• 每个人都不同技能才能足够真实

    Everyone has different skills and talents; true enough.


  • 篇文章不够优美足够真实

    The article written for you may be not beautiful enough. but it will be true enough!


  • 提醒注意的是,这不是洛奇愤怒公牛》的核心但却足够真实

    Not Rocky heart, or Raging Bull heart, mind you, but Real enough.


  • 二战来说足够真实,但对她照顾孩子们来说绝对那么真实

    The war is real enough to her, definitely less so to the children under her care.


  • 受教育阶层焦虑经常描述为面临太多选择,却并没有足够真实目标

    Educated-class anxiety can often be characterized as a feeling overabundant of options without a core of convicting purpose.


  • 所有的好处花花公子”(不好)都足够真实面对现实吧,大部分湖人球迷不会高兴如果正如费舍尔所说那样,“奥多姆?”

    All fine and dandy are true enough, but face it, wouldn't most Lakers fans be happier if all Fisher said were something like, "Lamar Odom?"


  • 我们希望他们足够聪明,不要一个声称只需按动开关就能确定真实机器愚弄。

    Let's hope they're wise enough not to be fooled by a machine that claims to determine truthfulness at the flip of a switch.


  • 我们希望他们足够聪明,不要声称只要按一下开关就确定真实机器愚弄。

    Let's hope they're wise enough not to be fooled by a machine that claims to determine truthfulness at the flick of a switch.


  • 当然如果真实环境工作足够长的时间,那么,您可能已经为了追求性能牺牲过规范化了。

    Of course, if you have worked long enough in the real world, you probably have sacrificed normalization on the altar of performance once or twice already.


  • 因为我们担心自己没有足够力量勇气面对这样真实境况

    Because we fear that we do not have the strength and courage to face the truth of our situation.


  • 还有那些否认存在这一真实问题人们来说:认为现在责任是义务拿出足够证据来维护利益

    And for the people who have denied there is a real problem here: I think the onus is now on you to produce evidence justifying your dismissiveness.


  • 明显,如果雇用一起工作专业公关人员值得尊重、值得倾听并且足够影响力那将使本公司的公关可靠真实并且有效

    It’s easy to see if the PR professionals you hire or work with are respected, listened to and influential, making PR more honest, real and effective for your business.


  • 一直没有人能有足够想象力这些建筑上的原则运用信息架构上去-即把它们真实世界中提取出来运用到信息世界中去。

    It doesn't take great imagination to apply these architectural principles to information architecture-taking them out of the real world and into the digital world.


  • 他们愿望不是记录下一个真实婚礼而是得让它足够完美

    The aspiration is not to document a real event, but to look perfect.


  • 第二主要用于演示对于真实应用程序第一个表可能足够了。

    The second table is primarily for demonstration purposes, whereas the first table, simple as it is, might be sufficient for real-life applications.


  • 家银行认为市场知道这个交易已经足够了,所以现在价格反映的是真实价值

    The three banks are understood to feel that the market has known about the arrangement long enough for the current price to reflect fair value.


  • 当然如果在对Web站点进行重新设计,可能足够真实数据可以站点迁移Drupal数据库中

    Of course, if you are redesigning a Web site, there will probably be enough real data to migrate from the old site to seed the Drupal database.


  • 例如如果销售价格范围预计 $50.00 $5,000.00 之间那么这开发真实原型就是足够信息

    For example, if the range of figures for a sales price will be between $50.00 and $5,000.00, that's enough information for you to develop realistic prototypes.


  • 通过使方面足够一般化可以影响测试中的mock目标保证可以容易地真实参与方面行为

    By making your aspect general enough to affect a mock target inside a test class, you ensure that it's also easy for a real class to participate in the aspect's behavior.


  • 设计上就Fours quare更加商业化——对顾客更加友好,因为只要你赚取了足够点数满足商家所定挑战任务要求,你就可以点数兑换真实奖励

    It's designed to be more business - and consumer-friendly than Foursquare specials, as rewards can be redeemed by anyone who earns enough points to satisfy the business-concocted challenges.


  • 他们的研究提供了经济制度的深刻见解真实世界扮演着重要作用但是经济学家却没有足够关注

    Their research provides insights into economic institutions that play crucial roles in the real world, but to which economists have not paid enough attention.


  • 虽然这些技术提供了杰出方法描述系统行为但是它们不能传达真实用户环境界面需求足够信息

    Although these techniques provide an excellent means to describe system behavior, they cannot convey adequate information on real users' environments and interface needs.


  • 使用软件建模真实世界意味着需要足够灵活工具处理所有极端情况

    Modeling the real world in software means that you need a tool flexible enough to handle all of the edge cases.


  • 真实应用程序可能使用关系数据库系统这个示例我们目的来说足够

    A real application would probably use a relational database system, but this example is enough for our purposes.


  • 但是需要确保足够真实内存可用以便操作系统不会开始交换空间

    However you need to ensure that there is enough real memory available so that the operating system won't start swapping.


  • 没有代表性研究调查能够我们提供足够有关这种现象真实情况,因为身处其中过于害羞,不会别人自己35岁了还是一个处子之身

    There are no representative studies or surveys to provide us with more facts about this phenomenon, because the affected persons are too ashamed of telling others that they are 35 and still a virgin.


  • 如果故事基于真实事件人物,那需要足够多得时间研究事件人物本身。

    If your story is based on true events or true people, you will need to dedicate some time to researching the facts of the story.


  • 真实应用程序中,坡度不会这么大,但是收集足够长时间GC数据后,上升趋势通常会表现得很明显

    In real applications, the slope is never this dramatic, but it usually becomes apparent if you gather GC data for long enough.


  • 真实应用程序中,坡度不会这么大,但是收集足够长时间GC数据后,上升趋势通常会表现得很明显

    In real applications, the slope is never this dramatic, but it usually becomes apparent if you gather GC data for long enough.


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