过去公交

    There is just enough space between the ditch and the wall for a steady stream of schoolchildren and commuters to squeeze past and make a dash for their bus.


  • 我们或许知道用户存在哪个细分市场他们收入多少、他们每周末消费多少钱,以及他们买什么样等。

    We might know what market segment our users are in, how much money they make, how much money they like to spend on weekends, and what sort of cars they buy.


  • 辆很旧大客条于涸了的河床旁,一著名男女演员下了

    An ancient bus stopped by a dry riverbed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off.


  • 古旧大客干涸河床停下,一著名男女演员下了

    An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off.


  • 古旧大客干涸河床停下,一著名男女演员下了

    An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off.


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