• 同时做太多事情可能会消耗精力使看不

    Too many irons in the fire can sap your energy and prevent you from seeing which path to take.


  • 高跟鞋太高穿得太或者我们穿着太多,那么穿这样的高跟鞋就成了坏事。结果不可避免的,疼痛

    High heels become a bad thing when they are too high, worn for too long, or we walk too far in them. The upshot of this is, inevitably, pain.


  • 高跟鞋太高穿或者我们穿着它太多,那么穿这样的高跟鞋就成了坏事。

    High heels become a bad thing when they are too high, worn for too long, or we walk too far in them.


  • 本来以为没什么大问题的,毕竟病痛在所难免的,于是也没有太多只是顺风。

    I had initially thought that there would be nothing serious because it was fairly common for an old man to catch illness. Therefore, I just wished him a smooth strip then.


  • 这项津贴现在每年要花掉美国纳税人50亿美元——我们认为这条(环保之)需要的太多了,而且漫长了

    That tax credit today is costing the American taxpayer about $5 billion this yearwe think that is way too much money to begin with, and we think it's gone on way too long, as well.


  • 只是,现实的世界残酷的还有太多太多事情太多太多蜿蜒曲折的要走,我只能暂时放下心中念想回到物欲横流的社会中去,继续一个孤独流浪者

    But, the reality is cruel, I have too many things to do, too many winding road to go, I can only put down the heart thought, back to the materialistic society, continue to be a lonely wanderer.


  • 我们有过太多太多欢笑感动伤心眼泪

    Along the way, we had so much laughter and tears, sad and moved.


  • 还有太多,想的事,想完成梦想

    I have too many want to go the way, want to do, want to complete the dream.


  • 比起要好太多

    Lucky is so much better than her.


  • 太多事物占据

    So many things got in your way.


  • 今天不想太多

    I don't feel like walking very much today.


  • 男子体操团体金牌今天女子体操团体金牌,中国队走来,太多容易

    From the male gymnastics association to the gold medal to today woman gymnastics association gold medal, a Chinese team group walks, too many are not easy!


  • 我们没有太多阅历容易走错跌倒

    We do not have much experience, it is easy for the wrong road for a fall.


  • 另一个普遍抱怨就是电影似乎花了太多时间来描述哈利女贞生活

    Another common complaint is that the film has a tendency to spend too much time showing Harry's life at number four, Privet Drive.


  • 一些事件便浑了,之前大家太多已经一玉山颓倒、啼地回忆从前的故事

    Look at some of the things you see very clear, before you think too much, I still want to be dead drunk once together, laugh and cry back story.


  • 有一次吃得太多了,一啊,啃啊,啃到了苹果上。这时,看见从外面透过的几束光亮

    Once he eat too much apple to see the pink apple skin. he nibbles and nibbles until the skin become translucent, there is a light coming through it.


  • 倾向于过早地收取利益牛市中,他们获取了很少的利益就出手了,眼巴巴地看着原来持有的股票一飙升

    Too many people are apt to redeem their profits too quickly. In a huge bull market they wind up with piddling profits, only to watch their former holdings soar.


  • 结果可想而知知道都是太多因为没有一个正常爱人那样你。

    The results can imagine, I know I owe you this way is too much, because I do not like a normal kind of love you love.


  • 回想走来,历经太多留下的却只有伤悲看到的只有绝望

    Looking back along the way, after too much, leaving only sadness, to see only despair.


  • 我们一直中国馆看看,但是门后的排队的人实在太多了,所以最后决定到复兴去。

    We've been trying to visit the Chinese pavilion, but the waiting line was too long, so we ended up in Fuxing road .


  • 装备完全不对,带太多了,一位好心陌生人建议换一双大一点的徒步,在此之前,她的痛且很快水泡脱落了好几个脚趾甲

    She has none of the right kit, too many books and her feet are so beat up and quickly blistered that she loses plenty of toenails along the way before a kind stranger advises her to get bigger boots.


  • 人生悲哀的,不是昨天失去太多而是沉浸于昨天的悲哀之中,忘记了前行的

    Life is sad, not lose too much yesterday, but immersed in yesterday's sorrow, forget the way.


  • 第一个问题已经超出了我能够解答范围因为通向游戏开发之的途径实在太多并且所有的这些无限复杂

    The first is just way out of the realm of answerability , as there are too many aspects to possibly go into, and each of those components can be infinitely complex.


  • 感谢实在太多太多,感谢的朋友走过开心的、难过的、兴奋的低落一天

    I want to thank the people is too many too many to thank my friends in the way with me through happy, sad, exciting, low every day;


  • 感谢实在太多太多,感谢的朋友走过开心的、难过的、兴奋的低落一天

    I want to thank the people is too many too many to thank my friends in the way with me through happy, sad, exciting, low every day;


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