• 最后由于最近全国许多地区下雪,机动车协会司机发出警告

    Finally, the motoring organizations have issued a warning to drivers following the recent falls of snow in many parts of the country.


  • 机动协会劝告的人暂时不要使用公路

    Motoring organizations are urging drivers not to travel by road if possible.


  • 机动协会劝告的人暂时不要使用公路

    Motoring organizations are urging drivers not to travel by road if possible .


  • 海滨小镇独自沿着荒寂无人主干道行走着,寻找一个可以打电话地方。我的在镇抛锚联系协会

    I was walking along the deserted main street of a small seaside town looking somewhere to make a phone-call, My car had broken down outside the and I wanted to contact the Austomobile Association.


  • 协会他们路上最忙时间就是周一早上810点,因为这时候很多冷落了一个周末由于电瓶没电而无法启动

    The AA says their busiest time on the roads is from 8am to 10am on Mondays when cars won't start because of flat batteries after they've been left standing over the weekend.


  • 日本微型车协会(Japan MiniVehiclesAssociation)周四公布数据显示,二月份在日本市场上销量排名第二大发公司(DaihatsuMotorCo.)的Tanto牌微型轿

    In second place was Daihatsu Motor Co.'s Tanto minicar with sales of 20,552 vehicles, according to data released the same day by a separate automobile association, the Japan Mini Vehicles Association.


  • 但是协会并未量化形式说明微使用量上升公路交通事故死亡人数预期增量统计数据。

    Yet the institute did not quantify how many more highway deaths might be expected statistically from any increase in the use of minicars.


  • 协会通常只进行单测试但是,此次测试采用了两对撞测试方式,本田飞度对本田雅阁丰田雅力士对丰田佳美奔驰精灵对梅赛德斯C级轿

    The institute usually tests cars individually but in this case paired the Honda Fit with a Honda Accord, the Toyota Yaris with a Toyota Camry and the Smart Fortwo with a Mercedes C-Class.


  • 制造商贸易商协会不这么认为指出英国提供外国大部分零件

    The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders sees it differently: the British motor industry supplies many of the components in those foreign cars, it argues.


  • 上个月总共生产的轿数量为61 404辆,相比去年同期下降了58.7%,商务产量下跌了59.9%,行业协会

    Only 61, 404 cars were manufactured last month, a fall of 58.7 per cent compared with the same month last year, while commercial vehicle production dropped by 59.9 per cent, the industry body said.


  • 保险公司提供资金安全研究小组公路安全保险协会”(Insurance Institutefor Highway Safety)公布2010年评级最高的轿越野今年增加了一项顶强度试验

    The Insurance Institute for Highway safety, a car-safety research group funded by insurers, announced its highest-rated cars and SUVs for 2010, having added a rollover roof-strength test this year.


  • 中国工业协会7,7月份我国国产销量达109万辆,去年同期上涨63.57%。

    Sales of China's domestically made automobiles totaled 1.09m units in July, up 63.57% compared with the same period last year, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said Friday.


  • 德国工业协会指出,中国高档销量去年47.8万辆,2020年将增至150万辆。

    The German Automotive Industry Association (VDA) reported sale of 478,000 high grade cars to China last year, and expected the number to top 1.5 million by 2020.


  • 日本销售协会联合会8日公布数据显示,2009年,丰田公司出品的环保"普锐斯"成功问鼎日本畅销排行榜榜首,也是混合动力首次夺取日本年度销量排行榜第一的宝座。

    The Toyota Prius became the first hybrid car to become a best seller in Japan in 2009, according to statistics released Friday by the Japan Automobile Dealers Association.


  • 美国广告协会统计如今美国一些大型城市每天跑着500多广告

    According to the statistics of American advertising association, there are over 500 mobile billboard trucks on the road in the big cities of United States everyday.


  • UIC 651,轨道单元司机布置(国际铁路协会)。

    UIC 651 Layout of driver's cabs in locomotives, railcars, multiple unit trains and driving trailers.


  • 所以请求职业高尔夫协会(PGA),这个管理职业巡回赛的组织允许他参赛能够使用高尔夫球来代步。

    And so he asked the PGA, which governs the pro tour in golf, to be able to use a golf cart when he competed in professional tournaments.


  • 国家协会组委会立即把比赛出发名单完整成绩传给国际自由总会总部

    National Federations and organisers shall immediately telefax to UCI Headquarters the list of starters and complete results.


  • 上个月底特律举行工程师协会年会上,克莱斯勒的工程师们记者展示道奇电路电动

    Last month, Chrysler engineers showed off the Dodge Circuit EV to reporters at the Society of Automotive engineers annual meeting in Detroit.


  • 桃园县保护动物协会甚至包游览基隆共襄义举。

    The protesters from Animal Protection Association of Taoyuan rent a bus to carry them for this activity at Keelung.


  • 2005年中国质量协会一份调查显示,在购买4万多元客户中,40%的人都满意质量。

    According to a 2005 survey from the China Association for quality, about 40 per cent of consumers who had small cars costing less than 50,000 yuan were not satisfied with the quality.


  • 现在没有标准三轮滑板头盔但是CPSC协会自行头盔同样适合滑板

    There is no standard for tricycle or scooter helmets, but CPSC says bicycle helmets work well for scooters.


  • 中国自行运动协会审定最新山地竞赛规则》执行。

    The competition will be held according to the newest "Mountain Bike Competition Rules" approved by the Chinese Cycling AssociationCCA.


  • 日本经销商协会发言人讲,普钝斯轿仲秋份的收数据搜罗一部食客户往年秋季订购、阿谁交货因为市场对的水爆招致斲丧者没有能没有提早提货。

    The February sales figures partly reflect deliveries of vehicles ordered in the fall, as customers were forced to wait because of robust demand, a spokesman at the JADA said.


  • 美国货运协会(American Trucking Associations)的首席经济学家鲍勃·科斯特洛(bobCostello),2009年,司机货运量下降了15%,跌至1.7亿现代历史上最大跌幅

    Loads of goods delivered by truckers fell 15% in 2009, to 170 million loads, the largest drop in modern history, said Bob Costello, chief economist for the American Trucking Associations.


  • 美国货运协会(American Trucking Associations)的首席经济学家鲍勃·科斯特洛(bobCostello),2009年,司机货运量下降了15%,跌至1.7亿现代历史上最大跌幅

    Loads of goods delivered by truckers fell 15% in 2009, to 170 million loads, the largest drop in modern history, said Bob Costello, chief economist for the American Trucking Associations.


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