• 套用老话,50位当地音乐家联合组成爵士伞乐队

    Fifty local musicians have, to coin a phrase, banded together to form the Jazz Umbrella.


  • 朋友一喝酒时,一个微笑cheers”来表示感谢不仅适合当时的情况,而且从文化上看也是合适

    When going for a drink with friends, a smile and a "cheers" by way of thanks is not only appropriate to the situation, it is also culturally accurate.


  • 商标下面印着一鼓舞人心的话:“如今,分别是在一的最好方式。”

    The encouraging sentence "Today, being apart is the best way of being together." is printed below the logo.


  • (顺便说一如果说出个很靠近这个高度数字,你将是超人而且你以前度过博客,那么你应该编写一本最畅销)。

    (By the way if you said a number anywhere near this high, you are one extraordinary human being, and you shouldn't be reading this blog post, you should write a best selling book with me).


  • 记得报纸看过如果说一样东西可以全世界联系在一这样东西就是足球

    I remember a sentence I read in the newspaper: If there is one thing that can associate all people around the globe, that is football.


  • 所以任何复杂能把他们合在一

    So any complex sentence just keep them together.


  • 菲尔报告——“外祖母一大都会艺术博物馆艺术专家”——仍然一想来就忍不住想

    The first sentence of Phil's subsequent report -- "I went to the Metropolitan with my grandmother, which is an art expert" -- still makes her smile.


  • 这件事让觉得很不好受所以就是男人与女人的交谈》(百龄出版 1990),里面有一话,“件事本身就是安慰,一种表示关切方式”,他释怀了。

    This made the man feel bad. So he was relieved to read in my bookYou Just Don’t Understand” (Ballantine, 1990) that doing things together can be a comfort in itself, another way to show caring.


  • 聊天时候了一:“房间里,有多少人,自从我们上次见面或是自从毕业之后,在生活中被狠狠地打击过?”

    And, I at one point in the conversation I just said, "how many of you in this room, since we last saw each other or since you graduated, have just gotten crushed by something in life?"


  • 摩尔重新修改了把头发编织那样最后缩减,最终以极短形式发表了

    Moore, who revised her poems, just the same way she ended up binding her hair, published this poem eventually in short form, very short, where three pages were reduced to two sentences.


  • 不是一切非得挂上钩——其实,很简单一个字,一感谢或是一张便条也会作用,也员工能够员工富有成就感,激发他们的效率

    This doesn’t have to be with moneya simple word of thanks or a written note making a big deal about an employee’s accomplishment can be very effective.


  • 回应我们的:“我们可以吃。”

    The first thing the man said was, “We can share it.


  • 不过是个人类,一个很不幸出现错误时间,错误的地点的人类。而且无可辩驳地,和一错误的待在了一,我得加上这一

    You're simply a human, who unfortunately was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and indisputably running with the wrong crowd, I might add.


  • 国家杂志布什纽曼放在一比照,纽曼是疯狂杂志虚构吉祥物,还连同一对话:什么个屁?

    The Nation compared Bush to Alfred E. Neuman, the fictional mascot of the magazine Mad, complete with a button that reads, What, me worry?


  • 说,如果有人房子贷款这个欠款纳税人们填平。

    In other words, if somebody buys a house and doesn't pay back the mortgage, taxpayers have to make up the difference.


  • 老师儿子很大作用

    A word from the teacher will have a great effect on my son.


  • 故事这么一:“英国相当长的段事件内陷入他们叛逆孩子们所造成的惊恐中”,现在他们开始真正的关心他们的孩子。

    The British have a long propensity to recoil in horror from their children, ” the story reports, and now they’re really scared of their young.


  • 约翰·亚当斯曾经说过:“国会坐在从没他从嘴中吐出连续的话”。

    John Adams once said, “During the whole time I sat with him in Congress, I never heard him utter three sentences together.”


  • 这样有机会别人搭讪,而只需说介意吃饭吗”?

    This could be your chance to approach someone with a simple 'would you mind if I joined you for dinner?'


  • 如果最近用PPT软件做过发言的话,你很可能是把要说每个要点逐条罗列,不是把它们放在,这样可以别人更好地感受到分量

    If you've recently given a PowerPoint talk, you likely presented your bullet points in sequence, rather than all at once, to allow people to better feel the weight of each statement.


  • 就可以在一分开旳理由良多种。

    I love you can together but the reason to have a separate.


  • 高尔引用非洲谚语,“如果得快应该一个走;如果你想走得远,你得跟别人一走。”

    The other African proverb Al Gore quoted says: “If youwant to go fast, you go alone. If you want to go far, you gotogether.”


  • 他们电影——一个共同的最爱就是阿拉伯劳伦斯》,那另一半曾满是自豪地炫耀亨利爱说的彼得·奥图尔一口气的台词:“我们要去穿越沙漠!”

    They watched movies - a Shared favourite was Lawrence of Arabia, and my companion beamed with pride to quote Henry saying, in the brash words of Peter o 'toole, "We will cross the Nefud!"


  • Nick引用报告中的一话作为 总结:“目标关注那些把这些概念[RESTWOAWeb服务]统一关键通用接口约束而不是争论概念之间的细微区别”;

    Nick concludes by quoting the report "The goal is to focus on the key generic interface constraints that unite these [REST, WOA, Web Services] concepts, not debate the nuanced differences among them.


  • 这首Beatls的歌词特别适合此情此景:离开学校花完了不见未来房租,无处容身

    There's a line in that Beatles song that would perfectly sync up with the moment: "Out of college, money spent, see no future, pay no rent, all the money's gone, nowhere to go."


  • 最好朋友就是那种可以同他/她一坐在门廊上来回摆动不说然后走开的时候,可是你会感觉到你们之间曾经有过的一次最好谈话。

    Thee best kind of friend is the kind whom you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you have ever had.


  • 最好朋友就是那种可以同他/她一坐在门廊上来回摆动不说然后走开的时候,可是你会感觉到你们之间曾经有过的一次最好谈话。

    Thee best kind of friend is the kind whom you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you have ever had.


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