• 评估身体构成指数腰围体重指数。

    Estimate your body composition: Waist circumference and body mass index.


  • 身体构成优化游泳成绩一个考虑方面。

    Body composition is only one of the considerations for optimal swimming performance.


  • 除了这些化学受体两种田鼠其他身体构成几乎完全一致

    Other than those receptors, the two vole species are almost entirely the same in their physical makeup.


  • 分析身体构成影响有氧耐力机理探讨相关性飞行员筛选中的意义

    The mechanism of aerobic capacity affected by body composition is analyzed, the Significance of Pilot Selection from the correlation of body composition with aerobic capacity is discussed.


  • 目的分析我国歼击机轰炸机飞行员身体构成现状飞行员选拔和制定保健措施提供依据。

    Objective To explore the present status of body composition of Chinese fighter and bomber pilots for their better health care maintenance.


  • 一般来说健身可以通过4个关键领域进行评估——有氧体能测试,肌肉锻炼柔韧性身体构成指数。

    Generally, fitness is assessed in four key areas - aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility and body composition. To do your assessment, you'll need.


  • 对于一些重伤患者而言大量血液液体可能对其身体构成伤害,原因是这会抑制人体凝结血液能力

    But for some severely injured patients, that massive amount of fluid and blood can be harmful as it inhibits the body's ability to clot.


  • 由于我们脂肪储存在在身体不同部位这个方案不够完美,可以提供给一个参考身体构成的大致概念

    Since we all store fat in different areas of the body, this method cannot be considered perfect, but it will provide you with a point of reference and a general idea of your body composition.


  • 其他长期雄激素去势治疗方法副作用可能包括不良身体构成方面改变增加胰岛素抵抗糖尿病心血管系统疾病风险

    Other long-term consequences of androgen deprivation therapy may include adverse body composition changes and increased risk of insulin resistance, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.


  • 这些反应影响着我们遗传密码表现方式每个基因如何加强削弱甚至其作用机制是如何被打开或关闭,从而构成我们的骨骼、大脑以及身体其他部位的。

    These reactions influence how our genetic code is expressed: how each gene is strengthened or weakened, even turned on or off, to build our bones, brains and all the other parts of our bodies.


  • 水化合物的不同类型不同的化学构成可以身体明显不同的影响。

    Different types of carbohydrates have a different chemical makeup, and can have significantly different effects on your body when ingested.


  • 我们变形虫那样远古祖先身体里,基因之间已经形成了固定的组合一起从事构成细胞壁其他基本生命必要活动

    In our distant, amoeba-like ancestors, clusters of genes were already forming to work together on building cell walls and on other very basic tasks essential to life.


  • 大部份身体水分构成;甚至一点点的缺水都会让精力溜走。

    The majority of your body is made of water; even a slight deficiency can rob you of your “oomph”!


  • 大部份身体水分构成甚至一点点的缺水都会让精力溜走。

    The majority of your body is made of water; even a slight deficiency can rob you of your "oomph"!


  • 这里所说种的是种,精神,一个psuchos构成身体,这是希腊文“灵魂意思

    What they're talking about here is what is sown is as psychic--a body made of psuchos the Greek word for "soul."


  • 年轻具有普遍吸引力今天人们搜寻构成年轻要素好的身体精力充沛、身体外在魅力朝气蓬勃——一句话健康

    Being young has universal appeal and today people are searching for the qualities that youth comprises good health, mental alertness, physical attractiveness, and vigor - in a word, fitness.


  • 我们居住星球一样,我们身体大约70%的水份构成的,因此,很自然地我们摄取足够的水份保持我们的身体滋润,使身体经常保持充沛的能量

    Our body is made up of about 70% of water just like our planet and so naturally we should consume enough water to keep our body hydrated and enough to recycle our body's capacity every so often.


  • 话说,我们心理构成我们的身体一样,都内在的自愈机制

    In other words, our psychological makeup has built-in healing mechanisms the same way our body does.


  • 相信主要植物性食物构成日常饮食可以身体运作最佳状态下。

    I believe that eating a diet that is chiefly comprised of live plant foods will allow your body to operate at optimal health.


  • 因为处在身体末端脚部动物最先吃掉的身体部位,又因为脚部是很多骨骼软组织构成它们容易被毁掉

    Being at the extremities of the body, feet are often the first parts of a body that scavengers will chew on, and being made up of lots of small bones and soft tissue they are easily destroyed.


  • 记住条,身体就像是一台有机体构成机器,它自身有一套运转法则

    Remember, your body is an organic machine that operates by an intrinsic set of laws.


  • 一份研究发现志愿者性质工作可以提升构成幸福大要素快乐、对生活满意度自尊生活的掌控度、身体健康抗抑郁能力

    One study found that volunteer work enhanced all six aspects of well-being: happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, sense of control over life, physical health, and depression.


  • 手机发出无线电波是否真的身体健康构成威胁

    Do the radio waves that cell phones emit pose a threat to health?


  • 因为这些物质性质他们一旦人类身体接触就会人体构成威胁

    Still, the properties of the materials and their typical interactions with the human body give some indication of the threat.


  • 我们身体也是粒子构成的,显微镜下人体分子构成一些松散沙子

    Our bodies are formed by the particles under a microscope to see the human body is constituted by elements of some loose sand.


  • 体验过程具体身体感觉构成基本的心理人格现象

    Experiencing is the process of concrete, bodily feeling, which constitutes the basic matter of psychological and personality phenomena.


  • 也许现在构成身体原子早在出生以前就已存在,也许它们我死后继续存在着。

    Maybe the atoms that make up my body now existed before I was born, and maybe they will continue to exist after I die.


  • 身体需要构成血液多余的断根身世体。

    Your body needs to get rid of extra water that builds up in the blood.


  • 身体需要构成血液多余的断根身世体。

    Your body needs to get rid of extra water that builds up in the blood.


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