• 我们其中的这个社会组合而成的。

    The society in which we live is put together by man.


  • 全英文语言环境,体验其中国际化

    English language environment, learn by being immersed in international culture!


  • 吧,梦境我们其中觉得它们真实吧?

    Cobb: Well dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right?


  • 他们只是身在其中没有意识大学时光多么美好。

    They just won't know what an idyllic time of life college can be until it's over.


  • 就是为什么否认如此难以理解知道其中

    This is why denial is so baffling: You have no idea you're in it.


  • 客厅书房窗帘采用淡雅色彩使在其中神清气爽。

    Curtain of sitting room, study USES the color of quietly elegant, make person amid magical quiet gas feel well.


  • 相信任何父亲知道自己的女儿其中的话都会震颤

    I don't think any father who knows anything about this business would be thrilled to have a daughter in it.


  • 我们飞蛾一样,不能摆脱诱惑最后在其中

    We would also be like the moths and can not free ourselves from the temptation, and finally get buried in it.


  • 美国同样其中这种历史一再重演因为人们没有以史为鉴

    America is on the same course, proving once again that history repeats itself, because we do not learn from history.


  • ⊙、总是说话不理其中痛不欲生

    You always don't talk to me, Let me in it, Fang knows its pain, hardly wished to live.


  • 关乎发货、不关乎销售、不关乎赢得一个奖项真正快乐在其中

    It's not about shipping or selling or winning an award. The real joy is in getting there.


  • 明年苏格兰投票决定自己是否继续其中还是成为一个独立国家

    Next year, Scots are set to vote on whether they want to stay in the U. K or to become an independent country.


  • “适当幽默”的一个方面是否其中能够准确判断笑话是否幽默、品位高雅。

    Being blind, if you are telling a blind joke, may give you better insight on whether or not the joke is funny or in good taste.


  • 生活一系列问题不论其中还是刚刚从中出来或是将要面对一个问题。

    Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.


  • 演员其中成为挖掘素材主体语言将作为重要材料呈现作品的跳跃变化

    All of actors and actresses in this story become the main part of excavated materials, language become the important element to reveal the variation of the theatre.


  • 我们已经打造了一支新的队伍许多年轻球员身在其中希望我们持续取得成绩

    We have been developing a new side with a lot of young players coming into the squad and hopefully we can continue to bear the fruits of that.


  • 柏拉图认为,现实世界也是类似疯狂,其中矛盾性,但我们身在其中一般不会注意到

    Well, Plato thinks that the empirical world has something of that kind of insanity, something of that kind contradictoriness, built into it that we don't ordinarily notice.


  • 谈论安全这么一个原因很多其中却完全知道他们需要一些电脑安全知识。

    That's one reason I talk about security so much: there are a lot of people out there who aren't even aware they need any computer security knowledge at all.


  • 老屋厅堂》巨大厅堂虽然已经破败陈旧其中,依然不难感觉到庞大家族威严

    The hall of the ancient house you can feel the dignity of the large family easily if you were in the hall by yourself although it was ruined and obsolete.


  • 药物涂层支架血栓形成相关临床证据病理生理机制,特别是药物涂层支架本其中作用进行综述。

    This article reviews the clinical evidence and pathophysiological mechanisms of stent thrombosis of drug-eluting stent, especially the role of the stent itself in it.


  • 自觉地生活意味着获得生活有意义事情感受发生事情找到平衡然后找到一丝乐趣其中

    Living consciously means getting more of what really matters in life, being aware of what’s going on around you, finding balance, and having a little fun while you’re at it;


  • 创造了其中人们可以职位稀松平常地跳槽另一个职位,寻找进入下一个必须拥有的产品或者服务文化

    It creates a culture in which people routinely jump from one job to another, looking to get in on the next must-have product or service.


  • 每个每个的功课,依晨的就是情绪管理不过只是其中一个过程知道自己其中也终将走过你们也是

    We all have our lessons to learn. Ariel's is emotional control. It is still a work in progress. Although I may now be in the midst of it, someday I will walk out of it. You too ok!


  • 一切看似不经意却是苦心经营结果此刻特别希望场风雨因为那样其中即使泪流满面不会发现

    Now all, look be like casual, but I elaborations of the results, at this moment, I especially want to a rain, because of that I'm in it, even if tears will not be found.


  • 一切看似不经意却是苦心经营结果此刻特别希望场风雨因为那样其中即使泪流满面不会发现

    Now all, look be like casual, but I elaborations of the results, at this moment, I especially want to a rain, because of that I'm in it, even if tears will not be found.


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