• 赤裸尸体野外找到了一张床单里。

    Her naked body was found wrapped in a sheet in a field.


  • 他们着战斧赤裸身体满了颜料和,熠熠生光

    They carry tomahawks and knives, and their naked bodies gleam with paint and oil.


  • 他们的衣服使我全身赤裸

    They stripped me naked.


  • 一种不断恶化现实生活现象包括冷漠粗鲁赤裸敌意甚至身体暴力行为

    It is an worsening real-life phenomenon that encompasses behavior ranging from indifference and rudeness to naked hostility and even physical violence.


  • 赤裸谎言

    It was a patent lie.


  • 是个赤裸谎言

    It was a blatant lie.


  • 他们出售赤裸的色情物品

    They sell hard-core pornography.


  • 听起来不可思议却是赤裸事实

    It sounds inconceivable but is the naked truth.


  • 父亲赤裸地板上天后,克莉斯汀打电话叫了社区服务人员调查事情的经过。

    She resisted and knocked him over and left him naked on the floor of the house for two days before calling a social-services worker who came to investigate the incident.


  • 句话中唯一妙笔就是打在分水岭式两边、表示这个词用得不当那个引号,说明这种赤裸裸的言语犯罪作者自己有些不安

    The only good thing about this was the spurious inverted commas around watershed, suggesting the author was experiencing some discomfort at the scale of the linguistic crimes being committed.


  • 非洲一些地区开采自然资源破坏自然环境仅给当地带来微薄回报,这就是赤裸的剥削

    In some regions, such as Africa, the exploitationthe extraction of natural resources and the rape of the environment, all in return for a pittancewas obvious.


  • 我们问及了伦敦生活感受以及一个人都会回避问题每天晚上舞台赤裸的是感受

    We spoke to him about how he felt about living in London. We also ask him the question everyone else has avoided: What does it feel like to get naked on stage every night?


  • 然而正如调查表明的,很多其他地方赤裸裸地为了高兴违反法律盛满自己口袋

    However, as my investigation was to reveal, there were plenty of others in it purely for the money, and happy to break the law in order to line their own pockets.


  • 赤裸案情概要对波利特·科夫斯·卡娅谋杀案背后、夹杂阴谋无能官方的神秘态度巴洛克风格而言,并未还一个公道

    But that bare summary does not do justice to the baroque mixture of intrigue, incompetence and official secrecy that followed Ms Politkovskaya's murder.


  • 而其中规律从未像邪恶的指责那样明显。世俗悲剧都来源于赤裸裸的精神表达。

    The pettiness of its laws is never more evident than in its condemnation of vice, the expression of carnal tragedy born from the presence of the spirit in the flesh.


  • 想到这种彻底独处生活足以使发疯好像人利落地生下来一切牵挂都割断了,分割开赤裸的、独自一人呆着同时也尝到了幸福痛苦

    The thought of such absolute privacy is enough to drive me mad. It's like a clean birth. Everything cut away. Separate, naked, alone. Bliss and agony simultaneously.


  • 中国汽车生产商营销手段专门针对本土市场,有时赤裸传达财富成功信息反而能在本土市场收到好的销售效果。奇瑞给其高档汽车品牌取名瑞麒走的就是这条路线。

    Chinese manufacturers' marketing approach is tailored to the local market, with the at-times blunt messages about wealth and success that play well here, such as Chery's choice of name, Riich.


  • 更有甚者,那些食品饮料企业通过电视上打广告,让他们的产品电影视频游戏其他媒体中出镜,赤裸地将那些高和高脂肪的食品灌输进小孩的脑海里。

    Moreover, the food and beverage industry markets sugar- and fat-laden goods to kids directly—through commercials on television, product placement in movies and video games, and other media.


  • 就是莱昂法官指控为“赤裸贪婪”的原因,她因此指控1992-1994年间CampFed呆了十八个月。 事情相当清楚真正罪名其实粗俗富有

    which was why Leona, accused of “naked greedby the judge, spent 18 months in Camp Fed in 1992-94 for tax evasion, when it was fairly clear that her real crime was to be both abrasive and rich.


  • 这暴露出一个赤裸事实,它一直影响着Shteynshleyger作品如果试图生活两个世界里,你可能真正栖居于其中的任何个。

    A stark truth had emerged, one that continues to inform Ms. Shteynshleyger's work: When you try to live in two worlds, it is impossible to truly inhabit either.


  • Hackenberg:“我们正在声讨EPA,我们他们抓了个正着他们赤裸不该干的事儿,毫无理由的抛开一切于不顾,化工企业毫无约束。”

    We've caught them with their pants down doing things they're not supposed to be doing…putting lots stuff out there without questions being asked and giving chemical companies a free hand.


  • Prime - boost技术这种技术正在被用呢帮助人们摆脱疟疾,它工作原理主要通过刺激免疫系统组成部分之一T细胞,直接把感染了病毒人体细胞杀死不是去和那些“赤裸”的病原体搏斗

    Prime-boost techniques, which are also being developed to attack malaria, work mainly by stimulating another part of the immune system-one that kills infected body cells rather than "naked" pathogens.


  • 来讲第一份工作那么有战略意识地正好就购物者港湾中心每天赤裸裸的受到那些漂亮衣服引诱

    Back at my first job, situated strategically in the center of a shoppers' haven, I was exposed to the lure of beautiful pieces of clothing every single day.


  • 这种事情在现实生活中是可能发生的,但是揭示了一些深刻的道理:它赤裸描绘技术对于你们一代人身份以及联系世界的能力多么重要

    That didn't happen, but it's also telling — a stark depiction of just how essential technology has become to your generation's identity and your ability to connect with the world.


  • 还不顾高级顾问坚决反对,坚持要借演讲之机发出赤裸裸的威胁起诉所有公开指控他的女性。

    And over the firm objections of his top advisers, he insisted on using the occasion to issue a remarkable threat: that he would Sue all of the women who had gone public with the accusations.


  • 所以赤裸窗口引人注意一角掀动的窗帘,惹人窥探猜测,生出无限兴趣

    Therefore, an opened window does not draw passers-by's attention, while one with a corner of the curtain lifted can tempt people to peep and speculate, arousing enormous pleasure.


  • 所以赤裸窗口引人注意一角掀动的窗帘,惹人窥探猜测,生出无限兴趣

    Therefore, an opened window does not draw passers-by's attention, while one with a corner of the curtain lifted can tempt people to peep and speculate, arousing enormous pleasure.


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