• 了解每个对象整体数据库增长趋势总是比较好可以帮助提前计划磁盘空间需求和数据库调优

    It's always good to know the growth trend of each object and the overall database to help you plan ahead for disk space requirements and database tuning.


  • WikiCity一个更广泛趋势技术常常被称为'internetofthings ',现实世界中,对象通过无线网络建立连接

    WikiCity is part of a wider trend in technology often referred to as the 'Internet of things', in which real world objects are connected by a wireless network.


  • 如果这种趋势继续我们需要将大型对象heap20%减低10%,留出更多空间常规处理使用

    If this trend were to continue, we lower the fraction from 20 percent to 10 percent, to allow more space to be used for normal processing.


  • 这些趋势正在引导各家公司越来越多地寻求Linux信息技术专业人员,38.3%调查对象缺乏Linux人才列为与平台有关的最为担心的事情之一

    These trends are leading companies to increasingly seek Linux it professionals, with 38.3% of respondents citing a lack of Linux talent as one of their main concerns related to the platform.


  • 最终研究者们提供最佳方案就是某一特定群体同一人中(比如说调查对象上世纪八十年代结婚的)找出某种趋势判断未来的婚姻走向。

    In the end, the best that researchers can do is look for trends within a specific group or cohort (say, all people who married in the 1980s) and project what will happen.


  • 趋势7中小型企业成为重要业务对象

    Trend 7: SMEs Become Big business.


  • 本文探讨面向对象技术下一步发展趋势及其可能延伸领域

    This paper will discuss the trend of next step for object - oriented technology and its possible extension fields.


  • 这个展览反映法国国内对把当作消遣对象做法进行反省的趋势

    The exhibition reflects a trend in France to re-examine the exploitation of people for entertainment.


  • 综述了主观流派对全球定义研究对象特点研究趋势等方面存在争议和看法。

    There are debates on definition, study object, distinctive features and research trends of it in the academic world.


  • 本文充分把握未来可能发展趋势基础上,公路网规划方案评价研究对象,试图经济学角度,建立公路网评价理论方法

    According the future development trend, This paper takes highway network for research object and the theory and generate method of highway network evaluation from the view of economics.


  • 中等职业学校教育对象历史变迁凸显六大基本趋势

    The educational objects of secondary vocational school have manifested six basic trends in historical evolution.


  • 静态上来分析道德法律无论形成条件调控对象范围方式强制力还是在发展趋势上都具有泾渭分明之别。

    With a static analysis, moral and law are entirely different in the formation condition, regulating object, regulating scope, regulating method, coercive force and developing tendency.


  • 运动趋势准确预测实现移动对象数据库各种预测性时空查询处理基础

    Accurate predicting the movement trend is the fundamental issue for processing many kinds of predictive queries in moving objects database.


  • 为此本文位于城市边缘区的风景名胜区作为研究对象,对特点规划方法发展趋势进行深入探讨。

    For reasons above, this paper takes the scenic spot on urban fringe as the object of research and deeply searches into its feature, planning methods and the development trend.


  • 时间序列分析统计学分支之一,它的研究对象离散有序数列变化特征变化趋势

    As one of the branches of statistics, time series analysis focuses on the variation characters and trend of discrete ordered data series mainly.


  • 本文运用数学建模手段,综合考虑评价对象变化速度状态趋势角度对变化速度进行动态综合评价研究

    The paper conducts a research on dynamic comprehensive evaluation of change speed from a view of considering state and trend of evaluated objects.


  • 本文针对目前家居服市场的发展趋势,家居服流行的风格、色彩材料、价格消费对象,进行市场调研

    Aiming at current fashion trends, we have investigated home dress market on fashion theme, fashion color and fashion fabric.


  • 本文湍流粉碎机研究对象介绍了超粉碎设备现状超细粉碎技术发展趋势阐述研究湍流式粉碎机的必要性

    This paper regard turbulence mill as research object, recommend ultra-fine crush equipment and the trend of ultra-fine comminution technology, explain the necessity of studying turbulence mill.


  • 300MW汽轮机组为对象高压进行几种典型工况分析计算得出了高压内缸在不同工况下的径向变形趋势分析变形原因。

    Based on the 300mw unit, calculations of high pressure inner cylinder on different typical conditions are carried out, and the deformation trends are concluded.


  • 实证研究部分,以我国1994年至2008年这个时间段研究对象分析了人民币汇率变动情况趋势

    In the part of empirical research, the period from 1994 to 2008 in China is chosen as the research object. The situation how RMB exchange rate changed and its trend are analyzed.


  • 很多设计一个趋势,而是使对象看起来美丽艺术

    To a lot of people, design is like a trend, but rather an art of making objects look beautiful.


  • 所以传统面向对象开发方法转向使用UML的面向对象开发方法酒店行业信息系统开发的趋势

    Thus, the development method turn from OO to OO based on UML is a development trend of hotel information system.


  • 研究1990 - 2002年《中国妇女》为研究对象考察它所再现女性新闻变迁趋势

    With a content analysis of the coverage by the China women's news Daily from 1990 to 2002, this paper attempts to explore the transformation of women's news in China.


  • 本文重庆市中心商业区空间结构主要研究对象,在对优化趋势探求,将商业活动的社会空间商业活动的物质空间作为研究重点

    This paper studies the spatial structure of shopping center in Chongqing, with the research in its optimization development. The study point is based on the societal space and commerce space.


  • 采用统一建模语言进行系统建模己经成为面向对象分析设计一种趋势

    Modeling with UML has become a trend in object-oriented analysis and design.


  • 本文多通道声音记录系统作为研究对象分析了声音记录系统的现状及其发展趋势

    The paper uses the multi-channel audio recording system as the research object, analyzing the prese.


  • 鉴于液晶电视人们日常生活中的重要地位及其近年来迅猛发展趋势本文作者就选择液晶电视作为论文研究对象

    In view of LCD TVs in People's Daily lives in an important position and its recent trend of rapid development, this author chose LCD television as a paper study.


  • 正是小兽本能趋势我们寻觅安慰温暖可以结伴同行的对象

    Our animal instinct is what makes us seek comfort, warmth, a pack to run with.


  • 正是小兽本能趋势我们寻觅安慰温暖可以结伴同行的对象

    Our animal instinct is what makes us seek comfort, warmth, a pack to run with.


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