• 例如如果项目遭到资深员工的反对,那就老前辈辩护。

    If your project is being resisted, for example, by a group of veteran employees, ask another old-timer to speak up for it.


  • 资深议员观点受到广泛尊重

    He is a veteran parliamentarian whose views enjoy widespread respect.


  • 这次聚会沃伦·巴克利特纳组织,他是资深儿童互动媒体评论家

    The gathering was organized by Warren Buckleitner, a longtime reviewer of interactive children's media.


  • 皮瑞尔曼是资深评论家,曾一些毫无意义文章拼凑在一起骗过了评分软件了他高分,这多次引起了全国注意

    One longtime critic, Les Perelman, has drawn national attention several times for putting together nonsense essays that have fooled software grading programs into giving high marks.


  • 资深人士表示:“对冲基金过去个人拿着手电筒,偏僻的小巷里建立起来的。”

    "Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashlight," says one veteran.


  • 与此同时了解到,资深金融家、富时指数(FTSE)成份股公司的前董事长,仍旧秘书把发给邮件打印出来阅读——然后秘书口述回复邮件的内容。

    Meanwhile, I know a senior financier, an ex-chair of a FTSE company, who still has his secretary print out his e-mails for him to read so he can then dictate replies for her to e-mail back.


  • 这个项目的负责人安妮,她是圣马丁艺术设计学院资深研究人员时装设计师已经这种新材料用于设计服装中。

    The project is being led by Suzanne Lee, a senior research fellow and designer at Central Saint Martins College of art and design, who has already used the material to make clothes.


  • 马格努斯资深观察家见证市场几度起伏。

    Mr Magnus is a veteran observer who has seen a few market cycles.


  • 这时教练怒火冲天拿出纸文书,表示一资深裁判曾在上星期的比赛中,允许球员带着护具出场。

    The player's furious manager then produces a letter from a more senior referee, who had passed the cast the previous week.


  • 收到卢卡·斯坦科,Opera合作项目资深成员(年前ZEUS实验有所合作)关于上文的一份评论

    I received a comment on this piece from Luca Stanco, a senior member of the Opera collaboration (who also worked on the ZEUS experiment with me several years ago).


  • 所有人希望美国俄罗斯能改善关系,因为能给我们喘息空间资深政客如此说道

    Nobody dislikes the idea of better American relations with Russia: it gives us breathing space, says a senior politician in the region.


  • 最近资深夏山人参加了伦敦东部研讨会

    She recently took part, along with an old Summerhillian, in a workshop in East London.


  • 资深零售执行官供货商谈判中,准备购买供货商的股份

    A senior retail executive says that in negotiations with suppliers he is now ready to offer to buy their shares.


  • 无论倡议意图多么友善自民党人都为之一资深自民党表示,在克莱格先生旗下,自民党非常担心失去独立性这样协议将会绞杀

    Lib Dems were appalled by Mr Boles's offer, however kindly meant: the party is so frightened of losing its independence under Mr Clegg that such a pact would "kill" him, says a senior member.


  • 同时美国资深外交官劝人们不要认为希尔这次去会提出更加温和核查条件

    At the same time, a senior U.S. diplomat discouraged the notion Hill was ready to propose softer inspection terms.


  • 同时美国资深外交官劝人们不要认为希尔这次去会提出更加温和核查条件

    At the same time, a senior U. s. diplomat discouraged the notion Hill was ready to propose softer inspection terms.


  • 资深共和党人士墨西哥州谈到选择有损于麦凯恩富有经验形象,而这一直整个夏季选战中心

    A veteran Republican I spoke to in New Mexico said that her choice undermined John McCain's message of experience, which had been the central argument of his campaign all summer.


  • 菲亚特资深管理人突然任命负责克莱斯勒品牌

    A Fiat veteran was parachuted in to take charge of the Chrysler brand.


  • 资深安全官员26死亡75人受伤

    A senior provincial security officer said 26 people were killed and 75 wounded.


  • 野生动物纪录片坚称在片中的所见所闻都真实的资深环境纪录片工作者在新书中写道,事实并非总是如此。

    Wildlife documentaries come with the promise that what you're seeing and hearing is genuine - but that's not always the case, according to a new book by a veteran environmental filmmaker.


  • 资深人士表示,1992年汇丰银行总部迁往伦敦相对比较容易因为当时银行主要外籍人员运转他们习惯流动式的工作生活

    When HSBC transferred its HQ to London in 1992, says one veteran, it was relatively easy because the firm was still run by expatriate staff who were used to leading nomadic lives.


  • 爆出关于此事发生传闻的,维奇·沃德美国记者非常资深的员工-资深的员工”已经证实了此事

    Following rumours that the incident had occurred, Vicki Ward, a US journalist, said "two very senior sources - one incredibly senior source" had confirmed it to her.


  • 正如参与援助计划讨论资深谈判代表所言希腊单一货币区域的一员,实际上却游离统一市场之外。

    As one senior negotiator in the bail-out talks laments, Greece is part of the single-currency area even though it has managed in effect to stay out of the single market.


  • 正如参与援助计划讨论资深谈判代表所言希腊单一货币区域的一员,实际上却游离统一市场之外。

    As one senior negotiator in the bail-out talks laments, Greece is part of the single-currency area even though it has managed in effect to stay out of the single market.


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