• 仿真结果表明ACS算法兼顾路由长度网络负载两方面因素,选路效果优于传统动态分布式算法

    The simulation results show that the length of routes and links' load can be taken into account by ACS and the algorithm is superior to some traditional algorithms.


  • MessageChunkingRouter消息固定长度分解多个部分,并将它们路由同一个端点

    The Message Chunking Router splits a single message into a number of fixed-length messages that will all be routed to the same endpoint.


  • 同时根据节点密度调整路径长度限制,使得区域间路由查询路由维护能够更快地收敛

    Also, MZRP modifies the limit of route length based on the node density, and results in rapider convergence during route query and maintenance in IERP.


  • 通过仿真,文中给出了VTBR算法传统位置辅助路由协议性能对比分析,对数据包传输成功率平均路径长度两个性能参数进行了评价。

    The performance comparison between VTBR and traditional position based routing protocols shows that VTBR algorithm has a much higher packet delivery success rate and a shorter average path length.


  • 移动主机位置改变时,数据流路由改变了,那么分组延迟可能改变因为新的路由路由获得不同路径长度不同的排队延迟。

    When mobile host changes its position, the route of the flow changes, which may causes the change of packet delay as routers on the new route may gain different path length and queuing delay.


  • 根据多层卫星星座网络链路长度可见性模型建立多层卫星网络的数学模型,并据此提出了一种适于多层卫星网络应用的层次路由协议。

    According to the models of the link length and visibility for multiple satellite constellations, the multi-layer mathematic model of the satellite network was built in this paper.


  • 同时边缘路由组装分配信道缓冲区设置和优先分配机制可以影响输出突发长度突发度。

    By properly designing of the assembly and scheduling mechanism of the edge router, the output traffic shape can be improved and delay requirement is satisfied simultaneously.


  • 研究了空间信息网络拓扑结构路由特点,对网络间链路长度覆盖性能进行分析

    In this paper, it studied the topology architecture and routing characteristics of the spaceinformation network, then the length of ISL(inter satellite link) and performance of coverage areanalyzed.


  • 计算数据表明采用递减转发概率使得路由路径长度期望值显著降低因而能保证良好通信延时

    The calculation result demonstrates that descending forward probability makes the expected value of rerouting path decrease distinctly, therefore limits the communication delay.


  • 提出了一种采用伸缩缓冲流量控制方法、缓冲虫洞路由交换机制支持可变长度数据包传输链路控制协议

    We designed and implemented a simplified link-level protocol with elastic buffered flow-control and buffered wormhole routing switching, it can support to transmit variable-length packet.


  • 提出一种基于边界路由远程路由计算查找方法,以边界路由器为核心计算远程路由信息,查找时通过路径长度比较实现最短路径的选择。

    A new method which computes remote routing based on the border routers, was presented and finds the appropriate route by comparing the length of routing.


  • 基于结构化p 2p路由系统马尔可夫链模型,以平均路径长度为指标,提出了结构化P 2 P网络路由算法网络层面的性能量化评估方法

    Based on structured P2P routing system model and Markov-chain model, this paper presents a quantitative evaluation on routing performance on the network-level of structured P2P network.


  • 该算法采用可变长度染色体路由基因节点应用编码问题

    Variable-length chromosomes (routing strings) and their genes(nodes) have been used for encoding the problem.


  • 算法能够使路由中的队列长度快速零误差地跟踪参考队列长度并且在长时延网络环境动态流量网络环境具有快速的响应性能

    It can make the queue length in the router track the reference queue length with non-error, and also has fast response performance both in large delay networks and dynamic traffic networks.


  • AQM通过保持系统队列长度稳定范围内提高路由中的数据包利用率并且降低系统的排队延时改善网络性能提高网络质量

    AQM queue length by maintaining the system in a stable context, raise the router packet queue utilization and reduce system latency and improve network performance, increase network quality.


  • 实验竖直倾斜水平管三段组成,研究发现在这种回路中水平管长度逆向流动溢流开始点影响较大。

    The test section consists of a vertical tube, an inclined tube and a horizontal tube. It is found that the length of horizontal tube has significant effects on the onset of flooding.


  • 实验竖直倾斜水平管三段组成,研究发现在这种回路中水平管长度逆向流动溢流开始点影响较大。

    The test section consists of a vertical tube, an inclined tube and a horizontal tube. It is found that the length of horizontal tube has significant effects on the onset of flooding.


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