• 等离子身体技术作为一种全新隐身技术,是通过等离子体电磁波相互作用实现隐身的。

    Plasma stealth is a new type of stealth technique. To achieve stealth, plasma stealth technique makes use of the reciprocity of plasma and electromagnetic wave.


  • 汽车公司已经在使用3D打印机制作真实大小汽车零件模型医疗公司也在使用这项技术制造人造身体部件

    Car companies already use 3D printers to make life-size models of car parts, and medical companies use the technology to make man-made body parts.


  • 重要的是技术专家把病人身体外发生的事情和他在大脑里看到的联系起来。”拉库耶女士说。

    "The important thing is that the technologist associates what is happening outside the patient's body with what the patient sees in his head," Ms. L'Ecuyer said.


  • 着科学技术的发展,人们可以以他们想要的方式改变身体

    With the development of science and technology, people can change their bodies in the way they want.


  • 其他取代身体操作选择可以语音识别技术——目前已经部分设备使用或者直接通过意念控制

    Another option is to swap physical means of controlling technology with voice recognition systems, which are already used in some devices, or pure intuition.


  • 现在技术能够很好的捕捉身体动作,但不是精细控制。”解释道

    "The current technology is good for body gestures, not fine-grain control," he explains.


  • 信息技术已经使身体隐私变成了一件稀有物品网络跟踪兴趣购买的物品。

    Information technology already means that physical privacy has become a scarce commodity. Websites track your interests and purchases.


  • 操控者利用装置上安装的摄像机热成像技术得以通过疑犯身体热量找到指挥徒步巡逻队锁定位置

    Using the device's on-board camera and thermal-imaging technology, the operator was able to pick up the suspect through his body heat and direct foot patrols to his location.


  • 技术直白,一般照片组成,照片上一个个人音乐唱片掩盖或突出他们身体部分,以求产生某种错觉

    The technique is pretty straightforward and consists of photographs of one more people obscuring or augmenting any part of their bodies with album sleeves, causing an illusion.


  • 看过尼日利亚非洲国家杯上表现,他们一支典型的非洲球队——球员技术身体强壮

    I saw Nigeria at the African Cup of Nations and they are a typical African team with good and physically strong players.


  • 综合起来他们展示我们这些石器时代大脑——以及这些大脑已经习惯了的身体边界——怎样被超越我们进化水平的技术力量迷惑的。

    Taken together, they show how our Stone Age brainsand the bodily boundaries they are used to — can be confused by technology that has outpaced our evolutionary development.


  • 现在一种技术可以有效身体变成部分皮肤为背景的触摸屏界面

    It could become part of a skin-based interface that effectively turns your body into a touchscreen.


  • 电影爱好者一步心理学家这项技术应用实验,观察性别如何影响其他人身体语言

    Psychologists rather than moviegoers are the first to see the benefits of the new technology: putting it to use in experiments that test how a person's gender affects the body language of others.


  • 技术那些糖尿病身体不同部位采集血样包括前臂

    The company’s technology allows diabetic people to take blood samples from multiple sites on their bodies, including the forearm.


  • 一项利用DNA技术追踪犀牛犀牛身体部件保护计划有助于捕获偷猎者

    A new programme USES DNA technology to track rhinos and their parts to help catch poachers.


  • 更好监测锻炼强度的探测器身体本身最新高端技术设备

    The better detector of how hard you're working is not the newest, gee-whiz tech device, but your own body.


  • 被问道如何评价的最新援时贝基里斯坦确定的:“绝对世界级的,身体技术出色。”

    When asked to describe his new acquisition, Txiki Begiristain had no doubt thathe is top class, has a good physique and plenty of skill”.


  • 1990年,开创身体绘画技术作品用作广告商业领域流行展览

    In 1990, he developed a body painting technique, and his work has been used in advertising images and commercials, as well as fashion events and exhibitions [1].


  • 也许是因为狄安娜坚定意志医学技术小小的身体创造的奇迹下她度过一个又一个小时。

    As if willed to live by Diana's determination, Danae clung to life hour after hour, with the help of every medical machine and marvel her miniature body could endure.


  • 匿名中心使用侵入日本技术帮助身体燃烧脂肪

    The center, which has not provided its name, uses non-intrusive Japanese technology to help the body break down fat.


  • 人们的身体活动生成能量技术能将我们个动作都用来为移动设备甚至座建筑充电

    Technologies that harvest energy from movement could see your every move charge a mobile device, or even a building.


  • 身体感应技术用于进行游戏,治疗患者,帮助紧急救援人员控制开关

    The technology will also use body sensing for gaming, aiding the disabled, helping emergency responders, and switching on the lights


  • 作者史蒂芬·伍兹数码身体语言》,对线上消费者意图进行了解构;同时,他还是公司自动化解决方案提供商eloqua首席技术

    Steven Woods is the author of Digital Body Language: Deciphering Customer Intentions in an Online World and chief technology officer for Eloqua, a marketing automation company.


  • 科学家相信,猛犸象的这种遗传性适应技术(为适应北极寒冷的环境,静脉中出现防冻剂),可能能够用于复活其他灭绝动物身体部位或者蛋白质

    The scientists believe the genetic adaptation technique could be used to resurrect body parts and proteins from other extinct animals.


  • 多伦多大学计算机科学副教授DanielWigdor是应用界面学专家,温哥华会议上身体验了这个新技术产品。

    Daniel Wigdor, an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Toronto who specializes in user interfaces, interacted with ZeroTouch technology at the conference in Vancouver.


  • 这一技术已被广泛地用于评估接受或回避某种刺激的本能趋向操纵杆回避联系,操纵杆身体一侧则表明渴望更近地接触刺激。

    Moving the joystick away is associated with avoidance, while drawing it towards the body indicates a desire to bring the stimulus closer.


  • 技术两个人没什么问题,唯一的差别就是两个人的身材,个很高一个瘦小,不过他们都有成为球员的身体素质,这毋庸置疑。 我们的队员们也很欢迎他们,虽然他们的英语一般,但是同龄孩子还是很快打成一片了。

    The Chinese boys speak very little English but they've still got involved and made a good impression.


  • 应用技术手段,通过从写作互联网交流,能够使我们拓展我们身体以外心智

    And technology, from writing to the Internet, enables us to expand our mind outside the confines of our body.


  • 安娜技术攀谈起来,诉说心中恐惧,如担心传染,担心我纠正他对我身体状况吐痰能力的认识。

    Diane talked with the tech, listening to his fear of contagion and fear of my spitting on him, and correcting him about my medical condition and my ability to spit.


  • 鉴于再生医学使病人得以借助自己干细胞修复身体科学家再生医学的技术进步倍感欣喜。

    Scientists are also very excited about advances in regenerative medicine which allows medicine to repair the body with the patient's own stem cells.


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