• 考虑翘曲速度旅行理论本质安全问题从来没有可行性原理问题重要。

    Given the highly theoretical nature of warp speed travel, safety issues usually take a backseat to fundamental questions about its feasibility.


  • 文中对非理想体系分离过程仿真计算进行了研究提出超理论概念,实现其实时仿真的方法。

    This paper studies separation process with highly nonideal materials and presents a "superideal stage" concept to simulate the process in a realtime speed.


  • 科学家们寻找对称证据(在这个理论已有的元素粒子一个巨大的影子伙伴粒子相伴)更广的领域。

    Scientists will be looking for evidence of "supersymmetry" - a theory in which existing elementary particles are paired with a massive "shadow" partner - and extra dimensions.


  • 甚至有助于理论某些方面进行间接检测

    It may even help to indirectly test some components of superstring theory.


  • 如果探测器年末都无法找到任何粒子所谓的对称理论正确性就值得怀疑了!

    If the detectors fail to find any super particles by the end of the year, the theory could be in serious trouble.


  • 全息时空用于某种研究量子化引力方法这种方法与理论联系紧密。

    "Holographic space-time is used in certain approaches to quantising gravity that have a strong connection to string theory, " says Cramer.


  • 这种时空的颗粒源于理论与环圈量子重力学的重要差异

    This granularity emerges from what is the most important difference between the two theories.


  • 格斯色子对称性理论关键所在,但是预期质量随着来自其他基本粒子量子效应引起的广度波动而发生变化。

    The Higgs is crucial to the theory, but its predicted mass is subject to wild fluctuations caused by quantum effects from other fundamental particles.


  • 这个方案中,一个载物飞行器(比如说搭载卫星)(首先)搭载冲压发动机进入相当高度理论能够达到近似轨道速度

    In such a scheme, a payload vehicle (holding, say, a satellite) would piggyback to high altitude aboard the scramjet, which in theory could reach near-orbital speeds.


  • 大型强子对撞机上安装“紧凑型缪子线圈”探测设备(CMS)获取的数据显示名为“轻子”的基本粒子实验显示很高的几率以三个一组被创造出来一种名为“对称”的理论所预言的结果

    Data from the CMS experiment is showing significant excesses of particles known as leptons being created in triplets, a result that could be interpreted as evidence for a theory called supersymmetry.


  • 不过别指望达沃斯碰到一个谈论理论stringtheory的物理学博士,或是听到有人用在TED上的方式来谈论怎么弹奏特琴。

    You’re not going to meet a Ph.D. in string theory or hear a talk about playing the lute at Davos the way you do at TED.


  • 理论这个观点为基础,向上构筑整个宇宙

    Superstring theories take this idea and build the entire universe from the bottom up.


  • 目前研究量子引力常用方法理论研究人员希望描述宇宙基本层面上的活动。

    Today the most popular approach to quantum gravity is string theory, which researchers hope could describe happenings in the universe at the most fundamental level.


  • 然而那时起,理论证明人们预料更为复杂

    Since then, however, superstrings have proved a lot more complex than anyone expected.


  • 布莱恩·葛林可能理论支持者著名的一位了,理论认为宇宙中的粒子由11维空间振动微小的弦产生的。

    Brian Greene is perhaps the best-known proponent of superstring theory, the idea that minuscule strands of energy vibrating in 11 dimensions create every particle and force in the universe.


  • 如果的构想正确无误,他可能已经开设个新平台研究一种称为对称性新型物理理论也就标准模式理论的控制范围。

    And if he is right, he may have opened a window on to a theory of physics known as supersymmetry, which goes beyond the Standard Model.


  • 但是理论活跃几十年,却没有什么突破。理论失败激励一种理论倡导者

    But string theory has been around for decades without delivering the goods, and that failure has encouraged the protagonists of an alternative explanation to push themselves forward.


  • 如果证实对称性的确存在,无异于M理论注入了一针强心剂物理学家们可以借此来解释宇宙诞生之初,各种作用力如何作用力里诞生的?

    Confirmation of supersymmetry would be a shot in the arm for M-theory and help physicists explain how each forces at work in the universe arose from one super-force at the dawn of time.


  • 如果证实对称性的确存在,无异于M理论注入了一针强心剂物理学家们可以借此来解释宇宙诞生之初,各种作用力如何作用力里诞生的?

    Confirmation of supersymmetry would be a shot in the arm for M-theory and help physicists explain how each force at work in the universe arose from one super-force at the dawn of time.


  • 弗雷德·艾根提出循环理论

    Manfred Eigen put forth the theory of hypercycles.


  • 来说,卡通物理学严肃理论非常相似

    That's cartoon physics for you, but it's also a lot like the very serious business of superstring theory.


  • 对于某些理论学家,正如剑桥大学理论学家.阿伦阿赫所也许重要的事情莫过于,对称性理论异常美妙的数学方式”。

    Perhaps most important for some theorists, "SUSY is very beautiful mathematically, " says Ben Allanach, a theorist at the University of Cambridge.


  • 随着大型强子对撞机收集越来越多数据对称性理论需要更多干预性手段粒子质量进行调整

    As the LHC collects more data, SUSY will require increasingly intrusive tweaks to the masses of the particles.


  • 理论学家发现对称性理论解决其他问题方面也颇有一手。

    Theorists have also discovered that SUSY can solve other problems.


  • 一种被称为对称性粒子理论预言了“作用重粒子”(WIMPs)存在——也许就是暗物质粒子。

    A particle theory called "supersymmetry" predicts the existence of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which could be the particles of dark matter.


  • 年底,对撞机达到1000千兆电子——极有可能排除对称性理论常提到一些变化

    By the end of the year, it will reach 1, 000 gigaelectronvoltspotentially ruling out some of the most favored variations of supersymmetry theory.


  • 理论可以解释通过假定亚原子粒子共振其实只是一个微小振动的亚原子物理学神秘量子法则

    The superstring theory can explain the mysterious quantum laws of sub-atomic physics by postulating that sub-atomic particles are really just resonances or vibrations of a tiny string.


  • 大多数国家地区刑法典中,对此问题并未予以明确规定,而是理论上将其作为法规的违法阻却事由加以研讨

    But most countries and areas' penal code has no specific provision on this, only researches it as supra-law ground for elimination of misfeasance in theory.


  • 刘雄军凝聚态理论原子气。主要关注量子物质拓扑,摹拟规范自旋轨道耦合效应以及多体物理

    Liu, Xiongjun: Condensed matter theory and ultra-cold atoms, focused on topological phase of quantum matter, synthetic gauge field and spin-orbit coupling effect, many-body physics.


  • 刘雄军凝聚态理论原子气。主要关注量子物质拓扑,摹拟规范自旋轨道耦合效应以及多体物理

    Liu, Xiongjun: Condensed matter theory and ultra-cold atoms, focused on topological phase of quantum matter, synthetic gauge field and spin-orbit coupling effect, many-body physics.


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