• 摔了擦伤了膝盖

    I fell and grazed my knee.


  • 了一把头磕破了。

    She had fallen and cut her head open.


  • 摔了一,把脚脖子扭了。

    I stumbled and sprained my ankle.


  • 滑了一,摔得鼻青脸肿

    She had slipped and badly bruised her face.


  • 了一膝盖桌子上

    She tripped and banged her knee on the desk.


  • 重重地跌了断了手臂

    I had a bad fall and broke my arm.


  • 笨重地了一,摔断了踝关节

    She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle.


  • 绊了摔倒了,擦伤双掌双膝

    She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees.


  • 了一眼睛上方一个包,挺的。

    The fall left her with a painful swelling above her eye.


  • 冰上滑了一

    She slipped on the ice and fell.


  • 摔了一扭伤了脚踝

    He fell and twisted his ankle.


  • 了一,把膝盖蹭破了。

    She fell and scraped her knee.


  • 跌了髋关节摔裂。

    He fell and fractured his hip.


  • 了一脚踝崴得很痛

    She stumbled and gave her ankle a painful wrench.


  • 摔了一差一点全部展品碰翻。

    He fell and just missed knocking the whole display over.


  • 湿地板上一重重地摔了一

    Her foot skidded on the wet floor and she fell heavily.


  • 那麻木了腿一软,便重重地摔了

    Her numb leg gave way beneath her and she stumbled clumsily.


  • 齐默滑了一差点儿摔倒呕吐物上。

    Zimmer slipped and nearly fell on a pool of vomit.


  • 跌了扭伤脚踝

    He fell and sprained his ankle.


  • 这一得好厉害

    The fall gave him a nasty jar.


  • 了一,把膝盖擦破了。

    I grazed my knee when I fell.


  • 冲向门口过道绊了一

    I rushed for the door and fell over the cat in the hallway.


  • 绊了一伤到了

    I tripped up and hurt my foot.


  • 天晚上演出的时候,摔了,腿了。

    One night, during a performance, I had a bad fall and became lame.


  • 跑去哥哥的时候,突然失去了平衡,重重地摔了

    When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his balance and had a bad fall.


  • 了一膝盖得乌青

    She tripped over which made her knees black and blue.


  • 滑了一很快就爬了起来

    She slipped, but soon picked herself up.


  • 了一,结果失去了领先的优势。

    He fell down, costing him his lead.


  • 脚下一出溜摔了

    He slipped and fell.


  • 开始山下但是了一在了地上。

    He started to run down the hill, but slipped and went down.


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