• 如果赢了所有倾诉当作走出非洲之角很多

    If you win all your money will pour out of it as out of horn of plenty!


  • 目前走出非洲理论稍占上风多点进化论也不乏忠实支持者

    The out-of-Africa hypothesis currently holds the lead, but proponents of the multiregional hypothesis remain strong in their views.


  • 第二走出非洲是早期智人走出非洲,这些智人取代亚洲早期智人。

    The second time refers to the African Archaic Homo sapiens' going out of Africa to replace the Asian Archaic Homo sapiens.


  • 一个大厅被命名凯伦布里森,还有一个命名走出非洲作者伊莎丹尼森名字的。

    The other is named for Karen Blixen, also known as Isak Dinesen, the writer ofOut of Africa”.


  • 后来研究表明现代人祖先首次尼安德特人相遇是5万多年走出非洲之后。

    Later studies showed that the forebears of modern humans first encountered Neanderthals after expanding out of Africa more than 50,000 years ago.


  • 如果走出非洲说是正确的,那么趋同性应该头骨上有所体现——因为它主要基因控制的。

    If the "Out of Africa" hypothesis is right, that decreasing variability should be reflected in skull shape-since this is ultimately under genetic control.


  • 60,000年前走出非洲大陆移居其他地区的时候,其他瓶颈也曾出现过

    Other bottlenecks occurred when a few individuals migrated out of Africa around 60,000 years ago and colonised other regions.


  • 许多科学家认为它们代表了人类走出非洲一次失败尝试今天人类没有基因联系

    Many scientists viewed them as a failed human migration from Africa, with no genetic connection to humanity today.


  • 我们下一物品人类走出非洲走向全世界最初身上物品,称之为石器时代瑞士军刀

    Our next object is the tool that people took with them when they first left Africa and began to spread around the world - it's been called the Swiss Army knife of the Stone Age ...


  • 自传体小说走出非洲丹麦女作家伊萨克·迪内森著名的一部作品改编同名美国电影

    The autobiographic novel, Out of Africa, is Isak Denisens most famous work, which has been adapted into an American film with the same title.


  • 有些科学家提出我们母体遗传来线粒体DNA很少发生变异说明瓶颈发生不久以前祖先走出非洲的时候。

    Some researchers proposed that the lack of variation in our maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA suggested these bottlenecks took place as our ancestors spread out of Africa relatively recently.


  • 最新发现的化石证据表明早期人类可能踏上走出非洲史诗性旅程之前,早已先绕道进入过欧亚大陆

    Early humans may have taken a detour into Eurasia before embarking on their epic journey out of Africa, according to new fossil evidence.


  • 他们5大洲41处考古地点进行研究结果发现人类走出非洲的途中,身后一路留下大象猛犸象的遗骸。

    In all, the study included 41 archaeological sites on five continents. The researchers found that, as humans migrated out of Africa, they left a trail of dead elephants and mammoths in their wake.


  • 那些石器可以表明早期人们走出非洲迁徙或者它们可以说明阿拉伯半岛社会生态学上有时非洲延伸

    The tools could point to an early out-of-Africa migration. Alternatively, he says, they could indicate that the Arabian peninsula was, ecologically, an extension of Africa at times.


  • 古人类学家考古学家最近还有遗传学支持走出非洲理论理论认为早期人类是从非洲大裂谷的。

    Palaeo anthropologists, archaeologists and, more recently, geneticists have all bolstered the "out of Africa" theory, which holds that early man wandered out of the Rift Valley.


  • 同时我会电影《走出非洲》,影片中的丹麦妇女卡伦·布里·克森把肯尼亚当时属东非。她在当地孩子们建起了学校

    But at the same time, I could also see the movie Out of Africa in which a young Danish woman, Karen Blixen, made her home in Kenya, then British East Africa, and built schools for children there.


  • 老实说,我从来没想过我会同意说的。中国现在已经“占领”一半纳米比亚当地人工作了。悲哀的是我们经济,不能带领非洲走出困境。

    I honestly never thought I would agree with him. China has already taken over half of Namibia leaving the locals without jobs. sadly our economy isnt strong enough to lead Africa forward without help.


  • 非洲这个地方诞生许多好的球员他们很好的身体素质走出国门来到欧洲世界其他各国淘金

    In Africa, this place gave birth to many good players, they have a good physique, to go abroad to come to Europe and the rest of the world gold.


  • 非洲这个地方诞生许多好的球员他们很好的身体素质走出国门来到欧洲世界其他各国淘金

    In Africa, this place gave birth to many good players, they have a good physique, to go abroad to come to Europe and the rest of the world gold.


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