• 并非雇得名临时保姆

    She couldn't always afford a babysitter.


  • 海鸥随浪花起一地漂浮在水面。

    Seagulls bobbed on the waves.


  • 他们1980年代起一住在那里

    They lived there from the 1980s onwards.


  • 箱6瓶装啤酒

    He picked up a six-pack of beer.


  • 吃了下去。

    He took a spoonful of the stew and ate it.


  • 我们买得新车吗?

    Can we afford a new car?


  • 弯腰塑料桶

    She bent and picked up a plastic bucket.


  • 用叉子戳

    She impaled a lump of meat on her fork.


  • 飞瀑溅水雾

    A cloud of fine spray came up from the waterfall.


  • 贝斯黄瓜

    Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber.


  • 耳朵起一落,合着身体慢跑动作。

    His long ears flopped up and down, keeping time with the jogging moting of his body.


  • 试想下,如今要捕多少4英寸才能买得柴油

    Just think about how many 4 inch fish it takes to pay for one liter of diesel fuel at today's prices.


  • 大口大口着气,节律地,带动它庞大身躯痛苦起一起一伏。

    He was breathing very rhythmically with long rattling gasps, his great mound of a side painfully rising and falling.


  • 杰克跳下马背,让饮水。自己起一冰水,晶莹的水滴指间滑落,溅湿了他的嘴唇下巴闪闪发亮。

    The horses drank and Jack dismounted, scooped icy water up in his hand, crystalline drops falling from his fingers, his mouth and chin glistening with wet.


  • 罗森博格话语缓慢略显僵硬不过随即开始扬,声音的力度加强了——来自坟墓的声音。

    Initially, Rosenberg spoke slowly and stiffly, but then his hands began to rise and fall, along with his eyebrows, the power of his voice growing-a voice from the grave.


  • 还有,意大利电信已经法国德国经营起一固定电线为基础的“三重奏”式捆绑服务。此种业务德国电信同样在法国和西班牙经营着。

    Telecom Italia has launched fixedline triple-play services in both France and Germany, and Deutsche Telekom is doing so in France and Spain.


  • 朋友真好

    It's nice having friends to chat to.


  • 残忍的谋杀

    This is a brutal killing.


  • 希望大家分享。

    I wanted everybody to share.


  • 去年年初没法成功地把整个企业卖掉

    He has been trying unsuccessfully to sell the business in one piece since early last year.


  • 我们唱了首歌

    We sang a song together.


  • 涉及年轻人严重事件

    There was a serious incident involving a group of youths.


  • 下班我们杯吧。

    Let's meet for a drink after work.


  • 不曾丈夫度过圣诞节

    She has yet to spend a Christmas with her husband.


  • 我们什么时候杯。

    We must get together for a drink sometime.


  • 我们单独过去样。

    We'll be alone together, just like old times.


  • 比较年轻、身着西装男人

    With her was a youngish man in a suit.


  • 作为男人女人融洽地生活成就

    To live together harmoniously as men and women is an achievement.


  • 他们有时看场电影放松下。

    They sometimes meet up to chill out and watch a movie.


  • 掩蔽处杆子形成圆顶而搭建成

    The shelter is built by lashing poles together to form a small dome.


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