• 本文多元分析法,46个小麦亲本材料6个数量性状进行遗传距离测定

    The genetic distance for 46 wheat parent materials with 6 quantitative characters is determined by using multivariate analysis.


  • 不过,对测定目标物距离来说,声波运行的速度太慢,因此,声波回声测距实用局限性

    Thus this soundwave echo method has its limitation in practical use.


  • 整个场地挂在RFID读取机可以测定特定标签角度距离每个表演者对应定位舞台的某个虚拟网格空间中。

    RFID readers mounted throughout the venue can determine the angle and distance from a specific tag and map individual performers to a virtual grid of spaces on the stage.


  • 氨基酸替代估计测定蛋白质分子进化距离基本统计方法,是研究蛋白质分子进化的基础

    Estimating of substitution number of amino acids is basic statistic methods of measuring evolution distance between proteins, which is the base of researching molecular evolution of protein.


  • ADC增加提示原子测定过程中扩散到了更远距离

    An increased ADC value indicates that the helium atoms were able to travel farther during the measurement time.


  • 能够测定目标高度方位距离雷达

    Radar that will report altitude as well as azimuth and distance of a target.


  • 介绍一种简便距离测定噪声方法

    The article also introduces a simple noise measuring method at near distance.


  • 名球员可以一边测定距离

    The player may measure from the side of the ball.


  • - 3弥散磁共振成像通过检测原子移动距离测定肺脏损伤

    Helium-3 diffusion MRI identifies this damage by measuring the increased distance the helium atoms move.


  • 测定引信解除保险距离感度数理统计试验方法中,兰利由于理论上可使用较少的试验样本量应用日渐广泛。

    In mathematically statistical test methods that were used to get arming distance of fuze, Langlie method was applied more and more wider because it only USES a few samples.


  • 15个栽培17个普通野生19个性状进行遗传距离测定聚类分析

    Genetic distances estimation and clustering analysis were made on the base of 19 characteristics of 15 rice cultivars and 17 wild rice varieties.


  • 声纳利用声学方法侦测测定水下物体距离方向技术

    Sonar :Technique for detecting and determining the distance and direction of underwater objects by tracking acoustic echoes.


  • 方法:采用干性颅骨18具,福尔马林固定头颅标本12分别进行乳突定位测量桥小脑结构骨窗的距离测定

    Methods: The location of bony "window" and mastoid foramen were studied , and the distance from bony "window" to cerebellopontine angle was measured on 18 dry and 12 wet cranial bones.


  • 角度X射线衍射方法测定层状液晶各种组分变化层间距离

    The interlayer space of lamellar liquid crystal was deter-mined by small angle X-ray diffraction.


  • 本文运用多元分析法测定向日葵产量有关数量性状遗传距离

    The genetic divergence of the quantitative characters of sunflower related to the yield was studied by using polybasic analysis.


  • 目的建立以焦点胶片距离改变,取得X线阶段曝光体系感光测定方法

    Purpose To establish a screen film system sensitometric method of X ray scale exposure by changing the distance between focus and film.


  • 随着红外望远镜技术提升科学家最终测定移量大于7GRB爆发的距离如果它们存在的话——是一个重大假设。

    As infrared telescopes improve, scientists should eventually be able to measure the distance to GRBs with red shifts greater than 7 - if they exist.


  • 高速滑体制相似的机翼模型,进行风洞试验即可测定滑坡凌空飞行的空气动力学参数从而计算大型高速滑坡凌空飞行的空气动力升力、飞行速度飞行距离等。

    If we make a wing model which is similar to sliding mass, we can determine aerodynamic parameters by the wind tunnel testing and thus calculate the lift.


  • 双重星系或天体系统,动力学方法测定质量时,观测到视向速度距离间距,都各自投影值,可用统计方法一个关于它们的平均投影因子

    Both of the observed radial velocity and separation being projective values, in order to determine the mass of binary galaxies the average projection factor may be derived by a statistical method.


  • 方法是以视距基线利用经纬仪测定基线端点竖直,求出立尺点至测站点距离

    This method apply the length of the stadia as base line, survey the vertical angular of the two ends of the base ling by theodolite and get the distance between the station and stadia.


  • 讨论次引爆FAE燃料配方,实验测定空气冲击波超压冲量距离变化曲线

    Single igniting solid fuel air explosives (FAE) is discussed in the paper. The curves of change of overpressure and specific impulse with distance are got by experiment.


  • 通过望远镜SOHOStereo卫星去看时,没有能说出距离地球或太阳多远因此这些卫星大小也就不能准确测定

    When seen by telescope, or by the SOHO and Stereo satellites, one cannot tell the distance from Earth or the Sun, and thus the size of these moons cannot be correctly gauged.


  • 快速测定距离面的倾斜反射率等提供一条新的途径

    This offers a new approach to measure distance, the inclined surface and reflection index rapidly.


  • 现场试验包括:①测定冲器水平动力作用产生地面加速度以及制桩时引起的地面加速度振点距离之间的关系;

    The in-situ measurement includes:( 1 ) the ground acceleration due to horizontal vibrating force caused by the vibroflot and its variation with the distance from the vibrating center;


  • 很小距离范围土壤有很大变化所以必须作出全面的土壤测定

    Soil conditions can vary over a short distance of land, thus requiring a thorough survey of the area.


  • 根陶瓷组成的实验装置上,利用热线风速仪对脉冲反滤管瞬态流场进行测定,分析了喷吹压力、脉冲宽度、过滤气喷吹距离对滤管外流场的影响。

    On a new experimental set-up of filter with three ceramic filter elements, the transient velocity outside the filter element is measured by hot-wire anemometer during pulse-jet cleaning process.


  • 根陶瓷组成的实验装置上,利用热线风速仪对脉冲反滤管瞬态流场进行测定,分析了喷吹压力、脉冲宽度、过滤气喷吹距离对滤管外流场的影响。

    On a new experimental set-up of filter with three ceramic filter elements, the transient velocity outside the filter element is measured by hot-wire anemometer during pulse-jet cleaning process.


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