• 地球生命网络所有分布式存在一样,超越了作为其组成成分的生命本身。

    The network of life on Earth, like all distributed being, transcends the life of its ingredients.


  • 已经导致有人名字用于网络时髦物中,Lolcats(猫诱惑,一个以搞笑的猫咪照片为主的网站),吸引力已经超越赛博空间的极客范围。

    It has also lent its name to some wildly popular internet crazes, like Lolcats, whose appeal spread far beyond the realms of cyber-geeks.


  • 来源于电话网络德国电信公司YouTube段视频想象婚礼一次例行舞蹈完成威廉王子哈里王子婚礼中的竞相超越

    A video on YouTube, from the phone network T-Mobile, imagines the wedding as a dance routine, complete with Prince William leapfrogging Prince Harry in mid-aisle.


  • 扎克伯格表示杰克逊Facebook主页名列第一的650万粉丝的数字超越巴马粉丝专页一举成为加利福尼亚社交网络服务中最受欢迎一员。

    A Michael Jackson page at Facebook has topped 6.5 million fans, unseating Mr Obama's "fan page" as the most popular at the California-based social networking service, according to Mr Zuckerberg.


  • 就而论,这合并实体超越CapitaliaMontedei Paschi diSiena这两家重量级银行,支行网络方面分别占据了第三第四位置

    In terms of branch networks, both merged entities will leap above former heavyweights Capitalia and Monte dei Paschi di Siena to occupy third and fourth places respectively.


  • 广告网络Chitika发布最新数据显示微软搜索引擎“必应”已超越雅虎成为北美第二大搜索引擎。

    Microsoft Bing became the 2nd most popular search engine in North America, beating Yahoo for the position, according to AD network Chitika.


  • 11日公布份报告显示瑞典超越美国,成为年度全球电信技术运用最高的国家,包括网络手机电脑等

    Sweden overtook the us to top the annual rankings on the use of telecommunications technologies such as networks, cell phones and computers, a report released Thursday shows.


  • 这些更新大大超越个人社交网络带给人对当前社会关注风向的深刻洞察。

    These updates expand beyond one’s personal networks and give an insight into where the community’s attention is being directed.


  • 随着网络信息大量涌入,我们超越我们梦想

    With an enormous boost from the Internet, we were successful beyond our wildest dreams.


  • 联网的是我们日常物品都互联网连接在一起,超越人们赖以交流社会化网络我们进了一个物体相互(以及同人)交流的网络

    It's when everyday objects become connected to the Internet - taking us beyond the Social Web where people talk to each other, into a Web where things talk to each other (and us) as well.


  • 由于数据网络的,因此武器控制能力远远超越传统对点的从发射平台到武器通信能力。

    Because the data link is networked, the weapon control capabilities go well beyond conventional point-to-point launch platform-to-weapon communications.


  • 我们相信OperaUnite重新定义网络应用概念我们邀请加入,并超越那些陈旧的概念局限

    We believe Opera Unite will redefine what's possible with Web applications, and we invite you to join us in moving beyond stale ideas and limitations.


  • 确实入侵检测Snort使用超越Web站点本身,延伸更广泛网络安全问题

    It's true that both intrusion detection and Snort usage extends well beyond Web sites and into larger network security issues.


  • 企业合作网络本质上一种超越传统关于市场企业两分法的经济组织形式

    Firms cooperation network is intrinsically one form of economic organization of enterprises that has surpassed the traditional knowledge about market and enterprise.


  • 可见传统经济模式已经逐渐网络经济模式所追赶超越

    It's obvious that traditional economic mode is being pursued and surpassed by network economy.


  • 未来电子商务电子支付更加灵活快捷甚至会超越电子商务范畴成为一种通行网络结算方式

    In future, the online payment in E-commerce will be more flexible and speedy, and becomes a vulgate online balance way, even exceeds the category of E-commerce.


  • 先进网络分析超越平台授权掌握纪律

    Advanced Web Analytics goes beyond the platform and empowers you to master the discipline.


  • 一年全球信息网变成网际网络受欢迎部分流量超越FTP协议

    That year the Web became the most popular part of the Internet, surpassing the FTP protocols in traffic volume.


  • 峰会出版公司上周举办一个为期一天的活动被称为超越广告客户的广告,介绍了一代网络包装出版销售计算器

    Summit Publishing Company last week hosted a one-day event called "Beyond advertising" for its advertising clients that introduced the publisher's new network package and sales calculator.


  • 对此,采取转变教育观念超越传统德育教育内容、方法利用网络技术建立校园德育教育网络等方法加以应对

    We should take the corresponding measures in answer to it: change educational concept, surpass traditional moral education, make use of net-work technology to set up campus-net.


  • 此举旨在反映校内网7千万用户增长网络认为已经超越大学生核心用户群。

    The move is designed to reflect Xiaonei's growth to 70 million users. The network feels it has grown beyond its initial core of university students.


  • 企业集成利用网络整合整个企业业务流程链接内部外部系统包括整个企业和超越企业边界

    Enterprise Integration: Use the Web to integrate business processes across enterprises. Link internal and external systems, both across enterprises and beyond enterprise boundaries.


  • 不得试图以以“黑客行径、破译密码其他方法非法进入任何超越网站使用其服务、或连接有关计算机系统网络

    You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any KOE site or service, computer systems or networks connected to any KOE site or service, through hacking, password mining or any other means.


  • 不得试图以“黑客行径、破译密码其他方法非法进入任何超越网站使用其服务、或连接有关计算机系统网络

    You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any KOE site or service, computer systems or networks connected to any KOE site or service, through hacking, password mining or any other means.


  • 不得试图以“黑客行径、破译密码其他方法非法进入任何超越网站使用其服务、或连接有关计算机系统网络

    You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any KOE site or service, computer systems or networks connected to any KOE site or service, through hacking, password mining or any other means.


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