• 本文没有取代这些提供物;只是读者介绍CMM提供跳跃开始过程改进模型的要点。

    This article does not replace these offerings; it simply introduces the reader to CMM and provides tips to jump-start your process improvement model.


  • 充斥房间活动数据包来回跳跃就像围绕数字路灯数字飞蛾

    The room thrummed with the activity of packets fluttering to and fro like little digital moths around a digital streetlight.


  • 思维跳跃,他的温柔不由自主摘了一朵最近

    His thoughts were so elastic, his heart so tender; and involuntarily he picked one of the nearest flowers.


  • 6显示这个自动机森林火灾模型迭代跳跃恰当,很好显示规则效果

    Figure 6 shows the iteration of the Cellular Automata Forest Fire Model, skipping appropriately to show the effect of the rule set.


  • 虽然太郎失去宝贵四肢,但是没有意志消,而是匍匐前进来代替奔跑跳跃活泼乐观过着每一个日子

    Though he’d lost his precious limbs, he was not downhearted. Unable to leap and run, he moved around by crawling, and still enjoyed every day in a lively and cheerfully manner.


  • 进口跳跃增长,一数字还可能修正更高,看起来是因为在两个季度高于预期销售额之后商户在补充进货。

    The big jump in imports, which is likely to be revised up further, appears to be largely restocking after the stronger-than-expected sales of the preceding two quarters.


  • 有人过于频繁跳跃

    Someone was pressing the jump key too often.


  • 紧跟着讲述画面过渡的特别有意思雄辩说明了为何应该突然各个画面间跳跃应该清晰表明画面之间的相互关系

    A chapter on transitions is particularly interesting and presents a strong case for why interfaces should not instantly jump to various screens without making it clear how they relate to each other.


  • 穿过树木奋力跑着,试图跟上奈提莉。 而她轻松跳跃着,就像蜘蛛

    She CLIMBS and LEAPS with the ease of a spider monkey.


  • 那些大部分时间在攀爬树干的鸟会有着特别弯曲第三个趾头,而那些经常在树枝间跳跃鸟则弯曲不大,那些主要寻觅食物的鸟则都不弯曲。

    Those that forage mainly on the ground have the least curved of all.


  • 如果基因跳跃可以自然属于不同种类植物之间发生是否意味着不再有任何理由反对转基因作物

    If gene jumps can occur naturally between plants belonging to different species, does this mean that there is no longer any reason to oppose genetically modified crops?


  • 更为神奇的某些情形下水滴竟然可以反复弹跳水面跳跃

    What is more, under certain conditions, droplets can actually bounce repeatedly and skip on the surface of the water.


  • 学术出版商纸质出版敏捷跳跃网络上面。

    Academic publishers have jumped deftly from paper to the Internet.


  • 也许解释正在发生简单方法人类力量正在剧变跳跃而增加现在真实定位也在拼命赶上。

    Perhaps the simplest way I can explain what's happening is that humanity's Power has been increasing by leaps and bounds, and now its alignment with Truth and Love desperately need to catch up.


  • 机器人或者具体点机器人中安装大脑——数学算法无法做出这样直觉跳跃

    A robot, or more specifically, the mathematical algorithms installed on a robot that are its brain, can't make that intuitive leap.


  • 但是发生近海释放张力,所以向东跳跃

    But when the earthquake, which occurred offshore, released the tension, the land jumped back to the east.


  • 手电筒的光芒疯狂树林跳跃搜寻人员经过身旁,他们在灌木丛跌跌撞撞,在树桩倒下的树干间磕磕碰碰。

    Beams from the flashlights bounced crazily among the trees, and the search party crashed through the undergrowth, stumbling over stumps and fallen logs, passing me by.


  • 考验当时,尽管向前的座马却惊弓之鸟般惊恐跳跃不过她可是首度亲眼确认了自己的斗牛标枪还是可以稳稳插上漆黑山形牛背。

    Her horse, as she gave it rein and raced forwards, leapt “like a swallow” with fear, but she saw her banderilla planted firmly for the first time in the black, mountainous neck.


  • 我们多次告诉过权力力量所取代时,你会创造量子水晶跳跃

    We have told you many times that when the Love of Power is replaced by the Power of Love, you will make a quantum, crystalline leap.


  • 也许俘获频率同等程度代替一个关键能级跳跃的阀值。

    Perhaps there could be certain frequencies of trapping fields that would displace the boundaries of one key energy transition by exactly the same degree.


  • 头上灰蒙蒙云天,时而微风轻拂;因而不时可见缕缕阳光孤寂小径上闪烁跳跃

    Overhead was a grey expanse of cloud, slightly stirred, however, by a breeze; so that a gleam of flickering sunshine might now and then be seen at its solitary play along the path.


  • 黑斑羚毫不费力草原上作弧线跳跃

    Gazelles and impalas bound effortlessly across the plains in great arching leaps.


  • 现在我们跳跃前进更进一步研究这个话题:宇航员长期太空旅行,换句话说,环游火星可能面临问题

    Now let's leap ahead, and much farther afield. What kinds of issues might a crew of astronauts face on a longer journey-say, a round-trip to Mars?


  • 数据因特网上保持时间跳跃点(hop)衡量,其中跳跃表示数据报通向目的节点路径的一个网关

    The time the datagram remains on the Internet is measured in hops, where one hop represents one gateway on the datagram's path to the destination node.


  • 印度印度羚羊看起来别致大瓶塞钻。印度羚羊可以在黑夜优雅跳跃它们通常中等个儿的羚羊。

    The blackbuck of India has ringed horns that look like giant, fancy corkscrews. Blackbucks can leap very gracefully through the night. Usually they are medium-sized antelopes.


  • 强壮力量可以全然跳跃中的鹿那样柔和灵活象一只凝视惊醒野牛那样坦白。

    Strength and power can be soft and supple as a stag in fullness of leap or as direct as a buffalo awakened from sleep in staring you down.


  • 山间滚动,轻盈跳跃

    Rolls along the hills, gently bouncing.


  • 小小的溪流,将那高高的山峰作为生命起点一路跳跃一路奔腾勇敢、勇敢奔向生活大海

    May you, like that little stream, the high peaks that life as a starting point, all the way to jump all the way to the Pentium, bravely, live bravely toward the sea.


  • 小小的溪流,将那高高的山峰作为生命起点一路跳跃一路奔腾勇敢、勇敢奔向生活大海

    May you, like that little stream, the high peaks that life as a starting point, all the way to jump all the way to the Pentium, bravely, live bravely toward the sea.


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