• 跑步之前跑步中和跑步结束足够量的

    Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after your run.


  • 种,跑步结束之后几个百米冲刺练习

    The other way is to do strides at the end of a run.


  • 跑步结束的时候,只要简单地当初开始跑步时候启动同一个按钮

    When my run was done, I simply pressed the exact same button that I did to start the watch.


  • 轻装上阵,或许开始跑步觉得有点跑步结束你会觉得十分舒适。

    Dress lightly enough so that you're a little chilly at the beginning of your run, and then feel great at the end.


  • 空腹跑步燃烧大量卡路里然后他们跑步结束蛋白质饮料等富含能量东西

    This way, they run on an empty stomach which will help them burn calories and then they'll eat, generally a protein shake or something which contains lots of energy.


  • 所有蛋白水平都会跑步结束小时候开始下降但是八个受试者在下一小时肌钙蛋白水平再次升高名受试者的肌钙蛋白水平在24小时仍高于正常。

    Everyone's troponin levels fell within an hour after the run, but in eight of the runners the protein's levels rose again over the next hours, and five runners had elevated levels 24 hours later.


  • 如果也有跑步经历,你就有可能会属于自己的“被追赶故事”(希望并不是以你被咬结束)。

    If you've been running for a while, you most likely have your own "chased by a dog" story. (Hopefully it didn't end with a bite.)


  • 我来说沿着河边散布跑步狂热一天结束就显得异常平静

    To me, a walk or run along the river trail is serenity at the end of a hectic day.


  • 如果这个方法让你退缩的话,你也可以选择另种:快而不是一个星期简单跑步训练结束一下。

    But if that's too intimidating, here's a simple alternative: Instead of running strides at the end of several easy runs a week, do a "fast-feet" drill.


  • 陈的一天上午7跑步机上开始,在深夜埋头的公文堆里结束

    And so her days begin at 7am, on her treadmill, and end hunched over her files late at night.


  • 跑步每个训练单元结束一些简单拉伸如果机会一个环形水池,那里热水可以拉伸更容易。

    AFTER RUNNING: Finish each workout with some easy stretching. If you have access to a whirlpool, the warm water will make stretching even easier.


  • 为了本周第一次跑步行走5分钟锻炼开始结束中间20分钟。

    For your first run this week, try walking for 5 minutes to begin and end the workout, and run for 20 minutes in between.


  • 傍晚结束时候你的一个跑步机会到来了,但是大堆别的事情耽搁

    By the time the evening rolls around and your next opportunity to run arrives, dozens of other things may have gotten in the way.


  • 跑步游泳-(恢复)课程结束,他能在泳池创造纪录-并且能在健身房里锻炼了,”贝尼特斯说到

    "He is running and swimming - I think he will have the record in the swimming pool by the end of his programme - and he is working in the gym, " said Benitez.


  • 经常到麦当劳或是当地面包店结束跑步,这个地方距离我官邸大约都是英里远,我一般是在那里喝上一杯水,然后再官邸。

    Frequently I ended those runs at the McDonalds or the local bakery, both about a half mile from the mansion, where I'd get a cup of water, then walk back home.


  • 本周结束尝试跑步30分钟中途不停止。

    By the end of the week, try to run for 30 minutes without stopping.


  • 身体感觉很劳累宁愿一杯玛格丽特,慵懒地躺在草坪长椅,也不想结束之后跑步放松,尽管一天大部分时间你都在伏案工作

    Your body feels tired and you'd rather curl up on the lawn chair with a margarita than head for a run at the end of the day, though you spent most of your day sitting at a desk job.


  • 关注如果跑步疼痛加剧则警示跑步应该结束

    Pay attention to aches and pains. If a pain gets worse as you continue runs, that's a warning sign that you should stop your run.


  • 关注如果跑步疼痛加剧则警示跑步应该结束

    Pay attention to aches and pains. If a pain gets worse as you continue runs, that's a warning sign that you should stop your run.


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