• 论文完成正是基于交通信息的路网路径研究

    This paper is a study of the optimum route of road network based on traffic information.


  • 独特路径研究精神病,认为离群索居致病因素而其他

    He also took a unique approach to mental illness, stating that alienation from society leads to illness, not the other way around.


  • 本文采用文本分析路径研究方法考察年来层出不穷艾滋谣言背后社会心理动因

    This paper employs discourse analysis and path research to explore the underlying social and psychological forces of various rumors about AIDS in the past decade.


  • 本文拟通过对毒品犯罪数额刑罚轻缓化关系分析,以毒品犯罪数额为理论路径研究毒品犯罪刑罚轻缓化。

    This thesis analyzes the relation between the the amount of drug crime and the mitigation of punishment, it also studies the mitigation of punishment from the way of the amount of crime.


  • 20世纪60年代早期研究人员试图将火箭尾部电线发射云中,以便于为这些雷云产生巨大电荷建立一个简单放电路径

    In the early 1960s, researchers tried firing rockets trailing wires into thunderclouds to set up an easy discharge path for the huge electric charges that these clouds generate.


  • 一般来说入门课上不会研究乔伊斯年级学生粗识风格,以及他文学阐释中采用的心理学路径

    Normally, you wouldn't tackle Joyce in an Intro class, but I'd like to give my first year students a taste of his style, his psychological approach to literature.


  • 许多研究已经证实随着方法路径数量增加理解维护同一方法的难度也随之增加。

    Many studies have confirmed that as the number of paths within a method increases, so does the difficulty of understanding and maintaining the same method.


  • 叠加提高信号比,使研究人员能够更清楚地跟踪每一个独特的信号在月球内部传播路径行为

    Stackingimproved the signal-to-noise ratio and enabled the researchers to moreclearly track the path and behaviour of each unique signal as it passedthrough the lunar interior.


  • 可以任何时候撤消所做的选择,从而研究其他路径

    You can undo your selection at any time to explore other paths.


  • 供职哈佛大学医学院研究精神分裂症其他神经系统疾病40余年的约瑟夫·科伊尔,早期开始职业生涯路径

    Joseph Coyle, with Harvard Medical School, who has studied schizophrenia and other neurological disorders for more than 40 years, was drawn into his career path early on.


  • 研究团队发现在的末梢神经大脑多巴胺传输中,区域酬谢路径非常重要

    The research team discovered changes in mu opioid receptors and dopamine transporters of the brain -- areas important to reward pathways.


  • 最近,一份研究报告解开有关信天翁飞行路径秘密对保护世界濒危鸟类起到至关重要作用。

    The mystery of where albatrosses go during their epic migrations has been solved by a study that will help the world's most threatened family of birds.


  • 依据以前的研究路径这项研究发现总的来说失业人士不如其他人对生活感到满意

    In line with previous research, the study found unemployed people are less satisfied with their life in general.


  • 他们找到这个真相唯一路径研究经文

    The only way they could know this truth is that they had studied the Scriptures.


  • 通过计算完成一次射门所需传球次数路径研究人员即可判断出球员的水平。

    And they were able to rank players based on how many times and ways the ball passed through them to finish a given shot.


  • 复杂度是在前面提到那些研究期间开创的,它可以精确地测量路径复杂度。

    Cyclomatic complexity, pioneered during those studies I previously mentioned, precisely measures path complexity.


  • 简单许多但是希望研究整个循环路径

    It would've been easier, but I wanted to go through the whole path right?


  • 这样问题回答需要研究多个组件执行路径,同时需要生产环境所有应用组件的详细性能数据

    requires investigating multiple components and execution paths, and it requires detailed performance data from all of the application components in production.


  • CaseSetup步骤传出路径outgoing route)标记alltrueconditions”,以便满足以下要求工程主管研究主管必须同时工作

    The outgoing routes for the Case Setup step are marked as "all true conditions" to enforce the requirement that the engineering lead and research lead work in parallel.


  • 此外因为通过数值表示了每个方面可用内容潜在范围,所以可以确保不会深入研究任何路径

    Additionally, since the potential breadth of content available under each facet is presented by a numerical value, you can insure against exploring any "empty" paths.


  • 这项工程中,研究通过统计技术显示这些航程不是偶然的,鲨鱼沿着某种路径航行

    In this project, researchers used statistical techniques to show the journeys were not made by accident; the sharks were following some kind of path.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学生物学教授查尔斯·费舍尔是专门研究管状蠕虫专家,他说海底漏出油污浮起的路径正生长着一些蠕虫。

    Charles R. Fisher, a professor of biology at Pennsylvania State University, has studied the alien communities and says some are now in the path of the undersea oil plume.


  • 很多研究认为能力对于过去从事狩猎的男人来说很重要他们必须具备通过地标寻找路径的能力。

    Many researchers suggest such skills may have been important in the past for man-the-hunter, who needed to be able to find his way round the landscape.


  • 因而岛陆生这位擅长研究耳石能从中得出洄游路径历史专家感到时间不多了,要赶快完成研究

    And so Mr Fukushima, whose expertise is in examining otolithsthe ear bones that provide a history of a fish's migratory patterns—says he feels he must hurry to finish his research.


  • 任意情况下研究正在绘制可选路径

    In any case, researchers are plotting alternate routes.


  • 巴马需要一个联立的委员会研究削减赤字路径

    Mr Obama said he wants a bipartisan commission to figure out how to get the deficit down.


  • 特别震惊发现的研究路径,包括方法起点也就是如果萧条中更高私人消费水平可以实现就业规模扩张那么更高的公共开支也可以。

    I'm especially struck by the way he grasped, right from the start, the point that if higher private spending expands employment in a slump, so does higher public spending.


  • 研究小组采用光学的方法,不是数学方法,——采用数学方法的话不可能达到这样速率的。 ——他们把不同时间到达分成不同的路径检测器上再把他们合并起来。

    The team does this optically - rather than mathematically, which at these data rates would be impossible - by splitting the incoming beam into different paths that arrive at different times.


  • 可行性研究没有详细评估飞行路径规划要求

    This feasibility study does not assess in detail the requirements for flight path planning.


  • 可行性研究没有详细评估飞行路径规划要求

    This feasibility study does not assess in detail the requirements for flight path planning.


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