• 文章结合沈阳到山海关路面维修工程研究了再生沥青混合水损害问题。

    Moisture resistance of recycling old asphalt mixture is studied based on the pavement maintenance engineering of Shenyang-Shanhaiguan expressway.


  • 城市路面维修时, 一而再, 再而三地发生地下管道割裂现象,引起的慢性疾病折磨许多大城市

    Repeatedly cutting open the road surface to repair various types of underground pipes has been compared to a chronic disease tormenting many big cities.


  • 分公司指挥调度中心上报养护路面维修作业填报报表》,通知养护所护栏板维修人员维修作业任务。

    "Pavement maintenance maintenance report completing the report" to branch command and dispatch center, and notify the maintenance in the guardrail maintenance personnel maintenance tasks.


  • 路面维修进行预防性养护时,通常希望同一处置措施施工路段尽可能一些,避免施工机械频繁迁移

    For a pavement maintenance project, it is always expected that the road segments to be treated or candidate segments are as long as possible to avoid frequent migration of paving equipment.


  • UT W具有经济耐久节能优点而城市道路沥青路面维修、乡村公路面层、机场道面等方面具有广阔的前景。

    For its advantages such as economy, durable and energy-saving, UTW show good prospect on asphalt pavement rehabilitation, surface layer and airfield pavement.


  • 白色机场维修驶离沥青路面碾上路旁丛生杂草。

    The white airport maintenance van swerved off the pavement, onto the scrub grass that lined the black asphalt.


  • 当地村民表示,2009年该桥由于部分坍塌曾进行过维修,当时只增加了桥栏,铺设了柏油路面没有桥基进行加固

    The part of the bridge that collapsed had been maintained in 2009, local people said. Bridge railings and asphalt were added, but there was no reinforcement of the bridge foundation.


  • 用于水泥路面机场跑道维修等。

    It also is used to maintain the old cement pavement and airport runway.


  • 其它路面相比沥青路面具有很多优点例如表面相对较平整没有接缝车辆行驶比较平稳养护维修比较简单

    And other than the pavement, the asphalt pavement has many advantages, such as: surface relatively flat, no juncture, vehicle smoothly, maintained and maintenance is simple, etc.


  • 探讨了路面养护维修管理系统设计过程中的标准化灵活性问题。

    The tradeoff between standardization and flexibility in system design for pavement maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) management at network level is discussed.


  • 通过全寿命周期分析方法,提出刚性沥青路面合适养护时机使所需养护维修费用最少道路使用者提供良好的通行环境

    This paper presents right maintenance time of semi-rigid asphalt pavement through life-cycle cost analysis, which could make the least maintenance cost for manager and best surroundings for users.


  • 公司现有职工147名,专业从事路面工程设备销售租赁维修服务企业

    The company has 147 employees, are specialized in road engineering equipment sales, leasing and maintenance services companies.


  • 笔者通过多年高速公路养护维修施工实践经验沥青路面常见病害成因防治作简单叙述

    Author through years of highway maintenance and repair of construction experience, now on Asphalt Pavement Causes and prevention of common diseases briefly described.


  • 路面快速维修技术中,混凝土的应用非常广泛

    In pavement quick service technology, early strength concrete is extremely popular.


  • 本文养护维修角度分析了路面接缝破坏本身破坏主要形式成因机理。

    From the aspect of conservation and maintaining, this paper analyses the main form and causation of joint and concrete board damage in concrete road.


  • 路面铣刨机普遍使用道路维修设备

    The pavement planer is a kind of commonly used equipment for the road maintenance.


  • 本文结合多年高速公路沥青养护维修设计施工管理经验提出今后高速公路路面中修需注意几个问题、方式及建议。

    The paper combined with experience of design, construction, management of asphalt pavement in expressway for years, put forward a few of noticed questions about pavement maintenance for the future.


  • 发动机下放了防止发动机在启动时撞崎岖路面,但护拦板在去往龙胜路上损坏了,需要维修

    The protection plate we put under the engine to protect it from begin hit on rough roads needs to be repaired since it was damaged on the way to Longsheng.


  • 沥青路面就地再生目前国际上道路维修改造主要方法之一

    Cold in-place asphalt pavement recycling is one of the main methods of the transformation of the international road maintenance.


  • 本文详细论述了公路水泥养护措施路面裂缝产生原因预防分析了水泥路面日常维修方法

    This paper discusses in detail the conservation measures in highway concrete pavement and road cracks causes and prevention, and then analyzes the method of concrete pavement routine maintenance.


  • 微波加热红外加热现已逐渐应用高等级公路沥青混凝土路面养护维修中。

    Microwave heating and infrared ray heating are used in maintenance of asphalt concrete pavement of high grade expressways.


  • 本文介绍了高速公路沥青常见病害详细地分析了病害产生原因,提出相应预防措施维修对策

    The paper introduced the common disease of asphalt pavement of expressway, and analyzed the cause of disease in detail, and put forward relative preventive measure and maintenance method.


  • 研制能够做到快速修补并且价格低廉路面裂缝补剂,对于道路养护维修有着非常积极的价值意义

    It is very valuable and meaningfully to develop crack sealing material for road maintaining and repairing, which can repair the road quickly and cheaply.


  • 溶剂型常温沥青混合料一种开发研制的新型路面材料用于常温条件下公路铺筑维修养护

    The solvent cold bituminous mixture is a new kind of pavement material, and can be used in highway paving and maintenance.


  • 结合工程实践,分析了水泥混凝土路面功能性破坏种类,结合路面破坏类型提出路面维修更换的施工措施

    Based on the practice, analysis is made on the formations of functionality hazard of cement concrete pavement, and provided the maintenance and replacing measures.


  • 针对沥青混凝土路面常见槽病害,研究各类维修工艺关键控制技术,并结合各种气候及施工条件分析了适宜的坑槽修补技。

    On the basis of the potholes in the asphalt concrete pavements, the various patching (methods) and key control technology are studied in this paper.


  • 公路建设高峰期过后大量沥青路面将面临维修改建将产生大量的旧沥青混合料。

    After the peak of the construction of highway, a lot of asphalt pavement need to maintenance and reconstruct.


  • 我国许多高速公路路面已经进入全面维修沥青路面再生利用一种主要养护方法。

    With the coming maintenance period of the aging road in China, the old asphalt pavement's recycling has become an important issue.


  • 基于关系数据库建立了沥青路面使用性能数据库,采用图文格式建立了养护维修知识库

    Asphalt pavement performance database and rich text maintenance strategy information database are employed by reasoning mechanism.


  • 基于关系数据库建立了沥青路面使用性能数据库,采用图文格式建立了养护维修知识库

    Asphalt pavement performance database and rich text maintenance strategy information database are employed by reasoning mechanism.


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