• 我们应该制止纳税人设法资助费用总是大大超支的联合武器开发这种胡闹

    We should stop the nonsense of taxpayers trying to finance joint weapons whose costs always overrun hugely.


  • 促销预算超支风险

    He is running the risk of overspend his promotion budget.


  • 自赋权利超支的成员国施加一笔大额罚款。

    It wants to give itself power to impose big fines on countries that overspend.


  • 旅行在诱惑但是却有超支倾向

    Travel will entice you; however, a tendency to overspend is quite possible.


  • 这些都是妙的选择可以帮助打破超支习惯

    These are wonderful alternatives that can help you break the overspending habit.


  • 本文模型用于预测工程设计费用潜在超支大小。

    This paper describes a model for use in predicting cost overruns on engineering design projects.


  • 大学面临着因计算错误而导致大学经费超支问题。

    The university faced a cost overrun on account of miscalculation.


  • 一方面,医院商业信息中,办事员关心超支账单

    On the other hand, in the business office of the hospital, the clerks there are worried about overdue bills.


  • 下次会议上司库困境,要当众说出经费补贴费超支用途。

    At the next meeting I intend to drive the treasurer into a corner and then ask him to account publicly for the overspend on his expenses allowance.


  • 造成超支的一般都不是自己东西而是孩子衣服或是家人圣诞节礼物

    It was hardly ever stuff for herself. Usually, it was clothes for the children or Christmas presents for her family.


  • 一方面,医院旦弧测旧爻搅诧些超氓业信息中,办事员关心超支的账单

    On the other hand, in the business office of the hospital, the clerks there are worried about overdue bills.


  • 很多时候,受技术蛊惑,企业可能会选择进入竞争力领域增加成本超支机会

    Many times, in the enthusiasm that comes with new technology, an organization may choose to get into areas that are not its core competencies, thus increasing the chances of cost overrun.


  • 电话通讯费实行限额报销超出部分个人负担。特殊情况超支部分,总经理特批方可报销

    3 telecommunication fee is monthly reimbursed while part in excess of the limit shall be borne by individuals. the additional part be reimbursed if the reimbursement is approved by general manager.


  • 要未雨绸缪项目早期忍受捍卫你开发日程而导致的暴风雨而不是迎接项目延期或成本超支飓风

    Batten down the hatches and endure the thunderstorm of an unwelcome estimate early in the project instead of the hurricane of schedule slips and cost overruns later on.


  • 针对一问题管理便应运而生了,改善项目绩效预警成本进度超支的有效项目管理技术。

    To solve this problem, earned value management is created, and it is a effective project management technique for monitoring cost and schedule and improving project performance.


  • 可能通过添加冗余基础设施组件弥补性能缺陷就有可能存在预算超支风险,应该作为最不得已方法考虑

    It is possible to add redundant infrastructure components to make up for a performance gap, but that runs the risk of exceeding the budget and should probably be the last step to consider.


  • 这个较长的建设周期内,工程变更认为导致项目工期延迟费用超支主要原因工程建设项目管理过程中倍受重视。

    During the long period, It is believed that the mainly reason is the engineering change which results in schedule delay and cost overruns of the construction project.


  • 公司为了抢占市场份额,现正招聘十二个新的销售人员;如今,拥有私人飞机成为了公司超支标志。因此,涅特公司可谓占先机

    NetJets is hiring 12 new salespeople in a bid to capture market share; it may be helped by the fact that owning a jet has come to symbolise corporate excess.


  • 哈蒙德国家审计办公室报告称超支经费够第八艘“机敏级潜艇的说法错误的,不过他承认国防部需要努力工作才能纳税人觉得

    Hammond said that the NAO was wrong to state that the overspend could have paid for an eighth Astute submarine, but admitted the MoD still had much to do to give taxpayers value for money.


  • 尽管GM克莱斯勒的品牌分割的确移除了一些超支的部分,但是仅仅只是美国目前为止,在欧洲的GM和克莱斯勒分公司还没有关闭一家工厂

    Although cuts at GM and Chrysler have removed some (though not enough) excess capacity in America, not a single car factory in Europe has closed so far.


  • 就好比在父母只是增加零用钱的情况下,一个超支孩子不会做出任何改善如果欧盟和国际货币基金组织向希腊输入新的资金,希腊也不会改变错误政策

    Greece will never change its misguided policies if the E.U. and IMF infuse it with new cash, just as no teenager who has overspent an allowance will reform if the parents merely expand that allowance.


  • 吃惊发现至少有$10亿费用超支

    He was stunned to discover cost overspends of at least $1 billion.


  • 结果就是惯常延误成本超支

    The results are routine delays and vast cost overruns.


  • 而且预算超支可能预期更多

    And the cost overruns are likely to be even greater than anticipated.


  • 印度船运公司他们每月因为海盗导致的费用超支以及误期而损失45万美金。

    Indian shipping firms say they are losing $450, 000 a month on cost overruns and delays due to piracy.


  • 结果是他们低估了他们的总花销,以超支华丽丽的收尾

    As a result, they underestimate their total cost, and end up overspending.


  • 他们忘记一些重要事情我们甚至不能准确预算建筑花费——悉尼歌剧院或是温布莱体育场大量超支就是方面的例子。

    Forget the important things: we can't even get it right when estimating the cost of a building-witness the massively over-budget Sydney Opera House or the new Wembley Stadium.


  • 他们忘记一些重要事情我们甚至不能准确预算建筑花费——悉尼歌剧院或是温布莱体育场大量超支就是方面的例子。

    Forget the important things: we can't even get it right when estimating the cost of a building-witness the massively over-budget Sydney Opera House or the new Wembley Stadium.


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