• 一强大的工程不断自动悄悄地后台PC

    This powerful utility works continuously, automatically and quietly in the background on your PC.


  • 上海国际汽车城公园工程采用公开招标方式选择承包商

    The mode of calling for tenders in public has been used in Gongyuan Rd Project of Shanghai International Automobile City Works to choose contractors.


  • 上海长江工程应用钢管穿插技术成功进行人工煤气管道更新

    The technology of steel pipe slip insertion has been applied successfully to update old gas pipelines on Changjiang Road in Shanghai.


  • 摘要: 本文通过郑州市某快速工程绍兴市大桥工程实例,介绍工程项目如何进行成本管理

    Abstract: : Through the examples of expressway project in Zhengzhou and a bridge engineering in Shaoxing, this article introduced how to carry out cost management project.


  • 并把这些关键技术研究结果应用廊坊市快速路工程桥梁检测过程中,取得了令建设方满意的结果。

    The results obtained had been applied to the testing course of piles of bridges in the expressway of Lang fang with satisfactory results.


  • 房子钢筋混凝土的房子已经60缝,由于窗口相当的掘路工程这个宏伟的房子设计行为

    Slit house is a reinforced concrete house which has been designed with 60 slits that act as the "Windows" or rather openings to this magnificent house.


  • 富阳市大桥工程实践介绍城市沿河管线复杂状态处理滑坡方法,提出了以抗滑桩处理基病害工程措施,达到了良好的治理效果。

    Taking Great Bridge road Project practice in Fuyang City as an example, the paper introduces the method for treating road landslide under the condition of complex lining in urban roads along river.


  • 昨日上午沈阳绕城高速公改扩建和沈阳四环快速工程开工仪式绕城高速公石桥子收费站举行,在2013年全运会召开之前全部竣工通车。

    Shenyang kicked off yesterday morning at a toll station on the third ring road. Before the National Games in 2013, the two ring roads will be completed.


  • 同事托莱多大学地质学家詹姆斯·哈雷尔说:“可能算是金字塔相媲美的建筑壮举却是重大工程成就。”

    "The road probably doesn't rank with the pyramids as a construction feat, but it is a major engineering achievement," said his colleague, geologist James Harrell of the University of Toledo.


  • 瑞典,工程师们甚至设计出一种,供电动汽车行驶时充电。

    In Sweden, engineers have even designed a road that will charge electric vehicles as they drive along.


  • 工程大规模维修花费七十和八十年代骤然下降,但是到现在一直在上升甚至超过黄金时代的修高速的费用。

    Spending on new projects andmajor renovations dipped in the 1970s and 1980s, but has since risen and is nowhigher even than in the golden era of highway-building.


  • 引领着成为药物控制释放组织工程先锋人物

    The path led him to be a pioneer of controlled drug release and tissue regeneration.


  • 首先也是最重要的是:要记住作为软件测试工程创建工具通往一个终点

    First and foremost, remember that as software test engineers, the tools you build are means to an end.


  • 英国牙医协会科学顾问达民-华姆斯提醒人们,生物工程直接使病人受益还有长的要走

    Damien Walmsley, scientific advisor to the British Dental Association, warned the bioengineering was still a long way from being something that will directly benefit patients.


  • 塔集团将捷豹这一全球性品牌工程设计融合在一起,制造了强劲的四轮驱动车。

    For Tata, JLR combined a global brand with the engineering that created its rugged four-wheel-drive vehicles.


  • 其它牙买加西亚以及安圭拉岛屿的大型建设工程也暂时性中断。

    Other large developments are on hold in Jamaica, St Lucia and Anguilla.


  • 视为现代工程样板阪神高速(Hanshin Expressway)坍塌了

    The Hanshin expressway, a supposed showcase of modern engineering, also collapsed.


  • 自从20世纪,工程回转芝加哥流向伊利诺伊州便将密歇根湖的顺着密西西比河向下送至墨西哥湾

    Since 1900, when engineers reversed the flow of the Chicago river, Illinois has sent Lake Michigan water down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 如今Internet工程师们能够大量工具供应商产品中挑选这些工具和产品商业车轮仍旧能够向前滚动高歌

    Today's Internet engineers can choose from a plethora of tools and vendor products that allow the wheels of commerce to remain properly greased and humming along.


  • 澳大利亚能源部长马丁·费格森“戈尔工”“普托”工程可以年内使澳大利亚每年液化天然气出口价值加倍240亿澳元。

    Martin Ferguson, Australia's Resources Minister, says Gorgon and Pluto could double the value of Australia's LNG exports to A$24 billion a year in eight years.


  • 开挖爆破工程中,必须确保边坡稳定平整。

    In the blasting engineering of highway excavation, the slope stability and flat-ness must be sure.


  • 这项工作加宽际公405号道工程一部分叫做圣地亚哥高速

    The work is part of a project to widen Interstate 405, also called the San Diego Freeway.


  • 快速有效地实施好砖厂新区新民西片区等13个片区棚户区改造续建工程实施好峡门片区等8个片区棚户区改造新建项目。

    Quickly and effectively implement factory district, Xinmin Road West area 13 area shantytowns renovation project, the implementation of new projects gorge area 8 area shantytowns.


  • 本文提供了电话地球系统卫星通信工程设计实例

    This paper gives an example of engineering design for the satellite communication link inthe TES (Telephony Earth Station)system.


  • 目前造福张家界改造工程正在如火如荼进行着,所有建筑工人不辞辛劳的为张家界美丽明天奋斗着。

    At present, for the benefit of the four-way Zhangjiajie renovation project is in full swing, all construction workers have spared no effort in the beauty of Zhangjiajie for the future of the struggle.


  • 通过洪城综合改造工程设计实践,对改扩建设计加铺加宽两个技术难题进行了探讨,提出了一些设计处理方法。

    After practising in Hongchen road surface design of comprehensive transformation works, two technique problems were discussed about road surface rebuilding and broadening in road extension design.


  • 开始工程方案条蜿蜒直达山顶的意味着整个工程需要清理多大2.5英亩土地

    The original earthwork proposal is to have a road criss-crossing all the way up to the hill and that means clearing most of the 2.5 acre forested land.


  • 开始工程方案条蜿蜒直达山顶的意味着整个工程需要清理多大2.5英亩土地

    The original earthwork proposal is to have a road criss-crossing all the way up to the hill and that means clearing most of the 2.5 acre forested land.


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