• 方面,年轻人熬夜查看信息,浏览资讯

    On the one hand, young people stay up late to check messages and information.


  • 本身而论,谣言含有管理者有价值信息同时虚假被扭曲资讯不在少数

    As such, the rumor mill contains valuable information for managers, as well as no small amount of distorted or false information.


  • 随着越来越信息出现在互联网资讯超载变得越来越普遍

    Information overload gets more and more common as ever-growing amounts of information go online.


  • 同时表示有关可能致癌信息添加标记资讯中。

    He also said that information about the possible link to the cancer would be added to the labeling information sent out with implants.


  • 资讯过载一部分还取决于我们总被信息骚扰。

    Part of the problem with information overload is often that we’re constantly being bombarded with information.


  • 由于风险已经令人手足无措地扩散开来,信息资讯随之散播。

    As risk has become bewilderingly dispersed, so too has information.


  • 7 - 11零售店之所以能够统治日本市场长达十年甚至更长时间,因为他们收集反馈信息调整他们库存欧洲zara也在商业经营采取资讯反馈模式,一个服装销售上的典范。

    Eleven in Japan dominated for a decade or more because they used information to change their inventory. Zara in Europe is an information business that happens to sell clothes.


  • 软件质量如何(未解决缺陷最终用户博客以及架构性的资讯信息数量等等)?

    Does it seem of high quality (number of unresolved defects, end user blogs, architectural clarity etc)?


  • 即时资讯其他所有资讯信息一样有价值我们希望也囊括我们搜索结果中。

    Real time information is just as valuable as all the other information, we want it included in our search results.


  • 包括拥有质量照片及时更新的资讯这些信息应该可以直接反映特定渠道细分市场情况。

    This includes high quality pictures and up to date information which directly reflect the market segment most likely to book through each particular channel.


  • 欢迎来到资讯纷乱时代大多数而言,信息丰足犹如洪水般袭来,使我们数据洪流中扑腾,不敢轻易判断大多数信息可信度

    And welcome to the age of information confusion: for many of us, that abundance feels more like a deluge, drowning us in a torrent of data, much of whose trustworthiness we can't easily judge.


  • 我们希望看到更多信息准确内容扎实,娱乐性强新闻报道还有更多适合网上发布资讯

    We would like to see them put out accurate, informative, entertaining news and information. We would also love to see them produce content that works really well on the Web.


  • 根据不同新闻网站来源信息来判断哪些文章比较热门的;这种模式的好处是,不会阅读任何“无价值”的新闻文章,而且无论何时,您总能阅读到最新的主流资讯

    It determines what is popular based on the volume of articles from different news sites; making sure that you don’t read any ‘fluff’ content and stick to the main articles at any moment in time.


  • 处理资讯超载问题上,最棘手莫过于信息搜索

    One of the toughest times to deal with information overload is when you're researching something.


  • 资讯超载一部分取决于人们无法区分重要信息无关紧要信息

    Part of the problem with information overload has to do with a person's inability to distinguish between what's important and what's not.


  • 话说,信息灵通消费者留心各种资讯,也会查证各种有误导作用的谣传。

    In other words, well-informed consumers watch for information and check for misinformation.


  • 而且垃圾信息制造者们已经学会如何利用简单关键词匹配原理,这样一来,用户通过关键词搜索所找到资讯质量就会进一步下降。

    Also spammers have learned to capitalize on simple keyword matching so this further dilutes the quality of content you can find via keywords.


  • 大陆航空已重新设置起飞前的信息包括最新品牌资讯更多旅行相关报价,以及更多旅游目的地线路详情),并通过电子邮件自动发送给客户。

    The airline redesigned its automated pre-flight messages to include updated branding elements, more relevant offers, and more details about the travel destination and itinerary.


  • 具有数据广播功能可以免费收看新闻资讯以及涉农气象科技农贸综合信息服务

    Six is a data broadcast function, can free watch news information and agricultural meteorology, science and technology, and farmer comprehensive information service.


  • 但是,计算机算法与人解读新闻资讯方式并不相同,它们需要叙事形式、甚至可以不通过语句的形式来传递信息

    They don’t need their information delivered in the form of a storyor even in sentences.


  • 可以继续注重我们以便您可以一时间内获取更多资讯信息

    You can also continue to pay attention to us, so that you can get more information in the first.


  • 另外一个提供定位资讯的网站Yelp上,用户可以就近目的地信息进行筛选,选择最近热门的美术馆酒吧餐厅

    On Yelp, another location-based app, nearby destinations are also rated by users, and you can choose the most popular gallery or bar or restaurant closest to where you are standing.


  • 很久很久以前(说不定哪一我们就会这样告诉我们孩子),我们去音像店音乐广播音乐,在杂志上了解音乐信息,在电视的音乐资讯节目上看MV。

    Once upon a time (as we might one day tell our children) we bought music in record stores, listened to it on the radio, read about it in magazines and watched it on Top Of The Pops.


  • 篇文章开始另一个信息栏目资讯持有提升星相关联原型动力学自然界王国带来。

    This article begins another section of information from the nature kingdoms that are holding the archetypal dynamics associated with the new astrology for ascension.


  • 此外,798艺术中心还兼具798艺术信息集散地功能游客可了解到798艺术区内最新展览资讯以及798所走过艺术历程

    Moreover, 798 art center with the functions of information distribution center of 798 art Zone can supply the latest exhibition information and the art history of 798 art Zone for the visitors.


  • 而休整年则一个获取真实远景资讯理想机会无论已经获取了信息还是你即将前往下一步的基础上。

    A gap year is the ideal opportunity to obtain genuine perspective, both in terms of what you've achieved so far and where you want to go next.


  • 现在国内二手车网站主要信息资讯类网站。

    At present two handcart website of home basically is information kind with information kind website.


  • 在这里可以记录生活点滴获取资讯记录成长或者传统短信那样发送私信自己信息好友分享

    Here, you can record Entertainment, access to information, records of growth or, as the traditional text messages to send private messages that their information will be Shared with friends.


  • 在这里可以记录生活点滴获取资讯记录成长或者传统短信那样发送私信自己信息好友分享

    Here, you can record Entertainment, access to information, records of growth or, as the traditional text messages to send private messages that their information will be Shared with friends.


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