• 有必要银行要求查明进入编号账户其他账户外国资金来源

    The banks would be required, if necessary, to identify the origin of foreign funds going into numbered and other accounts.


  • 即便基金支持者承认,这最多也只是临时解决方案,为SIV争取一点时间这样他们能够找到其他资金来源体面地倒下

    Even those who support the fund admit that it is, at best, a temporary solution, buying time so SIVs can find other sources of finance or wind down gracefully.


  • 朋友处贷的款其他资金来源整合在一起,制作一份动态卷宗不能避免本金应付的过多利息而只动用资金来源

    Combine a loan from your friends with other funding sources to create a dynamic portfolio. You should not draw too heavily on one source to avoid excessive interest rates on high principal.


  • 其他资金来源利率调整,银行间互相借贷利率大幅攀升——正如它们信贷危机前的所作所为。

    The extra funding came as the interest rates at which Banks lend to each other rocketed - as they did at the start of the credit crunch.


  • 研究总体考虑资助来源分配多元化特别是公共财政资金其他资金来源的框架

    This study considers the distribution and diversification of funding sources in general and in particular within the categories of public funding and of additional (other) funding sources.


  • 另外还有其他一些募款策略包括农场温室产生一些收入农场提供稳定资金来源

    This, along with additional fundraising strategies, including using the farm's greenhouse as a means to generate income, afforded the farm steady financial support.


  • 这些资金来源销售电力其他能源收益。

    It is investment that is paid back through the sale of electricity and energy.


  • 2007年公共事业赤字GDP的65%;本来就没有资金来源养老金医保其他项目的成本负担更加沉重,国家背后的债务已悄然跃至GDP的250%。

    The debt of the public sector was 65% of GDP in 2007; adding in unfunded future costs of pensions, health care and other schemes, the state’s implicit debt jumps to 250% of GDP.


  • 对于其他杠杆投资者,由于作为他们资金主要来源的首选经纪商对他们施加限制迫使他们也缩小规模。

    Others have been forced to cut back because of restrictions imposed by their prime brokers, their main source of finance.


  • 富尔达Wikileaks可能其他资金来源——可能私人捐助者其他基金会——了解这些情况。

    Fulda says Wikileaks may have other sources of funding - perhaps from private donors and other foundations - but he has no knowledge of them.


  • 富尔达知道Wikileaks是否用途寻求其他资金来源基金会管理资金没有用于支付曼宁辩护开支

    Fulda said that no money handled by the foundation has gone to pay expenses for Manning's defense. He didn't know if Wikileaks obtained money from other sources for the purpose.


  • 如果初创公司并未真的瞄准一个巨大市场,也没有实力强大而且可靠管理团队,那应该考虑其他资金来源

    If your startup doesn't truly target a huge market with a strong and credible management team, you should consider other sources of funding.


  • 预算全球基金提供资金其他合作伙伴资金整合在一起,这样无法明确费用来源

    The budget combines Global Fund contributions and other counterpart financing, which makes it impossible to attribute costs to a concrete source.


  • 如果这个成本(包括税务惩罚)高于其他来源资金成本,这一价值就是的。

    If this cost (including the tax penalty) is higher than that applying to alternative sources of funds, the value is negative.


  • 近期审计过的公司财务报表个人的财务证明如果还有其他投资者请附上他们审计过的财务报表资金来源证明

    Latest audited company financial statement or personal financial statement. If you have other investors, please also attach their audited financial statements or funds sources.


  • 一家银行其他存款来源其他资金来源以及贷款活动中的利息水平产生利润

    A bank generates profit from the differential between the level of interest it pays for deposits and other sources of funds, and the level of interest it charges in its lending activities.


  • 活期存款缓慢增长迫使商业银行越来越多的资金转换成定期储蓄存款其他资金来源履行信贷职能

    The slower growth of demand deposits has forced commercial Banks to turn more and more to time and savings deposits and other sources of funds in order to perform their credit functions.


  • 当然HTF卡车轮胎柴油以及与驾驶相关其他资源相关税款(重要汽车配件消费税)中筹资,但是大部分资金还是来源汽油税

    And the HTF receives some revenue from taxes on truck tyres, diesel, and other driving-related sources, but most of its money comes from petrol taxes.


  • 当然HTF卡车轮胎柴油以及与驾驶相关其他资源相关税款(重要汽车配件消费税)中筹资,但是大部分资金还是来源汽油税

    And the HTF receives some revenue from taxes on truck tyres, diesel, and other driving-related sources, but most of its money comes from petrol taxes.


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