• 由于渗透页岩地层流体高温膨胀导致孔隙压力有可能产生有效拉张应力,严重时会导致地层破裂

    Due to the higher thermal expansion of fluid in low permeability shale, the super pore pressure may lead to the development of effective tensile stress and even formation fracturing.


  • 应变孔隙压力上耦合骨架剩余应变反映

    The strain excess pore water pressure is a response of the residual strain potential coupled with the skeleton of soil.


  • 饱和粘土地基过程中桩土挤压所引起的桩周土体孔隙压力效应非常显著的。

    The excess pore water pressure of saturated soft clay foundation caused by pile pushing is obvious.


  • 随振动激励次数增加孔隙压力增大

    Excess pore water pressure in soil increases with the increasing of excitations.


  • 加载速率效应蠕变以及应力松弛是砂土材料本身黏性反映,孔隙压力消散无关

    Loading rate effect, creep and stress relaxation should be attributed to the viscous properties of the sand specimens, but not to the delayed dissipation of excess pore water pressure.


  • 饱和土地桩基设计与沉桩引起孔隙压力大小及其消散密切关系

    The dissipation of excess pore water pressure has a direct bearing on the design of pile foundation in saturated soft soil.


  • 堆载压法加固土地过程,堆填速率影响孔隙压力消散

    In the process of reinforcing soft soil foundation by preloading, preloading rate will impact on excess pore pressure dissipation.


  • -界面孔隙压力进行了讨论。

    The excess pore water pressure at the interface of the pile and soil is discussed too.


  • 常规陆上荷载不同压力不仅是外加循环表面力,而且是海床表面孔隙压力边界条件

    Different from cyclic loading acted on onshore foundation, the wave pressure plays double roles as: the surface loading imposed on the mudline and the boundary condition of excess pore pressure.


  • 最后通过工程实例把孔试验得出理论值以及现场实测值进行对比,初步验证了利用孔压静探试验估算沉桩过程中产生孔隙压力的可行性。

    The proposed analysis method is validated through the comparison of the values of excess pore water pressure, piezocone test, theoretical estimates and the data collected in four projects.


  • 地震作用导致岩体变形破坏主要机制剪应力积聚孔隙压力累积效应耦合作用。

    Essentially the main mechanism of deformation and failure of rock mass induced by earthquake is the coupling effect of shear stress and excess static pore water pressure accumulation.


  • 运用水力压裂理论推导出沉产生孔隙压力沉桩瞬时沿桩身径向竖向分布

    Using the theory of hydraulic fracture, radial and vertical distributions of excess pore water pressure are subsequently studied along the pile surface during and after pile driving.


  • 根据排水量等效原理,用平均孔隙压力概念推导一种简化固结计算式

    According to the theory of equivalent of seepage discharge to volume change, a simplified formula for consolidation is derived from the concept of average excess pore water pressure.


  • 引入时间参数分析粘土中沉时所引起孔隙压力,给出了考虑固结效应的孔隙压力

    Time is adopted to analyze excess pore water pressure due to driven pile in clay; and a formula is derived.


  • 引入两个函数域中得到了应力位移超孔隙压力响应解答

    The analytical solutions of stresses, displacement and pore pressure amplitude are derived in frequency domain by introducing two scalar potential functions.


  • 本文上游修筑尾矿泥层孔隙压力积累消散过程进行了分析。

    The process of accumulation and dissipation of extra-static pore water pressure in fine-grained mud layer of tailings fill dam constructed by up-stream method is analysed.


  • 同一场地测得压力增量孔隙压力进行比较,并对桩端下土压力增量的最大影响半径进行了讨论。

    The excess pore pressure measured in the same site is also compared with them. The maximum influence radius of the increment of soil pressure under the pile tip is discuss...


  • 根据算例研究周期荷载作用下,地基中的孔隙压力位移的幅值随动力渗透系数变化一般规律。

    Finally, the influence induced by variation of dynamic coefficient of permeability on soil displacement and stress under harmonic vibration load is investigated.


  • 通过计算分析可以发现随着变形模量泊松减小,由地震所引起的海床中的累积超孔隙压力增大

    By computations and analysis it is found that the seismic-induced accumulative pore water pressures of seabed increase with the values of soil deformation modulus and Passion's ratio decreasing.


  • 为了解决强夯产生孔隙压力问题,提出加固饱和土、粉质粘土地基强夯碎石桩法。

    Based on the problems of the saturated silt foundation, authors analyze the failure cause of dynamic consolidation on saturated soft foundation in the past.


  • 为了解决强夯产生孔隙压力问题,提出加固饱和土、粉质粘土地基强夯碎石桩法。

    Based on the problems of the saturated silt foundation, authors analyze the failure cause of dynamic consolidation on saturated soft foundation in the past.


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