• 引文认为这些巨星演员人类

    Quotation: You think these superstar players are super human.


  • 一个大个子但是300多真是人类啊。

    I'm a big guy, but 300-something pounds is a lot of man.


  • 这种混合人类人类特性看起来是从蝙蝠基督者方继承的。

    This mixture of superhuman and human traits seems to be inherent in both the bat and the Antichrist.


  • 而且什么人类上天之灵来帮助我们没有关系那些毫不相干

    And it has got nothing to do with some kind of a superhuman uh heavenly, you know sort of uh, beings helping us. Its got nothing to do with that.


  • 近期经济学家罗宾·汉森探索超人类主义未来经济社会影响

    Recently, the economist Robin Hanson has explored in detail the consequences of such a scenario for society and the economy.


  • 计划好”超人类AGI出现世界件困难的事情因为未知太广泛

    Planning for the world after superhuman AGI exists is a hard thing because the unknowns are so large and prevalent.


  • 躯干我们个人的意志联系在一起同时也由一个远人类境界的意志联接——就是基督以及他的工作

    It's a body, bound together by our individual decisions but also bound together by far more than human decision-the person and work of Christ.


  • 不过也正是因为,因为曼联队如此的“人类”,与众不同,所以希望意愿理由大家所接受。”

    But it was because of this, because I knew this club was different and extraordinarily human, that I hoped that my wishes and my reasons would be understood.


  • 考虑我们人类行为并不适合于可持续性许多科幻小说家想当然地认定超人类智能实际上希望我们人类灭绝

    Many science fiction authors have postulated that superhuman artificial intelligence would in fact want us extinct, given that our species' behavior doesn't lend itself to sustainability.


  • 我们人类由于自身存在各种弱点谬误,所以不可能知道通过某个超人类智慧生物角度来看我们俗世的生活到底是怎样的。

    We human beings, subject to all the frailties and errors of human existence, cannot know how our earthly affairs may look when viewed by a superhuman intellect.


  • 这样未来人类与现在的我们文化上甚至神经类型上都会有巨大差别他们可能未来学家或者哲学家们所称为的后人类或者超人类

    Such future humans will likely differ greatly from us culturally or even neurologically. They may well be what futurists and philosophers refer to as posthumans or transhumans.


  • 虽然凶手成功的完成了他们任务他们拙劣逃跑过程已经震惊了整个阿拉伯世界,而摩萨德在这一地区一直是以超人类技术保密技术而闻名。

    Although the killers succeeded in their mission, the botched getaway has stunned many across the Arab world, where the Mossad is widely credited with almost superhuman skill and secrecy.


  • 技术被称为人类主义”,简单来说,就是科学技术人类提供一种未来派技术,使人们当前人类生理形态并且实现“梦想

    Referred to as transhumanism, it is the belief that science will provide a futuristic way for humans to evolve beyond their current physical forms and realise these dreams of transcendence.


  • 上周文章中,了这样一个问题,我们是否能够预测超人类到达人类的时间,或者说这个时间点随着我们找到改善自身方法而一直推移

    In last week’s piece I asked whether we’d be able to tell when we crossed the line from transhuman to posthuman, or whether that line would be ever-moving as we found new ways to augment ourselves.


  • 一位作者力量则体现通过自己作品改变人类互动方式能力而不是某种神奇禀赋。

    And an author's power has always been in her ability to affect human interaction through her writings, not in some magical, superhuman quality.


  • 对于一个智能来说,如果治疗人类所有疾病都不过小意思,那么奇点一同到来自然该有长生不老承诺——只要发生时候在世

    If curing all human ills will be a piece of cake for a superhuman intelligence, then the singularity carries with it the promise of immortality - as long as you're still alive when it happens.


  • 要把生存意义传授给世人,意义就是就是冲破人类乌云——闪电

    I want to teach men the sense of their existence, which is the Superman, the lightning out of the dark cloud — man.


  • 传说实验室曾人类一些秘密实验目的是为了制造出或是生产生化武器

    As legend says, it was a place where secret experiments were carried out on humans with the aim of creating a superman or producing some biological weapons.


  • 至少,与其说不如说是同样来自遥远法力强大的类似人类构成的天外世界

    At least, he's no more of a god than, say, Superman, who also hailed from a remote celestial world populated by high-powered pseudo-humans.


  • 我教给你们什么是人类应当越自身。你们曾经做出什么努力呢?

    TEACH YOU THE SUPERMAN. Man is something that is to be surpassed. What have ye done to surpass man?


  • 那么我们要求什么呢:指望这些未来人智慧仍是人类后代,指望邪恶可以我们自身根源知识缓和

    What then would we ask for: that humans themselves would become their own successors, that whatever injustice occurs would be tempered by our knowledge of our roots.


  • 布莱恩·辛格2006年的作品《归来》则是一部被低估了的影片。 这部电影试图回答一个老生常谈问题人类是否需要上帝

    Bryan Singer’s underrated Superman Returns (2006) sought to answer an age-old question: Does humanity need gods?


  • 1993年NASA召开的一次研讨会上,文奇宣称“未来的三十年间人类将会掌握创造智慧技术手段。”

    At a NASA symposium in 1993, Vinge announced that "within 30 years, we will have the technological means to create super-human intelligence."


  • 使命就是拯救人类保卫地球

    Superman, your mission is to save human beings and protect the earth.


  • 中的人物可谓丰富多彩,不仅有科幻小说中描写两万年后的,还可以追溯到人类历史的开端。

    Who in the books includes everybody from science fiction superman two hun dred centuries in the future all the way back to the first figures in history.


  • 如何避免愚蠢观点人类避免容易产生各种愚蠢的观点,并不需要天才

    How to avoid foolish opinions to avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind is prone, no superhuman genius is required.


  • 中的”所包括人物可谓丰富多彩,不仅有科幻小说描写的两万年之后的,还可以追溯到人类历史的开端。

    Who in the books includes everybody from science fiction superman two hundred centuries in the future all the way back to the first figures in history.


  • 克里夫·巴克(英国作家,恐怖小说大师):毕竟还是外星生物,只是个拥有人类外表入侵者

    Superman is, after all, an alien life form. He's simply the acceptable face of invading realities.


  • 克里夫·巴克(英国作家,恐怖小说大师):毕竟还是外星生物,只是个拥有人类外表入侵者

    Superman is, after all, an alien life form. He's simply the acceptable face of invading realities.


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