• 人们这些衣服细纤维会随着洗涤一起流到下水道里。

    When people wash these clothes, microfibers go down the drain with the wash water.


  • 我们过快冰激凌其他食物科学家们并不确定是什么原因导致大脑冻结尽管有些人认为血液变化结果

    Scientists aren't exactly sure what causes the brain freeze when we eat ice cream or other super cold foods too quickly, though some believe it's the result of changed blood.


  • 使用显微技术,应该可以完成相同的操作。

    With ultramicroscopy, it should be possible to accomplish the same in one hour.


  • 容器内充满50万加仑液态氢绝缘泡沫可以防止容器形成

    The insulating foam prevents ice from forming on the tank when it is filled with 500,000 gallons of supercold liquid hydrogen.


  • 他们利用红外线激光束捕获冷锂原子气团,将其冷却到仅比绝对零度高亿分之十五开尔文。逐渐增加原子间斥力,研究人员观察到的几个现象表明气体已经变得具有磁性

    When they gradually increased the repulsive forces between the atoms, they observed several features indicating that the gas had become ferromagnetic.


  • 充足RAM 提供了支持快速磁盘访问理想方法未使用文件交换磁盘上。

    When you have ample RAM, this provides an excellent way of supporting very fast disk access; unused files will be swapped on to disk.


  • 好些情况下容易发生,比如方法覆盖使用常规参数声明方法,还有正在进行许多序列化系统也容易发生。

    This can happen easily in cases in which methods are being overridden and the superclass declares the method with generic parameters, or in a system where lots of serialization is going on.


  • 蒸汽熨斗在衣服上来回滑动清除褶皱,让衣服散发干净清新气息温和舒缓的声音

    I love the soothing sound of a steam iron as it glides back and forth removing wrinkles and sending back a clean, fresh smell.


  • 上次我见穿着鞋子而且已经布鲁克林的一间公寓

    Last time I saw her, she was wearing very expensive shoes and had moved into this very hip apartment in Brooklyn.


  • 正常飞行高度音速飞机制造的。1.5到2之间可能引起一些公众反应

    Overpressures of 1 to 2 pounds are produced by supersonic aircraft flying at normal operating altitudes. Some public reaction could be expected between 1.5 and 2 pounds.


  • 此刻为止叫所谓统一,此刻开始力逐渐分划我们今天看到部分作用力

    The so-called Grand Unification Era, at the end of which the superforce begins to break apart into the constituent forces we see today.


  • 激光不断地关闭开启气体一个疲软球体一样振动起来。

    When the laser trap was turned off and back on again, the ultra-cooled gas oscillated like a jelly sphere.


  • 每当海豚用前额按响一个研究者们则会水中相对应道具

    When a dolphin pressed a certain key with her nose, researchers would throw the corresponding prop into the water.


  • 现在南至队员身着T恤短裤骑行海南,这样不仅能够减掉秋季学期囤积体重,还能增进彼此间的友谊

    Now in Hainan, nan's team is pedaling around in T-shirts and shorts, shedding some of the weight they gained during the fall semester, and strengthening the bond of their friendships.


  • 这些都是快速修理东西或者“山重水复疑无路”的好选择。

    These are great for super quick repairs, or "when all else fails" situations.


  • 研究指出,为了避免儿童吃饭过快过量造成相加效应”,家长提醒孩子们进食细嚼慢咽他们安静环境中进食。

    To counteract the "supra-additive effect" of speedy or glut eating among children prone to obesity, parents should encourage them to eat slowly and in calm surroundings, the study found.


  • 因此类型参数t用作泛型,T注释确切地告知我们可以调用哪些级构造函数。

    Thus, when a type parameter t is used as the superclass of a generic class, the annotation on t tells us exactly what super-constructors we can call.


  • 后来证实航天飞机的外层防护发射损坏,使得气体渗入机舱内,导致机毁人亡

    It later emerged that the spacecraft’s heat shield had been damaged on launch, letting superheated air inside and tearing it apart.


  • 最后认识方法参数该方法实际上没有覆盖类中的方法可能感到难受

    When you finally realize that a method has a parameter wrong, and in fact isn't overriding a method from a superclass, much bitterness can result.


  • 英国每日邮报》报道,摄影家日前北极斯瓦尔巴德群岛拍到表现欲好客北极熊,当一游艇经过它家附近,它雪窝出来,向过往的人们挥掌执意。

    A friendly polar bear loving nothing more than an audience and climbing out of his snowy bed to give a cruise ship a wave was caught on camera by a photographer, the Daily Mail of London reported.


  • 简单地说,执行安装,安装映像必须任何用户响应文件可能安装所有特性

    Quite simply, when performing an installation, the installation image has to be a superset of all the possible features that could be installed by any user or any response file.


  • 当购买肉类最好有“精选”标志瘦肉大腿肉、里脊肉及瘦的牛肉

    Whenbuying meat, it's best to look for "select" grades of lean cuts liketop round and tenderloin as well as extra-lean ground beef.


  • 喜欢为一些事物拍照这样以后见到或者某些通电话,我任然想起的场景(更不用说小狗那些照片了),这个新的应用我来说简直了!

    I take a lot of pictures of things that I need to remember for later meetings or phone calls (not to mention awesome pictures of my puppies) and being able to get quick access is nice.


  • 类将在必要创建相应EditPart添加连接EditPart目标连接EditPart的列表

    The superclass creates the corresponding EditParts when necessary and adds them to the list of source and target connection EditParts.


  • 可能,”受欢迎博客麦迪逊大道探秘”的HayleyCorwick,“可以柜子找出我17买来但现在仍然很喜欢的东西。”

    No way,” says Hayley Corwick, who writes the popular fashion blog Madison Avenue Spy. “I could pull out things from my closet that I bought when I was 17 that I still love.


  • 类在必要创建对应EditPart它们添加目标连接EditPart列表

    The superclass creates the corresponding EditParts when necessary, and adds them to the list of source and target connection EditParts.


  • 如果重写visit (Code),那里调用super .visit (Code),则visit (Code)返回调用用于方法所有catch的visit (CodeException)。

    If you override visit (Code) and call super.visit (Code) from it, when the superclass visit (Code) returns, it will have called visit (CodeException) for all the catch blocks in the method.


  • 如果重写visit (Code),那里调用super .visit (Code),则visit (Code)返回调用用于方法所有catch的visit (CodeException)。

    If you override visit (Code) and call super.visit (Code) from it, when the superclass visit (Code) returns, it will have called visit (CodeException) for all the catch blocks in the method.


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