• 我们目标介绍足够方法以便能够以及时、经济合算的方式解决性能问题

    Our goal is to show you enough approaches so that you can resolve performance issues in a timely, cost-efficient manner.


  • 本文采用走马观花方式介绍上述工具已经试图起码提供足够信息激起好奇心

    This has been a bit of a whirlwind tour of these tools, but I have tried to present you with at least enough information to whet your appetite.


  • 尽管这里只简要介绍数据类型,但是我们希望基本数据类型操作足够了解

    Although this has been a top level flight over the data types, hopefully it will give you enough to understand the basic types and operations.


  • 同情介绍精神卫生问题强调足够财力人力资源取得哪些成就。

    Present mental health issues with compassion, highlighting what can be achieved with adequate financial and human resources.


  • 我们将要介绍JDIC提供差不多每个组件,理想情况下这些将激发足够兴趣,让您将 JDIC应用到您的应用程序中,甚至有助于说服也为这个项目点贡献。

    We'll touch on nearly everything that JDIC offers and ideally pique your interest enough to include it in your applications, or even help convince you to contribute to the project itself.


  • 卫生部介绍,NHS储备了足够预防病原体药物达菲,这可以治疗一半英国人口

    The NHS has enough of the antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza to treat half the UK population, according to the Department of Health.


  • 部分教程的第2部分,介绍jython脚本语言提供开始开发基于Jython应用程序所需的足够知识

    This two-part tutorial will introduce you to the Jython scripting language, and provide you with enough knowledge to begin developing your own Jython-based applications.


  • Pouwelses介绍目前P 2 P - Next项目需要数千志愿者大量使用这个SwarmPlayer软件提供足够测试数据,从而使得项目组可以利用这些检测结果不断优化代码

    Pouwelse says that the team now needs a few thousand volunteers to hammer on the software in order to produce enough test data for the team to use as it continues to refine the code.


  • 好的介绍足够作为Rails应用程序核心MVC

    Ok, enough about MVC, which is the heart of a Rails application.


  • 介绍如何表格显示创建自定义标记,让足够灵活性应付不同HTML控件href、选择单选按钮文本组合

    Here, I'll explain how to create a custom tag for table display that is flexible enough to handle different HTML controls, such as href, checkbox, radio button, text field, and combo box.


  • 建议如果团队已经足够时间来向用户介绍敏捷客户还是感兴趣的话那么团队应该在用户面前鼓吹敏捷了。

    He proposes that if the team has already spent enough time educating the customer about Agile and still the customer is not interested then the team should just stop advocating Agile.


  • 别人足够了解从而可以发现一些他们来说有趣的事情,而且会传递下去,放开心胸做一些关键介绍

    They know enough about others to spot something of interest to them and pass it on, opening doors or making key introductions.


  • 介绍洗碗机大小的陶瓷燃料电池”,能为一个家庭供应足够电力以及热水

    He described dishwasher sized "ceramic fuel cells" which could produce enough electricity to power a home as well as hot water.


  • 现在介绍足够背景知识后可以开始构建博客阅读器了!

    Now, having covered plenty of background, you're ready to start building your blog reader!


  • 至此,我们已经提供足够介绍,下面构建一个简单项目看看效果

    But enough with the introductory material-it's time to build a simple project and see where it takes you.


  • 没有足够的篇幅对他们进行全面而详尽介绍并且一些细节性的内容在最终版发布时有所改变但是我们可以了解一下

    I don't have room for an exhaustive treatment of them here and the details are sure to change as the product moves toward a final release, but let me give you a taste of what you'll find.


  • 时间足够我们介绍一些数位信号编码理论实际方法

    If time is enough, we introduce some theory and practical techniques for digital signal coding.


  • 介绍正规治疗绝大多数患者病情都改善需要足够时间

    According to introducing, via regular after treatment, the vast majority of the patient can improve, but all need enough time.


  • 可悲的是几乎三分之一男性女性未能找到恋人大重要原因他们没有足够朋友帮助他们介绍认识新朋友。

    Sadly for almost a third or men and women a big reason for not finding new love was not having enough friends to help them mix withnew people.


  • 简要介绍GXFW低压消谐装置应用现状指出用户对其节能功能尚未引起足够重视

    This paper simply introduces the application actuality of GXFW used for harmonic elimination, and points out that users pay less attention to energy saving.


  • 认识镇上每个人,所以聚会能为客人相互引见介绍而且她还确保大伙足够食物每个人都感到舒畅。

    She knew the town's everyone, so for the guests at the party, but she introduced by each other will ensure that everyone had enough food, let everyone feel refreshed.


  • 为了帮助查看了解这个过程以及带来挑战,我们建立了这个足够长的说明来简单介绍我们图片处理系统

    To aid the reviewer in understanding the process along with its challenges we have created a rather lengthy discussion of our system design and the flow of our data reduction process.


  • 新的股票投资提议留出足够介绍时间

    Set aside an adequate amount of time for the presentation of new stock Suggestions.


  • 然而看来我们可以相信专家只要他们足够诚实,他们我们介绍产品也是有效果的话。

    However, in my opinion, I think we can believe in specialists as long as they are honest, and the products they recommend to us are proved to be good.


  • 我们当然希望这些崩溃影响到你们但是除非发生,事情不可能明朗起来得到足够机会介绍可接受替代方案

    We do not wish these collapses upon you, but until they happen the way will not be clear enough to introduce the acceptable alternatives.


  • 所以足够介绍教程

    So enough of the introductions... on with the tutorial.


  • 作为高级介绍因为足够宽度毕业生水准正文估价参考源头研究人员深度足够

    This volume serves as a high-level introduction, with sufficient breadth to be a graduate-level text, and enough depth to be a valued reference source to researchers.


  • 作为高级介绍因为足够宽度毕业生水准正文估价参考源头研究人员深度足够

    This volume serves as a high-level introduction, with sufficient breadth to be a graduate-level text, and enough depth to be a valued reference source to researchers.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定