• 走过今天明天灿烂的阳光

    Passes through today, will be able to have a brighter sunlight tomorrow to wait for you!


  • 今天死因聆讯指出,名妇女走过一块田地,因被奶牛踩踏而受到致命伤

    A woman suffered fatal injuries when she was trampled by cows as she walked across a field, an inquest heard today.


  • 今天,当收看CNBC,阅读报纸走过曼哈顿数着投行总部停泊加长轿车时,有着同样感觉

    I get the same feeling today watching CNBC, reading the newspapers, walking through midtown Manhattan and counting the town Cars idling outside the headquarters of investment Banks.


  • 今天酒吧里,一个女人走过来说朋友撮合一下。

    Today, at a bar, a woman approched me and tried to set me up with her friend.


  • 今天我的哥哥嫂嫂一家宾馆度假领着他们孩子水上乐园玩的时候,一个大妈走过来跟,“哦,孩子可爱哦

    Today, while at a hotel for vacation with my brother and his wife, I was watching their two-month old daughter in the waterpark when a woman came up to me and said, "Aww your kid is so adorable!


  • 今天在结束72小时消防队轮班女士杂货店走过来,给了我一个拥抱

    Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug.


  • 今天去买圣诞礼物时候看见女孩着一面“抱抱团”的牌子然后我就走过去给了她一个拥抱。

    Today, I was buying Christmas gifts and I saw a cute girl holding up a free hugs sign.


  • 在演示结束的时候,实在忍不住,就走过他“今天来这里什么呢?”

    Cheeky guy that I am I finally asked the guy, "why did you come today?"


  • 那么承认,”伊茨小声说,“今天抱着走过水塘的时候,我心里他一定我的;静静地靠在胸膛上,等了又等,一动也不

    'To confess, then, ' murmured Izz, 'I made sure to-day that he was going to kiss me as he held me; and I lay still against his breast, hoping and hoping, and never moved at all.


  • 但是今天径直面包店门前走过楼梯走进那个昏暗小屋——她的柜橱一般的小屋——坐在鸭绒垫上。

    But today she passed the baker's by, climbed the stairs, went into the little dark room -her room like a cupboard-and sat down on the red eiderdown.


  • 今天再一次村子走过并且走进更多房屋和家庭完全被摧毁的家庭之中。

    I went back down through the village again this day and went to so many more homes that are totally destroyed.


  • 那边那个撮小胡子的坏种每天早上看见戴粉红帽子的姑娘的胳膊这儿走过今天我又看见走过,可他搂着一支步枪。

    The errand-boy next door has a little pointed beard, I have seen him pass every day with a young person in a pink bonnet on his arm; to-day I saw him pass, and he had a gun on his arm.


  • 世界上幸福的女人英俊潇洒幽默风趣并且十分老公守着一生一世承诺每一年的今天一起走过老婆生日快乐

    You are the happiest woman in the world, there is a handsome, humorous and love your husband very holds the promise of life to you and to walk with you every year today, my wife, happy birthday!


  • 今天走过一个特别商店时那里有各种各样的有趣东西

    Today, when I walk pass a special shop, there sells all kinds of funny things.


  • 他们今天一大早看见走过

    They saw her walking early this morning.


  • 人们走过一个足迹,都自己生命留言留给今天翻过日历,留给未来永久历史

    People walk every footprint, is his life leave a message; For a calendar, today turned to the history of the permanent in the future.


  • 于是大声:“航班明天早上8点钟如果打包行李,那最好是今天晚上弄好。”

    I went over and said in a loud voice: "Your plane is at 8 in the morning. If you have any packing left to do, you'd better do it tonight."


  • 今天起了明日白发苍苍的你们彼此相携走过

    Today, his hands hold up your hand, tomorrow, is a white-haired you carry through with each other!


  • 我们知道虽然今天美国富有强大,但是,美国的南部地区却是一路风雨的走过来。

    As we have known so far, though we see a very rich and strong America today, that continent, especially the South, has gone through many hard times.


  • 今天我们走过一年终点

    Today is the end of the beginning of New year.


  • 今天早上,数百皮诺切特支持者列队走过褐色,同他告别。皮诺切特的亲人在为他的死而哀悼,很多他的反对者在庆祝他的去世。

    Hundreds of supporters of Augusto Pinochet filed past his brown wooden coffin this morning. While Pinochet's relatives mourned his death, his many opponents celebrated his passing.


  • 今天看到那个男孩向我走过来时,我觉得他对我了一下。

    Today I saw that boy, as he walked by I thought he smiled, at me.


  • 今天不得不参加女友婚礼彩排因为这个镇上唯一一个调音师…好死不死前女友的老爸婚礼迟到牧师居然让我代替老爸挽手跟我前女友走过走廊

    Today, I ran sound for my ex's wedding rehearsal since I was the only sound tech in town. Her dad was late for the rehearsal, so the pastor had me to walk her down the aisle.


  • 今天我们在此隆重聚会共同庆祝走过辉煌,并展属于一中人的更加光辉灿烂的未来

    Now, We are happily gathering here to celebrate it together. We are celebrating the glorious past; we are looking forward to the brighter future.


  • 今天朋友们游泳池玩,一个帅哥走过,我看得心花怒放,于是第二看到的时候就“不小心”地在他身上。

    Today, I was hanging out in the pool with my friend, when a really hot guy walked my way. I really liked him, so the next time I saw him, I 'accidentally' bumped into him.


  • 今天下午放学很早,同学打球之后缓慢地从走过无数的旧回家当然公交。

    Out of school, after ball games with friends, I stepped onto the way, which is as familiar as to be stepped for many times in the years, back for home, certainly by bus.


  • 今天下午放学很早,同学打球之后缓慢地从走过无数的旧回家当然公交。

    Out of school, after ball games with friends, I stepped onto the way, which is as familiar as to be stepped for many times in the years, back for home, certainly by bus.


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